7.1.17 Service Pack Release Notes
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
System Conventions
- Mail Merge Fields for Word - ***New Functionality*** - The Referral Source UPIN Number is now available as a Mail Merge field when printing Word documents from NetPracticePM.
- Patient Lookup - When using Patient Look-up throughout NetPracticePM, the complete text for any Internal Comment entered on a patient's account was not displaying properly. The program was modified to display Internal Comments.
User Desktop
- Help (Introduction, System Processes) - The Collections Setup Process and the Scheduling Setup Process have been completed.
- Help (Introduction, System Processes) - The RVS Schedule Setup Process has been corrected. An additional step has been inserted; Step 7 - Create Generic Fee Schedule. Step 8 was also modified to include linking the generic fee schedule to the insurance carrier.
- Help - The text for all of the Collections functions has been updated.
- Cue Cards - An error could occur when viewing a cue card if the cue card 'Name' contained a punctuation character. This has been corrected.
- Rollodex - Inactivated table codes were incorrectly displaying in the Rollodex. The program has been modified to not include those codes anymore.
- Support - ***New Functionality*** - The Support function has been changed to access the new version of the Online Support Center.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - //The Electronic Medicare Secondary rejection 'NM109 not matching 2430 SVD' has been addressed. In certain situations if a patient account had multiple denials or transfers posted, the program was encountering problems including the primary carrier with the secondary claim. Rejections for 'Invalid Paid Date' have also been addressed.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - Some insurance carriers require a Claim Indicator for claims that are older than thirty days. The program has been enhanced so you can now include this numeric indicator when you Refile the electronic claim, by typing the indicator in the Refile Reason field.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - Ambulance Claims - Multiple corrections made specifically for ambulance claims, including excess delimiters and duplicate Admit dates.
- Transfer Insurance Balances (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Delinquent Insurance Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - The program has been enhanced to store the User Code of the person performing the function. The Print Transferred Balances report has also been enhanced to print the User Code in the report heading.
- Prepare/Send Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - Emdeon-Medifax (formerly Potomac) claims only - An EPSDT indicator is now required on claims submitted with procedure codes 99381 through 99385 and 99391 through 99395. If the EPSDT DMS record on the patient's account has not been completed, the claims will be submitted with a 'U', which stands for 'Not Used' in the EPSDT indicator field.
- Print Insurance Form on Demand (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - This function has been corrected to no longer print procedures that have the 'NF' modifier tied to them.
- Print Exception Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - Diagnosis codes beginning with 'E' were incorrectly placed on the Exception Report as 'Diagnosis Invalid'.
- Create Delinquent Insurance File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Delinquent Insurance Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - This function has been enhanced to include Electronic Secondary Medicare claims if you select 'Electronic' when creating claims.
- Review Patient Information and Change Patient Data - ***New Functionality*** - Up to seven cases will now display in the Case Management quadrant within the Patient Summary Screen.
- Patient Transaction History (Patient, Review Patient Information) - Electronic Patient Statement Icon - There was a problem that prevented the electronic statement from displaying when the electronic statement image icon was clicked. This occurred if the statements were printed to disk on one date but were not loaded and sent electronically until a different date. This issue has been resolved.
- Patient Transaction History (Patient, Review Patient Information) - Collection Letter Icon - There was a problem that prevented Rich Text Collections Letters from displaying when collection letter image icon was clicked.
- Patient Transaction History (Patient, Review Patient Information) - There was a problem when reviewing transactions in the 'Ledger Detailed' format that would display zero payments twice - once as a transaction and then again underneath the charge the zero payment was allocated to.
- User Defined Records (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS) - The UB1 DMS record was not storing the data entered for the 'Type of Bill' field. This has been corrected.
- User Defined Records (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS) - ***New Functionality*** - The HOSP DMS record has been enhanced to include Inpatient Psychiatric Facility locations for the Hospital field.
- User Defined Records (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS) - The INOTES and SNOTES DMS records have been corrected to provide a warning message if you type over 240 characters per record.
- Change Patient Data - A problem was corrected that caused insurance card images to get out of order, or disappear after a policy was deleted. This problem did not occur if a policy was terminated but not deleted.
- Change Patient Data - **Family Billing only** - ***New Functionality*** - You can now assign individual Billing Groups to accounts that are linked together instead of maintaining only one Billing Group for the entire family.
- Productivity Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports) - When you print any of the Productivity Analysis reports to Excel the format of the data has been corrected. Headings for each code for the 'sort' option selected will now print prior to the section containing the data and separate totals will also print for each code. For example, if you select to print the report by 'Location' and then select Locations A through L, the first section will contain the heading 'Location A' and then print the detailed data and totals below it, then the heading for 'Location B' with it's data and totals, and so on.
- Print Edited Transaction Journal (Reports, Transaction Journals) - This report was incorrectly printing the patient's billing group instead of the user code of the person that edited the transaction.
- DMS Letter Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - The 'AccountInsuranceBalance' and 'AccountPatientBalance' fields were not populating with amounts when included in a DMS 'Plain' or 'Rich Text' document. This problem has been corrected.
- DMS Letter Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - ***New Functionality*** - Community Health Centers only - Three new data elements have been added based off of the DMS Income Record: Current Review Date, Current Percentage, and the Current Fee.
- DMS Letter Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - The 'ApptFuture' data element has been corrected and will only print the 'next' appointment a patient has scheduled, when the document is printed based off the patients in the Schedule.
Rx Management
- Patient Prescription Journal - Voided prescriptions were incorrectly printing on the journal. The program has been corrected.
- Enter Patient Appointments - To prevent the use of expired authorization numbers, a new warning message, 'This authorization has expired' has been added, if you happen to select an authorization number that has already expired when scheduling a patient appointment.
- Enter Patient Appointments - ** Patient Linking only - The program has been corrected and Quick Registration will no longer insert a decimal point and database number at the end of each patient account number.
- Enter Patient Appointments - When you schedule an appointment with multiple units, the function will now prevent you from saving the appointment if the additional units run over into time slots that have been 'blocked.'
- Scan for Appointments (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Scan) - In the Scan function if you select a doctor, remove that selection, and then select a Type of Visit code, an error could occur. The program has been corrected.
- Printing a Letter (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Letter) - If a patient had multiple appointments scheduled on the same date, a letter was incorrectly printing for each appointment. The program was corrected to print only one letter.
- Patient Check In/Out - If you use the Change Location function while viewing the Patient Check In/Out Summary screen and then use the Change Date function, the program was incorrectly reverting back to your Default Location stored in your User code.
- Patient Check In/Out - ***New Functionality*** - A new 'Proc' column has been added to the Patient Check In/Out Summary screen. A checkmark will appear in the column for any patient that currently has 'Unposted Procedures'.
- Patient Check In/Out - When using a procedure group in an E-Superbill, the units were not being transferred correctly to the unposted procedures function.
- Scheduling Audit Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - This report has been enhanced to provide sorting by Locations. In addition, if you select the Print in User Order option you can then indicate which user codes you want to print. With this new functionality, individual locations are able to track their appointment loads by user.
- Missing Superbill Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - This report has been enhanced to provide sorting by Locations.
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - ** Word Superbills only - The Mail Merge field for the Schedule Date was printing the current date instead of the appointment date. This has been resolved.
- Type of Visit Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - The program was incorrectly counting patients multiple times. If a patient was scheduled for an appointment that was also tied to a room or a resource, that patient was counted for every doctor found if the type of visit matched. This correction ensures patients are only counted one time.
- Edit Doctor Schedules (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - When you apply a template to a date, any previously 'Blocked' appointments will be eliminated. Since templates now have the ability to contain blocked time slots, they will take precedence over any prior blocked time slots.
- Maintain User (System, User Management) - The Scheduling Default Doctor and Scheduling Default Location fields would only list codes from database one, even when the tables were not set up to be shared in NetPracticePM. This has been corrected. *Note: prior to making changes for either of these fields, you must change to the database where the specific codes you want, have been created.
- System Log (System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-Up Functions) - ***New Functionality*** - The 'Insurance Create' category has been added to the available categories. Each time the Create Insurance function is performed the: date, time, database number, user that performed the function, which billing groups were created, and the date it was created through, will be stored in the System Log.
- System Log (System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-Up Functions) - ***New Functionality*** - Each time the Create Delinquent Insurance File function is performed the information entered for the Cycle Number, Charges Older Than Days, and whether Paper or Electronic was selected, will now be stored in the System Log, under the 'Insurance Create' category .
- Superbill Wizard (System, Form Wizards) - An error would occur when using the Assign to TOV function if the Type of Visit code selected happened to contain any non-alphabetic or non-numeric characters. This has been corrected.
- System Log (System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-Up Functions) - The Failed Login Attempts - Invalid Password category will no longer display the invalid password that was entered by the user. The System Log program was also modified so that each Category will only store the most current entries, not to exceed two hundred entries.
- NetPracticePM Default Values (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - The program was modified to keep track internally of any changes made to any of the default values and to log which user made the changes. Currently this information is only accessible by contacting your customer service team at CGM.
- Patient Transactions Look-Up (System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-Up Functions) - Any voided transactions were failing to display in the transaction history screen.
- Maintain Doctor Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table) - ***New Functionality*** - A new field for Social Security Number has been added to the Doctor Code table. Some insurance carriers are now requiring this information in addition to the doctor's provider number.
- Maintain Doctor Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table) - ***New Functionality*** - A new field for License Number has been added to the Doctor Code table. Some states are requiring a license number for the performing physician in addition to doctor's provider number.
- Copy the Fee Schedules (Tables, Fee Schedule Table) - This function was only copying the non-facility amounts and not the facility amounts. This has been corrected.
- Maintain RVS Schedule Unit Values (Tables, Relative Value Schedule Table) - Program was corrected to allow you to review a prior year's RVS schedules.
- Maintain Ins Plan Code Conversion Amounts (Tables, Insurance Carrier Table, Insurance Plan Table) - If you did not accept the default date and selected a different date when saving new amounts, the program would not save the amounts under the correct date. This has been resolved.
- Daily Register (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - Deleted patients were included on the daily register if you selected to print it 'by date of service' and 'batch number.' If a patient account had been deleted that had activity during the date range, the program would include it on the report whether it found a match with the batch number or not. The program has been modified.
- Payment Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - The 'Print from List' function was not working properly and the program did not recognize the patients included in the list.
- Payment Entry Function - Payment entry was allowing the posting of insurance payments to an insurance carrier with the wrong payment type selected. For example, the system would allow the posting of an insurance payment to a primary carrier with 'Secondary Payment' button selected. It will now display a warning message in these cases.
- Procedure Entry Function - If the pound sign (#) was entered for a patient's default diagnosis code, the last diagnosis codes were not defaulting correctly in procedure entry. This problem has been corrected.
- Procedure Entry Function - Facility Fee Amounts were not defaulting correctly. If a patient's default Location was a facility location, the procedure amounts in procedure entry were not defaulting from the 'Facility Alternate Amount' from the Fee Schedule table.
- NetCoder (Transactions, Procedure Entry) - ***New Functionality*** - NetCoder can now Check Codes for up to 100 line items at a time. The previous limit was 20.
- Adjustment Entry Function - Adjustment entry was incorrectly allowing you to post adjustments to locked batches.
- Adjustment Entry Function - NetPracticePM was incorrectly allowing the posting of adjustments to transactions with future accounting dates. This issue has been corrected. A warning message will now appear when attempting to select a line item with a future accounting date in adjustment entry.
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - The program has been updated and will no longer allow you to use a Batch Number that has been locked.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - The 'Co-pay amounts' were not printing on the Medicare EOB. This has been corrected.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - When importing a remittance file, if the location was marked as facility, the program failed to use the facility allowed amount for the procedure. This has been resolved.
- Unposted Procedures - ***New Functionality*** - The Journal has been enhanced and you can now specify a date range when printing.
- Unposted Procedures - The program has been updated and will no longer allow you to use a Batch Number that has been locked.
- Unposted Procedures - If accounts were selected from the Unposted Procedures Summary screen to automatically post and a Batch number was entered, the procedures would not be posted to the accounting date of the Batch. This problem has been corrected.