7.4.0 Update Release Notes 04-05-11

List of Programming Corrections and Additions

Please note and complete (where applicable) the ***Action Required*** items to ensure that your system functions properly with the updated version. It is also mandatory that you review the training materials available on the Knowledge Tree in Release Notes\CGM webPRACTICE\Version 7.4 Release.

As with all service packs and updates, for all new menu functionality, you must go to Model User Menus to activate the new menus for the users that you want to have access to those menus. You must also go to Change Function Security and set the security level that you want on the new menus.

5010 Electronic Claims

To assist in meeting Level I Compliance for the HIPAA 5010 ERRATA Electronic Claims requirements, numerous changes have been made. These changes are in preparation for you to begin sending 5010 claims, although full 5010 functionality will not be available until the release of 7.4.1. Claims are still being sent in 4010 format. The certification process for HIPAA 5010 ERRATA claims will begin on a payer by payer basis with the release of version 7.4.1. In version 7.4.1, we will be sending 4010 claims and will send 5010 claims as we become certified with each payer. This will ensure meeting the 5010 submission requirement deadline of January 1, 2012.

***Action Required*** You should review all tables and menus where fields have been added to ensure that the correct information exists in these fields for your claims.

The specific noticeable 5010 changes are as follows:
Meaningful Use

To meet Meaningful Use requirements the following changes have been made:




Managed Care






