7.1.0 Update Release Notes
Updates and Enhancements
NetPracticePM and Text version
System Conventions:
- Starting NetPracticePM - The NetPracticePM Startup window was changed so that it will always start up as a full screen eliminating the need to continually re-size it.
- Date Fields are now selected (highlighted) in every NetPracticePM window eliminating the need to highlight the date prior to changing it.
- A new Defaults icon has been added throughout many of the data entry screens in NetPracticePM. Clicking on the Defaults icon in the lower right corner of the screen allows you to set Default Values, Fixed Values, and make certain fields be Required for your practice. Once values have been stored for a particular data entry screen, they can be modified using the Defaults, Fixed, and Requireds function located in System, Database Maintenance Menu.
- Patient Look-up - Patient Identifier and Check Number were added to expand the search capabilities. The Patient Identifier field is stored in the Patient Name and Address screen and the Check Number is stored during Payment Entry if the Check Number field is completed.
- Table Search Results - The number of columns to display anytime a magnifying glass is clicked on to Search a Table has been increased to allow all possible fields to be displayed. The different fields for each Table are selected using the Search Integration in the System, Database Maintenance Menu.
- Table List Boxes - Throughout NetPracticePM, many of the Table List Boxes have been modified to a Split List box. The Split List box contains two fields. The first is a Text box that allows you to type in the Table code, if you already know it and the second is the standard List box that allows you to display the available Table codes and select one. This was done to facilitate a more keyboard driven method of using NetPracticePM. The Tables that typically contain large quantities of codes have the magnifying glass to Search versus the standard list box arrow (i.e. Insurance Carriers, Diagnosis, Procedures).
- Cache Cube on the Server - A username and password are now required in order to access these functions - Studio, Explorer, Control Panel and Configuration Manager.
- Internal Cache System Journals - Enhancements were made that will increase overall system performance and drastically reduce the size of the Internal Cache System Journals.
User Desktop:
- Session Information - NetPracticePM only - The Server's IP Address has been added to the information displayed when you click on NetPracticePM 7.1 in the top left corner.
- Practice Vitals Dashboard - NetPracticePM only - Designed to provide a snapshot view of vital practice data. Access to this information is provided if Allow Practice Vitals has been checked in the System, User Management, Maintain Users function.
- Tasks - NetPracticePM only - You now have the ability to Reassign a task, Edit the text of assigned tasks, Delete tasks you assigned to yourself, and Print an individual task.
- Calendar - A Task can now be copied to a user's personal Calendar if they have checked Show Tasks on Calendar in the System, User Management, Maintain Users function.
- Rollodex - Updated to show both the Patient's home phone number and cell number.
- Cue Cards - NetPracticePM only - If a Cue Card has a Website or File attached to it (please see Managed Care, Cue Card Management Functions in the release notes), links will appear at the bottom of the Cue Card allowing you to access the website or file while the cue card is displayed on the Desktop.
- Help - NetPracticePM only - Folders for Release Notes have been added, containing notes for versions 7.0.0 and forward.
- Support - NetPracticePM only - The Support tool provides direct access to CGM' On-Line Support Center (OSC).
- Print Exception Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - The edit check to restrict the Potomac-Pacificare policy number to eleven (11) digits has been removed.
- Print Transmission File and Print Transmission Journal (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Printing Options) - Both reports now show the Provider Number and Group Number of the Insurance Doctor.
- Print Transmission File - The report will now print all the Diagnosis codes entered for each procedure, it is no longer limited to printing one code.
- Print Trans History Summary (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Printing Options) - The report has been enhanced allowing you to print for a date range if desired.
- Update Confirmation Report Inquiry (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, File Maintenance, Update Confirmation Report Inquiry) - Now allows you to select the Electronic Form Type from a list box.
- List Patients by Carrier Batch Number (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, File Maintenance, List Patients by Carrier Batch Number) - This new function allows you to display, by Electronic Form Type which patients were included in a given batch in the transmission file.
- Insurance Pend Reports (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Insurance Management Reports) - These reports have been modified to no longer display procedures that have been Refiled after they were originally Pended.
- Print Patient Statements - If the patient statements are printed to disk, NetPracticePM will display the message Your statement run is complete once all the statements have been created. This eliminates the need to continually check the System Status (System, System Operations Menu, List the System Status) to ensure the process is complete before proceeding to Load the statement file for processing.
- Statement Register - A DMS list can now be created when you print this report. This allows you to create a DMS list for a selected date and then reprint statements if needed using the DMS list. The report has also been enhanced to print the Total Patient Balance Amount at the end of the report.
- Send Statements to CGM - History function - After selecting a statement file in the History file selection screen for Viewing, Re-Transferring, etc., the user is returned to the History file selection screen. Previously the user was taken back to the NetPracticePM Billing Menus.
- Print Confirmation Report - NetPracticePM confirmations are now be split by Database, if applicable. The filenames have been modified to show the database number (i.e.: 050223a_2 = YYMMDD file counter_database number).
- UB92's will now print with more than 1 secondary carrier when applicable.
- Populate Collection Roster - This function has been enhanced so the first time this function is run, it will automatically create the Collection's database if it has not already been created.
- Print Collection Letter Labels - The labels were modified to contain the Guarantor's information instead of the Patient's information, if they are not the same.
Managed Care:
- Maintain Cue Cards - New functionality has been added to link Files and associated Websites to Cue Cards.
- Delete Historical Authorizations (Managed Care, Authorization Tracking) - Each time this function is run it now stores the User Code for the employee that ran it and the Date it was run. This information can be accessed by viewing the Deletion of Historical Authorizations category in the System Log located in System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-Up Functions.
- New Patient E-mails - You can create a DMS or Rich Text e-mail letter to automatically be e-mailed to any patient that is Registered through Patient, Patient Registration or Quick Registered through Scheduling, Enter Appointments. You must first setup the E-mail Integration in System, Database Maintenance. NetPracticePM will send the e-mail to the Guarantor's e-mail address and if one isn't entered it will be sent to the Patient's e-mail address. An Image will be created for every e-mail sent and placed in the E-mail folder located in Image Management (Patient, Change Patient Data, Images or System, Image Management, View Images) Please Note: If a Rich Text document is used, Images should not be inserted into the document as they will not transfer through the e-mail. Please see the Reports, Rich Text Editor section in the release notes for additional information.
- Patient Name and Address screen - Has four new fields; Patient Identifier, Language, Race and Primary Care Doctor. The Patient Identifier field allows you to store an additional number to identify patients. This field has also been added to the Patient Look-up area. Please Note: To accommodate the new fields, this screen was reorganized and while it was necessary for space reasons to remove the check marks next to the Last and First name fields, they are still required fields.
- Patient Name and Address screen - The State Code table has been updated and now includes codes for the Armed Forces. In addition, the Birth Date field will automatically set the century to 1900 if only two digits are entered for the year, and the year is later than the current year (i.e., enter 06-25-58). NetPracticePM will display the message Cannot have future Birth Date. Century has been set to 1900.
- Patient Registration - If the Rel to Guarantor field is set to Same and an e-mail address was entered on the Patient Name and Address screen, it will automatically carry over to the E-mail field on the Guarantor screen now.
- Transaction History Review (Patient, Review Patient Information, History) - A Total Charges field has been added to the bottom of the screen and a Date of Service Look-up feature has been added. Once you have typed in the desired dates in the From and Thru Date fields, click Refresh in the Action column to update the screen. Please Note: If you are using the Date of Service Look-up, the summary totals at the bottom are only for the date range selected.
- Detailed Ledger View in Transaction History Review (Patient, Review Patient Information, History) - The new Ledger - Detailed view shows everything the standard Ledger Display view does but also shows the Performing (PDr)/Insurance (IDr) Doctor codes for each procedure and breaks down the Account Balance into Insurance and Patient balance columns.
- Printing Transaction History Review (Patient, Review Patient Information, History, Print) - The Print function in the Action Column has been updated and will print the patient's account number at the top of each page.
- Images (Patient, Change Patient Data, Images) - The ability to Copy or Delete any Patient, Guarantor, or Insurance Policy image from within this function has been added. To delete images contained under the Image Management section, you must use the View Images function located in System, Image Management.
- Insurance Policy Images (Patient, Change Patient Data, Insurance) - Images can now be Acquired for new insurance policies prior to the policy getting Saved.
- Hospitalization Information- (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS, HOSP) - The Room number field has been increased to ten characters.
- HIPAA Information- (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS, HIPAA) - The Date Notice of Privacy Practices signed and Date Disclosure of Health Info signed fields are no longer required entries.
- Alerts Screen - (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS, Alerts) - Whenever this screen is displayed, it has been updated to include the date the Alert was originally entered after each entry.
- Contact Information Screen (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS, Contact Information) - A new screen has been added that allows you to store additional Contact Information on patient accounts (i.e. Emergency Contact person).
- Add Financial Account for Patient - Users can define the Financial Account Number now if they choose.
- Patient Referral/Pre-registration - A field has been added for the patient's Middle Initial.
- Maintain Patient Recalls - A Recall Closed field was added allowing you to indicate the Recall is no longer active once the patient has made the appointment for this Recall. Once a Recall has been closed, it will no longer print on the Patient Recall Listing nor will any Cards or Letters print. Please Note: This field was actually released in a previous Service Pack inadvertently and is included here for documentation purposes.
- Print Recall Cards/Letters and Print Recall Labels (Patient, Patient Recall Menu) - These functions were enhanced allowing you to print for a single Doctor, a range of Doctors, or for all Doctors.
- Alphabetic and Numeric Patient Listings (Patient, Patient Listings) - Both of these reports have been enhanced to print to Excel. These reports are also available under the Reports, Patient Listings menu.
- Sorted Patient Listing Reports (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) - Many of these reports can now be printed to Excel. The reports included are: Default Diagnosis, Default Location, Billing Group, Referral Source, Responsible Doctor, Zip Code, and Fee Schedule. These reports are also available under the Reports, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients menu.
- List of Patients by Patient Class (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) - A new menu function to print based on the Patient Class field has been added. This report is also available under the Reports, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients menu.
- New Patient/Follow-Up Report by Zip Code (Patient, Patient Listings, New Patient/Follow-Up Reports) - A new menu function to print based on the Zip Code field has been added. This report is also available under the Reports, Patient Listings, New Patient/Follow-Up Reports menu.
- Rich Text Editor (RTE) (Reports, DMS Letter Processor) - NetPracticePM only - This function allows you to create Microsoft Word quality documents directly within NetPracticePM. You can Insert Images, Create Tables, Format Text (bold, underline, italics) and Insert all the standard DMS Data Elements. Prior to creating RTE documents, you must set the DMS Integration function in System, Database Maintenance to Rich Text. Please Note: All Rich Text documents must be printed using the Print Here printer option.
- DMS Letter Processor - Additional data elements have been added. They include: all Scheduling Appointment fields, all categories for Insurance and Patient Aging, Patient Balance and Insurance Balance, Primary and Secondary Insurance Carriers, Patient Cell phone, Account Total Aging, Patient Total Aging, Insurance Total Aging, Collection Status, Collection Balance, Surgery Date, Surgery Postop End, and Surgery Postop Days. A Future Appointment data element has also been added. This only needs to be entered in the document one time and it will display ALL future appointments for the patients reflecting the day, date, and time. (i.e.: Monday, 6/14/2004 at 8:20A). Text users only - The new field names are: FUT for Future Appointment, SURD for Surgery Date, SURE for Surgery Postop End, DAYS for Surgery Postop Days - These should all be typed within double brackets when entered into documents.
- Print a Mass Mailing (Reports, DMS Letter Processor, Print a Mass Mailing) - NetPracticePM only - This function existed in NetPracticePM version 6 and has been converted to now work in version 7.1. This allows you to print letters for multiple patients or a single patient based on a DMS list. It has also been enhanced allowing you to print Microsoft Word letters and Rich Text Documents. To print Word documents, you would first create a DMS letter and enter the path and filename of the Word document in the Description field. The Word document must be saved in the C:\LETTERS\ directory, with the datasoure file attached to it, on the workstation that is using this function.
- Open Credit Report - Two new prompts allow you to select whether to print just the Patient balances or the Insurance balances, or both types of balances on the report.
- Aged Accounts Receivable Reports - The standard reports can now be printed using DMS Lists and can also be printed to Excel. The reports included are: Alphabetic, Numeric, Billing Group, Responsible Dr, Performing Dr, Location, Default Location, and Procedure Code.
- Patient Balance Aged Accounts Receivable Reports - Two new functions have been added allowing you to print the Aged Accounts Receivable by Patient Balance either Alphabetically or Numerically. Both of these reports can be printed using a DMS list and will be enhanced in a future update to allow printing to Excel.
- Summary Aged A/R Reports (Reports, Aged Accounts Receivable Reports) - All the Summary reports can now be printed using a DMS list.
- Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - Three enhancements have been made. 1. The report will now print the Equivalent Procedure code (if entered) instead of the Actual Procedure code, when Transaction Detail has been selected. 2. Pended charges are now included in the report. 3. If your system is set to Family Billing, any DMS NOTES entered for all the family members will now be included on the report.
- Missing Superbill Report - Is now accessible under the menu function Reports, Transaction Journals, in addition to Transactions, Transaction Journals and Schedule, Schedule Printing Menu.
- Print Edited Transaction Journal (Reports, Transaction Journals) - This report used to be located under Transactions, Transaction Journals and was moved to the Reports section because it was designed to be used as a management tool and belongs with the other management reports. The report has also been enhanced and the Performing Doctor column was modified to include the Insurance Doctor. The column displays the Performing Doctor code then the Insurance Doctor Code - (P/I).
- Detailed Procedure Analysis (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis) - All these reports now include Paid and Adjusted amounts and two new menu functions to print based on the Default Location and Zip Code have been added.
- Sorted Procedure Analysis by Doctor (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis, Sorted Procedure Analysis Reports, Sorted Procedure Analysis by Doctor) - Two new menu functions to print based on the Default Location and Zip Code have been added.
- Sorted Procedure Analysis by Location (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis, Sorted Procedure Analysis Reports, Sorted Procedure Analysis by Location) - A new menu function to print based on the Zip Code has been added.
- Detailed Diagnosis Analysis (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Diagnosis Analysis) - All these reports now include Paid and Adjusted amounts and a new menu function to print based on the Default Location has been added.
- Productivity Analysis Report (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports) - A new menu function to print based on the Responsible Doctor has been added.
- Comparative Productivity Analysis Report (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports, Comparative Productivity Reports) - Two new menu functions to print the reports based on the Responsible Doctor and Modifier have been added.
- Sorted Productivity Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports, Sorted Productivity Analysis Reports, Sorted Productivity by Location and by Performing Dr) - A new menu function to print based on the Responsible Doctor has been added.
- Payment Analysis Report (Reports, Statistical Reports, Payment Analysis Reports) - Two new menu functions to print based on the Responsible Doctor and Modifier have been added.
- Sorted Payment Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Payment Analysis Reports, Sorted Payment Analysis Reports, Sorted Payment by Location and by Performing Dr) - Two new menu functions to print the reports based on the Responsible Doctor and Modifier have been added.
- Comparative Payment Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Payment Analysis Reports, Comparative Payment Analysis Reports) - Two new menu functions to print the reports based on the Responsible Doctor and Modifier have been added.
- Adjustment Analysis Report (Reports, Statistical Reports, Adjustment Analysis Reports) - A new menu function to print based on the Responsible Doctor has been added.
- Sorted Adjustment Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Adjustment Analysis Reports, Sorted Adjustment Analysis Reports, Sorted Adjustment by Location and by Performing Dr) - A new menu function to print based on the Responsible Doctor has been added.
- Summary Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Reports) These reports have been enhanced and changed to a new columnar format. Two new prompts have also been added allowing you to select Summary Only and print based on a Procedure Code List. There are also three new sort options available, allowing you to print by: Insurance Doctor, Patient Class, or Referral Source.
- Sorted Collection Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Collection Analysis Reports, Sorted Collection Analysis Reports) - New double-sorted reports have been added. They may first be sorted by either Performing Doctor or Location and then sorted using the standard sub-sorts.
- RVS Productivity Report (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports, RVS Productivity Report) - This report can now be printed to Excel.
- Corporate Analysis Reports (Reports, Corporate Reports) - New Productivity, Payment, and Adjustment Analysis reports have been added that are designed for Corporate practices that have multiple databases.
- Enter Patient Appointments - NetPracticePM only - When you hover over a patient appointment, the Reason for Visit will be displayed. Please Note: this is for the All Doctors/One Day (columnar) view only.
- Enter Patient Appointments - If you select a patient that is currently in a Post-op period, NetPracticePM will now display a message notifying you.
- Enter Patient Appointments - NetPracticePM only - If a dark color is selected for a Type of Visit code, the list box has been modified to display white text instead of black when scheduling a patient appointment.
- Print Scheduling Views (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Print) - NetPracticePM only - A Print function has been added to the Action Column allowing users to print the different Scheduling Views. Please Note: Print is not available for the 30 day/month-at-a-glance scheduling view. If you plan to print the Schedule View in color, you must turn on background color printing in Internet Explorer (IE) first. To do this: from the IE menu bar, click on Tools, select Internet Options, click on the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Printing section and click in the checkbox to select Print background colors and images, click OK.
- Resource Panel Scheduling (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - NetPracticePM only - This function eliminates the need to schedule multiple appointments individually and saves large quantities of time for your scheduling staff. Prior to using this function, Resource Panel Codes need to be created using the Maintain Resource Panel Codes function located in Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Resource Panel Table.
- Multi-Scan (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Multi-Scan) - NetPracticePM only - This function is used in conjunction with Resource Panel Scheduling and allows you to scan for multiple Resources at one time and then book the appointments for each Resource simultaneously.
- Resource Assignment (Schedule, Resource Assignment) - This function allows you to tie a Doctor to a specific Resource in the schedule, at a specific Location.
- Fast Rebook (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Fast Rebook) - This function allows you to Rebook an appointment for multiple dates at one time.
- Wait List (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Wait List) - If a patient schedules an appointment and requests to also be placed on the Wait List, NetPracticePM now automatically deletes the Wait List entry if the original appointment is used.
- Wait List (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Wait List) - If an appointment is moved to the Wait List that was originally scheduled using a Resource Panel, all the appointments for the different Resources will show up in the Wait List now.
- Patient Appointments linked to Cases - If an appointment was originally scheduled with a Case and the appointment gets Rescheduled or Rebooked, the Case will still be tied to it.
- Check In/Out Payment Journal (Schedule, Schedule Printing Menu, Check In/Out Payment Journal) - The payment column now indicates if the payment was a Co-pay or Paid on Account, as well as the Type of Payment - Cash, Check or Credit Card. This report is also accessible under the menu function Transactions, Transaction Journals, and Reports, Transaction Journals.
- Post No-Show Appointments - This function now allows you to select a specific Location, or if the field is left blank, it will post No-Show appointments for all Locations.
- Print a Document and Print Schedule Labels (Schedule, Schedule Printing Menu) - These new print functions were created to provide access to the Appointment Scheduling data for DMS documents (Rich Text or Plain), Word documents, and Scheduling Labels. There are multiple printing options available for these functions, which can be selected individually or a combination of options may be selected. Example: you can select to print for an individual patient or you could print for any patients that have appointments for a Group of doctors (or enter a range of Doctor Groups codes) within a Date range.
- Print a Letter (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Letter) - This function is the same as the Print a Document function only it allows you to print directly from within the schedule by clicking Letter in the Action column. The Letter function is only available for registered patients.
- Print a Document - Text users only - The function is accessed using SCH.PRT.DOC.
- Quick Registration - This function has been modified and will not allow you to Cancel prior to completing all the required fields now. The message You must complete this screen will display if you attempt to do so.
- Patient Referral/Pre-registration - A field has been added for the patient's Middle Initial and new functionality was added to automatically take the Phone Number entered in the Pre-Registration screen and add it to the appointment if one was not entered when the appointment was originally made.
- Doctor Groups (Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Group Code Table, Maintain Doctor Groups) - A Doctor can now be entered into more than one Doctor Group Code.
- Edit Doctor Schedules (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - On Call entries can now be saved within Templates.
- Add Same Day Schedules - A new prompt has been added allowing you to schedule Same Day Appointments for just a Specific Day of the week within the date range selected.
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This function has been updated to display the names of any Superbills created using the Superbill Wizard, as long as NP has been entered in the Scheduling System Integration located in System, Database Maintenance Menu.
- Patient Check In/Out Tracking Journal (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - NetPracticePM only - If the Patient Check In/Out function is utilized, this new report allows you to monitor the efficiency of your practice in handling patient flow.
- Patient Statistical Report (Scheduling, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This report has been updated allowing you to select whether or not to Include Resources when calculating the statistics.
- Edit Cancellation Journal (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - This new function allows you to Edit the Reason entered for appointments that were Rescheduled or Deleted when necessary.
- Scheduling Table Maintenance Review Functions - Review functions have been added to each Scheduling Table.
- Print Templates - Text users only - SCH.TBL.TEM.PRT was added allowing you to print out Templates.
- Superbill Form Wizard (System, Form Wizards) - NetPracticePM only - The Superbill Wizard has been designed to allow you to create superbills for in-house use quickly and of the same quality achieved using Microsoft Word and Excel, all from within NetPracticePM. It is no longer necessary to have Word and Excel installed on every workstation nor do you have to rely on your staff being proficient in both applications.
- Insurance Form Wizard (System, Form Wizards) - NetPracticePM only - The Insurance Form Wizard allows you to control the alignment and positioning of data that is printed on the insurance form. You no longer have to contact CGM each time to request data to be moved a space or two to the right or left.
- Database Maintenance Menu - All of the sub-menus have been alphabetized for easier access.
- Scheduling System Integration (System, Database Maintenance) - The Superbill Document prompt has been enhanced to accommodate NP, which is entered if a superbill created with the Superbill Wizard is being utilized.
- Maintain Users (System, User Management) - There is a new Support Site Administrator prompt which is utilized for CGM' Online Support Center (OSC). A Support Site Administrator will have access to a special menu function on CGM' OSC allowing them to select which functions each user in their office will have access to, when they are logged onto CGM' OSC.
- Change Database Parameters (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - Two new prompts have been added for Time Zone and Daylight Saving. The Time Zone prompt allows each database to be assigned to a particular time zone ensuring NetPracticePM is operating based on the local time. The Daylight Saving prompt is utilized when Daylight Savings is in effect. This functionality is designed for practices that have multiple databases set up for offices that may not reside in the same time zone.
- DMS Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - You now have the option to select the type of DMS Documents your office will utilize. Plain Text is the long-time DMS standard while Rich Text allows you to utilize the new Rich Text Editor. If you select Rich Text, the first time you access any existing document using the DMS Letter Processor it will automatically be converted to Rich Text.
- DMS Report Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - This function was previously named Database Management System Integration and was changed to DMS Report Integration as it represents the function's purpose more clearly. This function is used to indicate which reports should provide the functionality for DMS lists to be created.
- Defaults, Fixed and Required Fields (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - NetPracticePM only - This new function allows you to access data entry screens that have had values set for them using the Defaults icon. Please refer to the System Conventions release notes section for additional information.
- Service Pack Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - NetPracticePM only - This function allows the System Manager to Enable or Disable new Service Packs from being automatically installed. The standard default is set to Enable which ensures the latest programming corrections are automatically installed as soon as they become available. As long as Enable remains selected, a specific time can be entered for installing the Service Packs to prevent possible conflicts with system backups. Each time NetPracticePM performs the Task of checking for Service Packs, an entry is made under the System Tasks category in the System Log located in (System, File Maintenance, Look-up Functions). Please Note: if this function is Disabled, all Service Packs will have to be manually installed using the Install Update or Service Pack function located in System, Maintain Software Updates.
- Demographic Look-up (System, File Maintenance, Look-up Functions) - The display has been changed to show Before and After columns. In NetPracticePM the changes are indicated in Red text. Please Note: Text users only - the After column is displayed first with the Before column to the right of it - this is the exact opposite of NetPracticePM.
- System Log (System, File Maintenance, Look-up Functions) - NetPracticePM only - This new function provides the System Manager with a tool to access pertinent system information relating to many different categories within NetPracticePM (i.e.: Table changes, Batch Information, Logon information).
- Image Management Integrations (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - Transcriptions now have a designated path for entry into Image Management. The following four steps must be completed prior to using this function: 1. Create the Transcription directory on your NetPracticePM server. 2. Fill in the Transcription Directory field in the Image Management Integration screen with just the Drive letter and Transcription directory - (i.e., C:\Transcription\ ). Once Save is clicked, NetPracticePM will automatically create sub-folders in the Transcription directory for each database. This function only needs to be completed one time in any existing database on the server. 3. Contact your CGM' Customer Service Team and request they activate this function on your server. 4. Save your transcription files in the C:\Transcription\9999_1\ directory on your NetPracticePM server - replace 9999 with your CGM Client Number and the number 1 with your database number. Files must be named as AccountNumber_CCYYMMDD_Sequence number with any given extension (Sequence number is optional). The files will automatically be Linked to the corresponding patient account number listed in the file name and stored in the Transcription folder under Image Management on the patient's account.
- Copy and Delete Images (System, Image Management, View Images) - The ability to Copy and Delete Images contained under the Image Management section has been added.
- List the System Status and Restore/Kill a Job (System, System Operations Menu) - NetPracticePM only - If a user has accessed a patient's account or an appointment time slot in the schedule for editing, these Locked Files will now display on the screen for both of these functions. This allows the System Manager and CGM' Customer Service to troubleshoot issues when users state they are unable to access patient accounts or scheduling functions.
- NetCoder Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - NetPracticePM only - Two updates were added. Check Codes on Save allows you to select which users should automatically have Check Codes performed whenever Save is clicked in Procedure Entry. Re-order charges by RVU instructs NetPracticePM to automatically re-order the procedures in Procedure Entry to match the NetCoder Results page, if the procedures were re-ordered based on RVU values.
- Doctor Code Table - Three new fields have been added. A Status field allowing you to identify if the Provider is Full time, Part time, or None, a field to indicate if this is a Mid-Level Physician and a User Name field to indicate the NetPracticePM User code assigned to the doctor - The User Name field was created in preparation for future Task Management updates. The Doctor to Print on Insurance Forms prompt has also been changed to Default Insurance Doctor. This allows you to indicate which Doctor code you would like to automatically default for the Insurance Doctor field in Procedure Entry.
- Print RVS Schedule (Tables, Relative Value Schedule Table) - This report has been enhanced to print to Excel and a Work Units column has been added.
- RVS Schedule Unit Values (Tables, Relative Value Schedule Table) - This function has been enhanced to allow you to enter Non-Facility amounts as well as Facility amounts.
- Download RVS Unit Values (Tables, Relative Value Schedule Table) - This function will allow you to download the 2005 RVU schedule from the CGM' On-line Support Center (OSC).
- Maintain Fee Schedule Amounts (Tables, Fee Schedule Table) - This function has been enhanced allowing you to track not only Non-Facility Allowed and Alternate amounts, but also Facility Allowed and Alternate amounts.
- Download Fee Schedules (Tables, Fee Schedule Table) - This function will allow you to download fee schedules from the CGM' On-line Support Center (OSC).
- Location Code Table - This table has been enhanced and now allows you to indicate if a Location will utilize Facility or Non-Facility amounts.
- Referral Source Table - The Referral Source Code field has been increased to 6 characters, which allows you to use a UPIN for the code if desired.
- Task Type Table - This table is new and allows you to define different Types of Tasks. This table was created in preparation for future Task Management updates.
- Diagnosis Code Table - A NetMobile prompt has been added, which is only applicable to clients that have purchased NetMobile.
- Procedure Code Table - A NetMobile prompt has been added, which is only applicable to clients that have purchased NetMobile.
- Edit a Transaction - In the past, if the Billing Period had been Closed, the Transaction could not be edited unless the Billing Period was Re-Opened. This program was modified so the Billing Period could remain Closed and still allow the Transaction to be edited, with the exception of the Insurance Doctor, Performing Doctor and Location fields. A message will pop up stating Billing Period closed though MM-DD-YYYY, may need to re-run Statistics reports. Once you click OK to acknowledge the message, you can proceed with editing the transaction.
- Edit a Transaction - The Check Number field has been added and is now available to be edited for Payments if needed.
- Print Edited Transaction Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - This report was moved to the Reports, Transaction Journals section because it was designed to be used as a management tool and belongs with the other management reports.
- Unposted Procedures - NetPracticePM only - The screen display has been reorganized for more efficient user processing. In addition, you can Post multiple Unposted Procedures for multiple patients at one time, directly from this screen. Simply click on the checkboxes next to the desired patients and click Post. There are also two reports available within this function and both have been enhanced to print all the data fields displayed on the screen; the first is for Registered patients and the second is for New Patients. Upon accessing this function all the Registered patients that have Stored (unposted) Procedures are listed and can be printed by clicking Print in the Action column. The New Patients are displayed by clicking New Patients in the Action column, which will provide another Print function to display the un-registered patients. The Stored Procedures for New Patients cannot be displayed until the New Patients have been Registered and assigned an account number in NetPracticePM.
- Unposted Procedures - The program has also been enhanced to prevent the inadvertent deletion of Stored Procedures. If you click Cancel when the Stored Procedures are displayed in the Procedure Entry screen, NetPracticePM simply stores the procedure(s) again for later posting. A Delete button has been added to the Procedure entry screen which allows you to Delete the stored procedures when necessary.
- Unposted Procedure Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - This menu function has been deleted since you are now able to Print the Journal for Registered Patients directly from the Unposted Procedures function.
- Procedure Entry Function - The Insurance Doctor can now be automatically defaulted. The default codes are setup within each Performing Doctor Code in the Doctor Code Table using the Default Insurance Doctor field. Keyboard shortcuts have also been added to Procedure Entry. You may now use Alt-C for Cancel, Alt-P for Proceed, and Alt-S for Save. This was done to facilitate a more keyboard driven method of using NetPracticePM.
- Procedure Entry Function - A new modifier of NF was created. If this modifier is entered for a procedure, it instructs the system to NOT FILE any insurance for the procedure. Please Note: Any procedures entered with the NF modifier will not be included on the Insurance Never Filed report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Insurance Management Reports).
- Payment Entry - NetPracticePM only - The focus of the cursor has been changed on the Payment Allocation screen to allow for more efficient data entry. If an Insurance payment is entered, the cursor will be focused on the first Allowable field and if a Personal payment is entered, the cursor will be focused on the first Payment Amount field.
- Payment Entry - NetPracticePM only - Keyboard shortcuts have been added. You may now use Alt-C for Cancel, Alt-P for Proceed, and Alt-S for Save. This was done to facilitate a more keyboard driven method of using NetPracticePM.
- Payment Entry - NetPracticePM only - The functionality to update Fee Schedule Allowables on-the-fly, directly within the Payment Allocation screen has been converted from Text and now works in NetPracticePM. The Fee Schedule Table linked to the primary insurance carrier will be updated by entering the correct allowed amount immediately followed by an asterisk (*) in the Allowed Amount field (i.e., 45.72*). Doing so will permanently store the allowed amount for that procedure in the appropriate Fee Schedule Table, even if you were to click Cancel and abandon the payment entry.
- Payment Entry - NetPracticePM only - If you click on the Primary Payment/Secondary Payment radio buttons before entering an Insurance Carrier, NetPracticePM will automatically insert the appropriate carrier into the Insurance Carrier field. If an Insurance Carrier has already been entered, clicking on the Primary Payment/Secondary Payment radio buttons will not have any effect on the Insurance Carrier field.
- Payment Entry - New functionality has been added to display the Facility RVU Allowed Amounts in the Payment Allocation screen, if applicable.
- Adjustment Entry - The ability to over-adjust procedures has been added. To facilitate this, Closed and Open functions have been added to the Action Column. The Closed function allows you to change the default open-item display in the Adjustment Allocation screen and only display procedures for a select date of service, that have no outstanding balance. The Open function allows you to Refresh the Adjustment Allocation screen and only show procedures that have outstanding balances. In addition, the functionality to post Accumulative adjustments has been converted from Text and will now work in NetPracticePM. Please refer to the Adjustment Entry section of Help for detailed instructions.
- Refund Entry - The ability to over-refund has been added. This functionality works the same as it does for Adjustment Entry. Closed and Open functions have been added to the Action Column. The Closed function allows you to change the default open-credit (unallocated payments) display in the Payment Allocation screen and only display charges for a select date of service, that have been over-paid. The Open function allows you to Refresh the Payment Allocation screen and only show payments that are still unallocated. Please Note: The Closed function displays Closed Charges and NOT Closed Payments. The program is based on the premise that any over-payment(s) would already have been applied directly to the charge(s), since over-paying charges is allowed in NetPracticePM.
- Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) - You are now able to process electronic remits from multiple carriers. The remit files for each carrier should be stored in separate folders in order for NetPracticePM to differentiate carriers (i.e., C:\REMITS\MEDICARE\ and C:\REMITS\BCBS\).
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)..) - Batch numbers can now be assigned to remittance files. This function was also modified to prevent users from Posting the same file twice. Upon accessing this function some files may be grayed-out, which indicates they have already been posted and cannot be selected again.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)..) - A Delete function has been added in the Action Column allowing you to delete ERA files as needed directly from this screen. This function was also modified to provide a better visual display for the files. Upon accessing this function some files may be grayed-out, which indicates they have already been posted. The grayed-out files can still be Imported again in case you need to reprint the EOB.
- Convert ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)..) - This menu function has been deleted since the Import function automatically converts the file.
- Reprint ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)..) - This menu function has been deleted. If a file needs to be Reprinted, simply Import the file again and Print it out.
- Procedure Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - The Performing Doctor column was modified to include the Insurance Doctor. The column displays the Performing Doctor code then the Insurance Doctor code - (P/I).
- Daily Register (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - The Batch Number has been added to the report header and will be printed if the Batch Number field is completed when ordering this report. This report can also be accessed under the Reports, Transaction Journals menu.
- Bank Deposit (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - The length of the Batch Number field was increased to 20 characters.
- Missing Superbill Report - Is now accessible under the menu function Transactions, Transaction Journals, in addition to Reports, Transaction Journals and Schedule, Schedule Printing Menu.
- NetCoder - Two new updates were added. Procedure Entry can be setup to automatically Check Codes whenever Save is clicked, on a per user basis and if the procedures get re-ordered in the NetCoder Results page based on RVU values, NetPracticePM can automatically re-order the procedures in Procedure Entry to match the results. These settings are controlled in the NetCoder Integration function located in System, Database Maintenance Menu.
Summary of Steps to be Performed after Installing the Update
- Set the new Time Zone and Daylight Saving prompts for each database using the System, Database Maintenance Menu, Change Database Parameters menu function.
- Indicate which User Code(s) should be setup as a Support Site Administrator for CGM' Online Support Center (OSC) using the System, User Management, Maintain Users menu function.
- Indicate which User Code(s) should have access to the Practice Vitals Dashboard using the System, User Management, Maintain Users menu function.
- Update any User Code(s) that would like to have Tasks copied to their personal Calendar using the System, User Management, Maintain Users menu function.
- If your office is going to utilize the Rich Text Editor, change the DMS Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) to Rich Text.
- If necessary, enter the desired installation time in the Service Pack Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) to prevent possible conflicts with the system backup.
- If you plan to print the Scheduling Views in color, you must turn on background color printing in Internet Explorer (IE) first. Please refer to Print Scheduling Views in the Scheduling section of the release notes for detailed instructions.
- If you have had CGM set any Default, Fixed, or Required values in the past for any data fields, you will need to use the new Defaults icon and re-set them. Clicking on the Defaults icon in the lower right corner of each data entry screen allows you to do this.
- The System Manager may want to add a password to the System Log (System, File Maintenance, Look-up Functions) since it is designed as a management tool and provides access to pertinent system information.
- If your practice is considered a Corporate practice that has multiple databases setup, the System Manager may want to add passwords to the Reports, Corporate Reports menu functions.
- If your office plans to utilize the new Transcription functionality, complete the setup steps listed under Image Management Integration in the System section of the release notes.
- Due to the addition of new Mail Merge Fields in the update, if Word documents and/or Word Superbills are utilized in your office, immediately following the update installation you should print each document to ensure the Mail Merge Fields are still linked to the appropriate data field. During the Print process, Word may pop up a box stating it can't locate a particular merge field. The merge field can be re-linked to the data field by clicking on the list box in the Replace section. Not everyone will encounter issues with the new Merge Fields but CGM requests you perform this verification process to prevent possible confusion in the future.