7.2.14 Service Pack Release Notes 02-06-07
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
- Prepare/Send Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - This function has been updated to make sure any claims for an insurance carrier that has the E-Secondary field selected will be placed in the electronic claims file. The pre-requisite for this to occur is the secondary insurance policy on the patient's account must not have the Primary Carrier field selected and the 'Y' or 'E' options must be selected for the Bill this Carrier field.
- Electronic Claims (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - A problem was corrected that would prevent you from setting a default Electronic Form on the lead-in screen for any of the following functions:
- Print Transmission File
- Print Transmission Journal
- Transmission File Inquiry
- Update Confirmation Report Inquiry
- Transfer Journal to Paper
- Transfer Journal to Current
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - A new electronic claims exception error for No payment from Primary Carrier has been added. A problem would occur when charges were filed on Demand or Refiled for a Secondary carrier prior to receiving and posting a payment for the primary carrier. If the secondary claim did not contain a 'date of primary payment or denial,' the entire electronic claim file was rejected.
- List of Patients by Carrier (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients, Double Sorted Lists of Patients, List of Patients by Responsible Doctor) - The report would not print in NetPracticePM. A modification was made to the program.
- Patient Transaction History - ***New Functionality*** - The EOB image that appears in the patient's transaction history has been expanded to include an ICN number, if the payment was posted from an electronic remit.
- Aged Accounts Receivable Reports - If you only selected Include Insurance Balance and not Include Patient Balance or vice versa, the percentage totals were not printing. This has been corrected.
- Review Patient Appointments - You are no longer required to enter a Lock-out Password if you select a patient appointment that is currently in a Billing Group or Collection Status that contains a Lock-out Password. Since the Review function only provides limited functionality and you cannot make any changes to the appointment, requiring the lockout password is not necessary for this function. You will still receive the lockout message as a warning but you will be able to use the Superbill and Print Action Column functions without having to know the Lockout Password.
- Print Chart List (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - If you left the From Location and Through Location fields blank when printing the list, the list would not print. This has been corrected.
- Quick-Register (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - If you selected a referral patient prior to accessing the Quick-Register screen, the existing information for the referral patient was not automatically defaulting into the Quick-Register screen.
- Edit Doctor Schedules (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - The Doctor(s) list box was not displaying any doctors codes that were set up as Resources. This has been corrected.
- Inquiry Patient Look-up (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - A problem was encountered where Pre-registered (Referral) patients that had appointments, were not always displaying in the results for Inquiry Patient Look-up. This problem has been corrected.
- Maintain Label Codes (Tables, Label Code Table)- An error would occur when printing labels if the Number of Columns field was set to zero. This has been corrected and it will no longer allow you to type in a zero. The number of columns must be a number between one and nine.
- Maintain Doctor Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table) - The Org NPI has been deleted from this function.
- Maintain Location Codes (Tables, Location Code Table) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Location NPI Number field has been added.
- Maintain Group NPI Numbers (Tables, Doctor Code Table, Provider Number Table, Group NPI Number Table) - ***New Functionality*** - This new function allows you to store Group NPI numbers by Doctor and Location, when you have Group NPI numbers that are different for each location.
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - ***New Functionality*** - This function has been enhanced and will now post secondary insurance payments as well as primary payments. Prior to this enhancement, all secondary payments would always be placed on the payment exceptions report. No adjustments are posted when posting a secondary insurance payment.