7.1.2 Service Pack Release Notes
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
- Help - Was modified to only display menu functions that exist on each individual NetPracticePM system.
- Practice Vitals - If an individual doctor was selected the data was not calculated or displayed properly.
- Confirmation Reports (Billing, Insurance Billing, Electronic Claims, Printing Options, Print Confirmation Report) - There was a problem when printing Confirmation Reports to a network printer. Only 1 blank page would print out.
- Printing Individual Superbills (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - If the superbill was created using the Superbill Wizard located in (System, Form Wizards) and you tried to print it by clicking Print Superbill in the Action Column, the Superbill name would not display in the list box as an option.
- Multi-Scan (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - The Multi-Scan function was not correctly analyzing AM/PM room linking. Example: If a doctor was linked to Room 2 in the AM and Room 1 in the PM and a morning appointment was selected, it would select Room 1 instead of Room 2.
- Edit Cancellation Journal (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance, Edit Cancellation Journal) - The menu function was missing.
- Edit Cancellation Journal (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance, Edit Cancellation Journal) - If the message No cancellations for date selected was displayed and OK was clicked, if the user clicked Cancel next, an error would occur.
- Edit Cancellation Journal (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance, Edit Cancellation Journal) - The screen listing all of the appointment cancellations was not displaying properly if any of the column headings were clicked on to re-sort the list.
- Enter Patient Appointment (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - The system wouldn't allow a user to edit an appointment in order to increase the number of Units, if their Security level was insufficient to Overbook appointments, even if there were available time slots in the schedule. For example: IF the schedule for the morning were empty except for a two (2) unit appointment scheduled at 9:30, (taking up the time slots for 9:30 and 9:45), if a user went in to change the it from 2 to 3 units, which would extend it to 10:00, the system would not allow it and display the standard overbooking message. The problem was, prior to allowing the appointment to be edited, the system checks the available time slots and it was looking at the 9:45 appointment, saw an entry there, not realizing it was for the actual appointment being edited and displayed the message.
- Superbill Wizard (System, Form Wizards, Superbill Wizard) - If all the codes contained in a Category were Deleted, the Category would no longer show in the list box. If the user decided to put the Category back, they had to use Create Category in the Action Column again and select the Procedure code. Problem was that the Category and procedure code would show up twice on the superbill.
- Unposted Procedure Journal (Transactions, Unposted Procedures) - NetPracticePM only - If you tried to print the report by clicking Print Journal in the Action Column, the report would not print any data.
- Unposted Procedure Journal (Transactions, Unposted Procedures) - NetPracticePM only - The mnemonics printed at the bottom of the report were corrected for NetPracticePM.
- Unposted Procedures (Transactions, Unposted Procedures) - NetPracticePM only - If you tried to print the current listing of unposted procedures by clicking Print in the Action Column, the report would not print any data.
- Edit a Transaction (Transactions, Edit a Transaction) - If a Credit Adjustment was selected for editing, the field text boxes were overlapping the prompt text. The tab positions for the field text boxes were moved to the right to correct this issue.
- Edit a Transaction (Transactions, Edit a Transaction) - When a Charge is selected for editing, the field for the fourth diagnosis text box has been changed so it is no longer free text. NetPracticePM used to allow multiple diagnosis codes to be entered in the fourth diagnosis text box but now only one diagnosis code is allowed so the field had to be changed to prevent multiple entries.
- Print Refund Checks (Transactions, Print Refund Checks) - This function was missing a program so it would not print any checks.
- Transaction Summary Screen - when the Transaction Summary Screen is displayed after posting Procedures or Payments, pressing the Enter key to exit the screen would not do anything. The focus for the screen had to be changed to the Cancel button so when the Enter key was pressed, it would perform the Cancel function allowing the user to exit the screen.
- Payment Entry (Transactions, Payment Entry) - If the message Payments have already been applied displayed after clicking on the Oldest function in the Action Column in the Payment Allocation Screen, the screen would freeze. The only option at this point would be to Logout or click Previous in the Action Column. Clicking on any other Function or button would just display the message Please wait, a request has already been sent.