New Patient/Follow-Up Reports

The New Patient/Follow-Up Reports menu provides functions for printing single sorted or double sorted reports of either new patients or return patients that have had activity on their account during the time frame specified.

The new patient report will generate a list of all the new patients added to the practice during the time frame selected. The follow-up report will generate a list of patients that returned for follow-up care during the time frame selected.

An account is included in the new patient reports if the first visit for the patient, for the earliest date of service posted, falls within the specified date range. An account is included in the follow-up reports if there are posted charges after the first date of service posted to the account, that fall within the specified date range. Each 'follow-up' visit after the first date of service posted to the account (within the specified date range) will be counted on the reports.

You can also print these reports from the Reports menu.