7.1.10 Service Pack Release Notes
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
System Conventions
- Patient Look-Up - Family Billing only - Patient Look-Up was not showing account numbers ending in zero. For example, if you were searching for accounts beginning with '1', then '1.10' would not show in the results.
- Patient Look-Up - Family Billing only - A change was made to Patient Look-Up for Family Billing databases in NetPracticePM. It will now show all matching account numbers if the number entered to the left of the period '.' exists in the Account Number field. For example, if you type a '1' in the Account Number box (NetPracticePM automatically assumes there is a period '.' after the number if you don't manually type one in), the results will display all the accounts that match 1.x on the screen. This functionality was previously only available in the Text based system.
User Desktop
- Support - The 2006 ICD9 codes are now available for downloading. Please contact your customer service team to complete the necessary paperwork to activate this function for your office.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - The Diagnosis codes contained in any electronic claim with a Date of Service of October 1, 2005 or greater, are now checked for validity using the new 2006 ICD9 codes. The 'Diagnosis Code Invalid' exception error will be provided for any codes that are no longer effective.
- Electronic Secondary Medicare Claims (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Move/Re-Build Transmission File) - Family Billing only - An error was occurring when this function was performed. The program was modified to accommodate Family Billing systems.
- Electronic Secondary Medicare Claims (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Move/Re-Build Transmission File) Claims were getting denied because a 'segment' in the electronic claim file was missing.
- Payment Plan Start Date - (Collections, Work Accounts) - The 'Start Date of Plan' would sometimes appear as a Julian date instead of the standard calendar date. The program was modified to correct this problem.
- Radiology Notes - (Change Patient Data, DMS, Add) - If Radiology notes are used in your practice - there was a problem in NetPracticePM that prevented the addition of new records.
- Patient Registration - NetVerify - NetVerify has been deactivated in Patient Registration. The 'Verify Eligibility' and 'Verify History' functions in the Action Column on the Insurance Policy screen are no longer available during Patient Registration. This change was required because the patient must be registered before checking eligibility. This change only applies if your practice has NetVerify installed.
- Numeric Aged Receivables (Reports, Aged Accounts Receivable Reports) - The Begin With and End With fields were corrected to show 'Account Number' instead of 'Guarantor Number'.
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Options) - The 'Type of Visit' Data Element was not working properly unless you were printed superbills individually. When multiple superbills were printed, the word '*ERROR' would print instead of the Type of Visit.
- Print Superbills - Text only - (SCH.PRT.SUP) - A problem could prevent the superbills from printing. If the Ending Doctor Group was left blank, it was getting set internally in the program to 'ZZZZ' when it should have been 9999. The program was corrected.
- Payment Entry - Family Billing only - Previously you were unable to apply one payment to multiple family members during one transaction. The program was modified so you can now select one family member's account when entering the payment information and then have access to all the open transactions for all the family members in the payment allocation screen. Previously this functionality was only available in the Text System.
- Unposted Procedures - Previously the auto-post functionality was inactive for all Hospital Charges. Now the Unposted Procedures function will only inactivate the auto-post check boxes for hospital charges if the patient does not have an Admit date entered for those dates of service.
- Procedure Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Print from List field has been added, which you can use to print the Procedure Journal for patients contained in a DMS List.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - The wrong denial message would sometimes appear on the Explanation of Benefits for Medicare when it was printed. If the program could not identify the type of adjustment code for a denial in the ERA file, it would print the 'code and denial reason last used' instead. The program was updated to allow for additional adjustment codes for denial reasons.
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - was not pointing to the correct file path setup in ERA integration. Program modified so it uses the path stored in the ERA Integration screen.
- ERA Exception report (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - 'Not in Open Index' errors would show up on the Exception Report if a 'THRU' procedure code was posted on the patient account. The program was enhanced to prevent these exception errors for the 'THRU' procedure code.