Filed/Paid/Adjusted Statistical Report

With the Filed/Paid/Adjusted Statistical Report function, you can print a report of the insurance charges that were filed, paid, and adjusted for a specified month.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Beginning Plan Code Type the code you want to start with, select from the Plan Code list, or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table.   3
Ending Plan Code Type the code you want to end with, select from the Plan Code list, or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table.   3
Insurance Class Type the code you want, select from the Insurance Class list, or leave the field blank to include all codes in the table.   5
Begin with Carrier Type the code you want to begin with, click the magnifying glass to search the table, or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table.   5
End with Carrier Type the code you want to end with, click the magnifying glass to search the table, or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table.   5
Detail or Summary Select the option to print the report in detailed or summary format. 1
Month for Report Type the month you want in MM-YYYY format. This field defaults to the current month and year. 7

Sample Report
The report is sorted first by plan code, then by each individual insurance carrier under each plan code. This report skips any carrier that does not have an attached plan code. If you want carriers that do not have plan codes attached to them, then you must specify the beginning plan code as zero. When printed in Detail format this report also includes: the plan code and name, insurance carrier code and name within each plan code, and the amount filed, paid and adjusted for each carrier during the month selected and year-to-date. Monthly and year-to-date totals also print. A subtotal prints for each plan, as well as a grand total of all the plans combined.