7.1.3 Service Pack Release Notes

List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems

User Desktop








Special Note for Printing Word Superbills or Word Documents - In the 7.1.0 Update Release Notes it was announced that many new Mail Merge Fields were included. We discovered that due to last minute changes made to the Release Notes, some clients did not receive the following notification.

Due to the addition of new Mail Merge Fields in the update, if Word documents and/or Superbills are utilized in your office, immediately following the update installation you should print each document to ensure the Mail Merge Fields are still linked to the appropriate data field. During the Print process, Word may pop up a box stating it can't locate a particular merge field. The merge field can be re-linked to the data field by clicking on the list box in the Replace section. Not everyone will encounter issues with the new Merge Fields but CGM requests you perform this verification process to prevent possible confusion in the future.