Create PC-Immunize Data

With the Create PC-Immunize Data function, you can create the files required for the PC-Immunize software.

NOTE: Your practice must be enrolled in your state's immunization information exchange agency before you use the PC-Immunize function. The following information refers to the immunization software and process used in the state of Arizona and may vary slightly for other states.

The Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS) requires two types of files. The first file contains patient demographic data and the second file contains the immunization information. This function is designed to use the CPT code range of '86580 - 90750', when creating files, as required by ASIIS.

Review the PC-Immunize File History before creating the files to ensure that consistent date ranges are used.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Date Type the date you want the file to begin with or click the calendar icon to select a date. This field defaults to the current date. Since this process is typically performed on a monthly basis, the date range is generally four weeks of activity. 10
End with Date Type the date you want the end to begin with or click the calendar icon to select a date. This field defaults to the current date. Since this process is typically performed on a monthly basis, the date range is generally four weeks of activity. 10

The PC-Immunize programs are designed so you can perform the 'create' function from within a single database. If your practice uses multiple databases, indicate in the PC-Immunize Integration screen to create files for the applicable databases. The files will automatically be created for every database indicated within the integration screen.

All posted transactions are scanned for the specified date range to determine if any immunizations were posted and create the required files. The 'create' process is performed in the background, which means the function runs independently and you do not have to stay in this function until it is complete. You can periodically check the status of the 'create' process using the PC-Immunize File History function. If the File Name column shows 'Creating' instead of a file name, then the create process in not complete. Exit the function and wait a few minutes before checking again.

After the files have finished creating, they are saved in the ASIIS directory on the same hard drive that CGM webPRACTICE is installed on. For example, C:\ASIIS or D:\ASIIS. Typically, CGM webPRACTICE and ASIIS are installed on the same server and the ASIIS software is set up to automatically look in the ASIIS folder to locate the data files.

If the ASIIS software was not installed on the same server as CGM webPRACTICE, you need to copy the two files from the CGM webPRACTICE server to the server containing the ASIIS software.

You can send the files to ASIIS using the PC-Immunize software. Contact ASIIS directly for any support needed with transmitting files. CGM webPRACTICE customer service is not able to assist you with the ASIIS software or transmission process.

If no immunizations were posted during the specified date range, there will not be any data to capture, and the message 'No data for specified range of dates' will display. When this occurs, the PC-Immunize File History indicates that this process created an empty file.

If you need to re-transmit any files to ASIIS, you need to review the PC-Immunize File History to find the specific date range used when the original files were created and then re-create those files and transmit them.