7.1.3 Service Pack Release Notes
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
User Desktop
- Practice Vitals Dashboard - NetPracticePM only - The program was corrected to only show the data for the active database you are currently logged onto.
- Noridian Medicare Electronic Claims only (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Move/Re-Build Transmission File) - Changes were made by Noridian Medicare, which affected Loops 2310D and 2010AA. This required the Tax ID to be entered in the Medicare Integration screen instead of the Provider number. If multiple submitter numbers had been assigned by Noridian, NetPracticePM was changed to capture the Tax ID from the Doctor Code table. The required programming changes were made in April 2005 and immediately distributed to the necessary clients. Due to the critical nature of this issue affecting client cash flow, CGM did not feel it necessary to slow down the distribution process by following standard distribution channels and therefore the change was not officially documented for NetPracticePM Help until now.
- United Healthcare claims only (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Move/Re-Build Transmission File) - Changes were made because effective May 1, 2005 the CLIA number must be included on the claims.
- Close Billing Period - This program was changed to perform all the processing in the background to prevent errors from occurring for practices with large quantities of data. NetPracticePM will notify the user once the Billing Period has been successfully closed, by displaying a message on the screen.
- Change Patient Data - The Patient Account number had been changing randomly when the following steps took place in the exact order described: 1. Transactions function accessed while in Change Patient Data. 2. A Procedure, Payment, and Adjustment posted to the patient account. 3. When NetPracticePM returned to Change Patient Data, a different patient account was selected. 4. Either the Patient Name and Address information or the Guarantor information was selected and edited. 5. When NetPracticePM returned to the Patient Summary screen, the previously accessed patient account would be displayed in error.
- Patient Name and Address screen (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The Language and Race tables were not showing the code descriptions.
- Patient Summary screen - Lengthy Internal Comments would cause the quadrants on the left side of the screen to expand, in order to display the entire comment. The display was changed and the comment now wraps to two or more lines if needed, to retain the proper quadrant sizing.
- Insurance Information (Patient, Change Patient Data and Patient, Review Patient Information) - The By field that is tied to the Insurance Last Verified on field, was not retaining the User Name Saved when a Date was originally entered in the Insurance Last Verified on field. The user name would automatically change to show the current user name for the person accessing the Insurance Policy Information in error.
- Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - Amounts were calculated and reported under the wrong insurance carrier in rare cases where the patient account had multiple insurance carriers entered on their account and also contained very large quantities of ledger activity.
- Sorted Procedure Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis, Sorted Procedure Analysis Reports - NetPracticePM would not display the procedure codes when the Select Range function was selected, for any of the reports.
- Print Edited Transaction Journal (Reports, Transaction Journals) - This report would display duplicate entries if Edit All Transactions for this Date was selected.
- UDS Reports - These reports are for Community Health Centers only - All of the UDS Reports menu functions were missing in the 7.1.0 Update program and had to be added.
- Print a Letter (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments, Letter) - This function was not populating the Future appointments.
- Enter Patient Appointments - NetPracticePM only - When editing an appointment that was tied to a Room by a Type of Visit - if the Status field on the room appointment was changed from No to Confirmed and then back to No, NetPracticePM would enter a duplicate the appointment in the Room's schedule.
- Enter Patient Appointments - NetPracticePM only - If a time slot contained a Reserve and an appointment was entered with a different Type of Visit than contained in the Reserve, the color shown in the appointment time slot was not correct. It would only display the color for the Reserve.
- Enter Patient Appointments - If one or more of the Type of Visit codes did not have a Color assigned to it, an error would occur when selecting a time slot.
- Cancellation Report (Scheduling, Scheduling Printing Menu) - Arizona clients only - This report would not print the (602) area codes.
- Check In/Out Tracking Journal (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Options) - When entering an appointment for the current date, the auto-confirmation function was making an entry in the journal and causing an error.
- Patient Check In/Out - If you were Checking In a Pre-registered patient and had just accessed a patient prior to this that contained insurance information, the Detailed Check In/Out screen was not resetting the values displayed for the Primary Insurance and Expected Co-Pay fields.
- Print a Document (Schedule, Schedule Printing Menu) - There was a problem that caused an error condition to occur when printing a Word Letter using a Manual DMS List.
- Inquiry screen (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - The Inquiry function was corrected to show all Recalls starting thirty (30) days prior to the current date instead of just starting with the current date.
- Enter Patient Appointments - Text users only - An error was received when looking at the Details of appointment if the appointment had been scheduled through WebPractice. Entered By: will now reflect the User WEB rather than ENTERED THRU WEB.
- Enter Patient Appointments - Text users only - The F-keys (i.e. F1, F2, etc.) and the Arrow keys would not work on the Menu Option bar at the bottom of the Scheduling screen.
- Delete and Print No-Show Referrals - Text users only (SCH.PRE.DNS) - The Print portion of the program would encounter an error.
- Defaults, Fixed and Required Fields (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - NetPracticePM only - Setting a Fixed value in the Patient Name and Address screen for the Responsible Doctor and Default Location fields would cause the fields to be disabled and blank. The program was changed and Fixed values can no longer be entered for those two fields.
- Change Function Security - Text users only (SYS.USR.FCT.ADD) - If a password was entered for a function, an error would occur when accessing the function.
- Demographic Look-up (System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-up Functions) - The Before and After views of the Insurance Policy information were displayed incorrectly in reverse order.
- Electronic Claims Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - The new Site ID prompt was not activated in the 7.1.0 Update and had to be added. This field in optional.
- Fee Schedule Table - If Fee Schedules were Printed for a Range of Procedure codes, the report would not insert a page break between the different Fee Schedules.
- Maintain Ins Plan Code Conversion Amts (Tables, Insurance Carrier Table, Insurance Plan Table) - If a Range of Procedure codes was entered and the last code in the Range did not exist in the Procedure Code table, the program would only change the first procedure code in the Range and stop.
- Adjustment Code Table - The Bad Debt Write off prompt was not activated properly in the 7.1.0 Update. This prompt only applies to Community Health Centers.
- Insurance Carrier Table - The Managed Care Plan and Public Insurance prompts were not activated properly in the 7.1.0 Update. These prompts only apply to Community Health Centers.
- Location Code Table - The Suppress Encounters prompt was not activated properly in the 7.1.0 Update. This prompt only applies to Community Health Centers.
- Type of Service Code Table - The Flat Fee Charged, Flat Fee Rate, and Suppress Encounters prompts were not activated properly in the 7.1.0 Update. These prompts only apply to Community Health Centers.
- NetCoder (Transactions, Procedure Entry) - The NetCoder Results Page was missing the LMRP results if Southern California or East Missouri was selected for the LMRP State field in the NetCoder Integration function.
- Procedure Entry - The Modifier field was corrected to allow the user to enter up to three modifiers in Anesthesia screen.
- Procedure Entry - The Case drop down list would contain Insurance Carriers instead of Cases after the Auth function was accessed and the user was returned to the Procedure Entry screen.
- Procedure Entry - The Diagnosis Code fields were not always displaying correctly when a Case was selected. Example: if a Case was selected that had four Diagnosis codes associated with it and then a different Case was selected that had only two Diagnosis codes, the third and fourth Diagnosis codes would not get cleared out of the text boxes.
- Payment Entry - If the Adjustment function in the Action Column was accessed after posting an Insurance payment, the Adjustment Code would default to the Insurance Carrier Code entered previously in the Payment Entry screen.
- Payment Entry - If the History function was accessed from the Payment Allocation screen and then the Notes function within History was accessed, the message Cannot apply payment to future accounting date would be displayed in error, upon returning to the Payment Allocation screen.
Special Note for Printing Word Superbills or Word Documents - In the 7.1.0 Update Release Notes it was announced that many new Mail Merge Fields were included. We discovered that due to last minute changes made to the Release Notes, some clients did not receive the following notification.
Due to the addition of new Mail Merge Fields in the update, if Word documents and/or Superbills are utilized in your office, immediately following the update installation you should print each document to ensure the Mail Merge Fields are still linked to the appropriate data field. During the Print process, Word may pop up a box stating it can't locate a particular merge field. The merge field can be re-linked to the data field by clicking on the list box in the Replace section. Not everyone will encounter issues with the new Merge Fields but CGM requests you perform this verification process to prevent possible confusion in the future.