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Print Statement Register

With the Print Statement Register function, you can print a report that lists every patient that you sent a statement to. You should print this report each time statements are sent so you will have a hard copy record of the statements just mailed.

This report can be:
Upon accessing this function you will need to specify the criteria for the statement register you would like to print.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Print Register for Date Type the date you want or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
From Patient Type the name/number you want to start with or leave the field blank to start with the first account.   20
Thru Patient Type the name/number you want to end with or leave the field blank to end with the last account.   20

Sample Report
The information included on the report is: the guarantor number and name, the billing group, the previous balance that appeared on the statement, the ending balance that appeared on the statement, the patient balance owing that appeared on the statement, the previous statement date, and the date of any previous (last) payment made on the account. The total amount billed, the total patient balance amount billed, and the total number of statements printed will reflect at the end of the report.