7.1.14 Service Pack Release Notes
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
User Desktop
- Help (Introduction, System Processes) - New sections added for Backup Policy and Procedures and Installing Updates or Service Pack Steps.
- Help (Introduction, System Processes) - Corrected Month-End Balancing Process - In Step 5, the bullet text for report 11 was incorrect.
- Help - The text for all of the System and Table functions has been updated.
- Tasks - The number of active tasks listed next to the Tasks Desktop Tool in the Action Column, was including 'future' tasks in error.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - Family Billing only - An error would occur for Electronic Secondary Medicare claims because the program was not checking the master account to find out when the claim was processed by the primary carrier.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - Electronic Secondary Medicare claims - Claim information had to be modified if a patient account contained more than one primary insurance carrier. Rejection error 'NM109 contains a different payer than SV102' resolved.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - Noridian Claims only - Claim information had to be modified due to a new edit, which went into effect January 1, 2006. The rejection appears on the 'MB' report and occurs if services were rendered outside of the office. A change has been made to address their new edit.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - Electronic Secondary Medicare claims - Claims were missing the required information when a co-payment was owed for the primary carrier and had to be modified.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Electronic Claims Exception Error has been added for NDC codes. NDC codes cannot exceed a maximum of ten characters.
- Maintain Collection Status Codes (Collections, Collection Tables) - An error would occur if the Document Name field was not completed.
- Review for Turnover Report (Collections, Turn Over Functions) - ***New Functionality*** - The Primary Insurance Carrier for each patient will now print on the report.
- Third Party Turn Over Reports (Collections, Turn Over Functions) - ***New Functionality*** - The Primary Insurance Carrier for each patient will now print on the report.
- Populate Collection Roster (Collections) - ***New Functionality*** - The Notification message informing you when the function is complete will now include the Database Number the function was performed in.
- Patient Recall Listing (Patient, Patient Recall Menu) - An error would sometimes occur due to a problem with the Location field.
- List of Patients by Referral Source (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) - This report has been corrected when printing to Excel. It will now print the data in separate columns to allow for data manipulation.
- Comparative Summary Analysis by Corporation (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Report, Comparative Summary Analysis Reports) - ***New Functionality*** - This report has been enhanced to print to Excel.
- Print a Document (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - The program was not functioning properly when the Morning Appointments check box was selected and the Afternoon Appointments check box was cleared. Data for both fields was included when printing documents. Programs were corrected to eliminate this problem..
- Enter Appts (SCH.ENT) - Text Users only - If a schedule existed for any inactive doctor code and you selected Scheduling View 5, the program was incorrectly displaying a blank schedule for the inactivated doctor.
- Reset Statistical Files (System, File Maintenance Menu) - The statistical files were not storing the referral source for any Adjustments. Programs were modified to correct this problem.
- System Log (System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-Up Functions) - Invalid Login attempts were not captured or stored in the System Log. Program was modified to capture that information.
- Maintain Doctor Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table) - ***New Functionality*** - A new field for the National Provider Number has been added. Modifications will be made in a future update to include this number in electronic and paper insurance claims.
- Unposted Procedures - The Unposted Procedures function was allowing the 'Auto-Posting' of charges that contained a pound sign for the diagnosis code. On the Unposted Procedures listing screen, the posting check box will now be inactive for procedures that contain a pound sign for the diagnosis code.
- NetCoder (Transactions, Procedure Entry) - ***New Functionality*** - NetCoder now supports facility RVU's. Previously, all NetCoder results were ordered by non-facility RVU values only. If the location code used in procedure entry has the Facility Fee Schedule option selected in the location code table, then NetCoder will return facility RVU values.
- NetCoder (Transactions, Procedure Entry) - If a modifier was added on the NetCoder Results screen and the 'Proceed and Save' button was clicked, it was possible that the modifier would not be posted with the charge. Program was corrected.
- Procedure Entry - Facility Alternate Amounts were not displaying when entering procedures. The program was corrected to display these amounts - if the location code used in procedure entry has the Facility Fee Schedule option selected in the location code table, and the fee schedule setup in the patient's billing information has a Facility Alternate Amount entered in the fee schedule table, for the procedure code entered.
- Procedure Entry - The Case Number not defaulting if you were entering procedures using a superbill number for an appointment that had a case attached.
- Procedure Entry - NetPracticePM now will display a warning message when you try to save procedures that contain a pound sign in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th diagnosis code fields.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - The co-pay information was not getting converted in the remit file. The programs were corrected to convert and print it on the EOB.