Maintain Patient Recalls

With the Maintain Patient Recalls function, you can add, change, or delete patient recall information.

Upon accessing this function, you must first select a patient. If there are any previously stored recalls on the patient account, the Recall Summary screen lists them. You can edit, print, delete, or review a recall in detail, by selecting it. To select a recall, click anywhere on the row containing the recall information. To add a new recall record, click Add a Recall in the Action Column.

A date displays in the Printed column showing when a recall card, label, or listing has been printed for the recall record.

If the patient account does not contain any stored recalls, the Maintain Recall screen displays containing blank data fields for entering a new recall record.
NOTE: If you enter a recall with a duplicate recall date, a 'Recall already exists for this date' message displays. You must edit the existing recall or change the date on the new recall.

Delete a Recall
Select a recall record from the Recall Summary screen. To delete the record, click Delete in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Prompt Response Req Len
Recall Date Type the approximate date the patient needs to return or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Recall Type Type the Recall Type code you want or select from the Recall Type list. 5
Doctor Type the Doctor Code the patient should see or select from the Doctor Code list. 3
Date Entered The date will default to the current date otherwise click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Reason for Recall The description for the recall type code will default otherwise type the reason the patient needs to return.   40
Additional Comments Type the number of minutes required for the visit.   40
Minutes Required Type the number of minutes required for the visit.   3
Recall Closed If you are adding a new recall, leave this check box blank.

If you are editing an existing recall and want to close it because the patient has scheduled an appointment for this recall, select this check box.

Recalls can also be closed in the Enter Patient Appointments / Inquiry functions if you select the recall and click Mark as Worked.