Chrome, Edge and Windows 11

For detailed Information about the availability of using Chrome, Edge and Windows 11, you can review the April monthly communication (below) and the release note in the v2022.2.0 release note document. We have also placed a notice in the update banner on your CGM webPRACTICE Launch page, informing you that you have the option to use Google Chrome as soon as the v2022.2.0 update is installed. This does not mean that you must convert to Chrome or Edge, but we do recommend you consider doing so to ensure you continue to receive proper support.


Release Dates


Release Note

Using Google Chrome with CGM webPRACTICE

Effective May 25, 2022, you will be able to use either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (in addition to Internet Explorer 11) and use Windows® 11 with CGM webPRACTICE. Prior to using Chrome, you will need to review the Configuring Google Chrome Settings document, in CGM webPRACTICE Help under Knowledge Tree > Technical Documents (available on May 3, 2022) to perform three settings and learn about the functionality changes.


April 2022 communication