7.1.9 Service Pack Release Notes
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
User Desktop
- Help (Introduction, System Processes, Month-End Balancing Process) The Month-End Balancing Process has been updated and loaded into Help.
- Electronic Secondary Medicare Claims (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - This update forces secondary Medicare claims to be sent electronically. If the Medicare insurance carrier is set up with an electronic form number and is entered in the NetPracticePM Integration screen, the secondary Medicare claim will be placed in the electronic claims file and sent electronically after the primary insurance payment has been posted.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - If an insurance carrier was changed from Secondary to Primary after a claim was already in the electronic file, NM109 errors were received in the 997's.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - New Electronic Claim Exception Errors were Added - 1) The following Upin numbers will automatically pass the 'DR Upin number is invalid' and 'Ref DR Upin number is invalid' exception errors: OTH000, RES000, VAD000, PHS000, RET000. 2) 'Location address is invalid' - The first and second lines of the Location address will be checked for invalid characters. 3. 'Auth number exceeds maximum allowed length' - A maximum of thirty characters can be entered for an authorization number.
- Review for Turn Over Report - (Collections, Turn Over Functions) - This collection report was incorrectly listing insurance balances if you printed it with detail.
- Print Collection Letters - From Patient Number and Thru Patient Number field lengths were increased to ten characters.
- Review Patient Information - DMS HOSP Record - All of the lines of text entered for the admit reason were not showing up when reviewing Hospital records.
- Change Patient Data - DMS HOSP Record - The Location Code field in the hospital record was limited to only display location codes that contained equivalent location codes of twenty-one (21). Corrected it to list location codes that contained equivalent location codes of twenty-one (21) or twenty-two (22) for both in-patient and out-patient locations.
- Mailing Labels by Birthdate (Patient, Patient Mailing Labels) - An error would sometimes occur and the program was modified to prevent the error.
- Add or Change a Letter (Reports, Data Management System) - The data element for PatientStateCode was inserting the Zip Code instead of the State code.
- Print a Letter or Document (Reports, Data Management System) - The data element for PatientStateCode was inserting the Zip Code instead of the State code.
- Edit Doctor Schedules (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - If you were Saving a template that had four Reserves entered on one time slot, only three of the Reserves were Saved. Program was corrected.
- System Configuration Utilities - ***New Functionality*** - A new utility to Change Fiscal Year was added.
- Electronic Claims Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Direct Submission field has been added, which will signify if the claims will be sent directly to the Payer or CGM. This will not effect any electronic claims integrations previously stored unless the integration screen is accessed and re-Saved, then you will need to make sure the new field is answered appropriately.
- Unposted Procedures - If a Batch number was used to post procedures, the accounting date of the batch was being ignored. This problem has been corrected.