7.2.17 Service Pack Release Notes 04-29-07
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
System Conventions
- NetVerify - NetVerify changes and corrections:
- NetVerify History function in the Action Column on the Patient Insurance Policy screen was always inactive if the Insurance Carrier was not tied to a NetVerify payer. The function will be active now if there is any eligibility history on the account.
- NetVerify History function on Patient Insurance Policy screen. The results are now sorted with most recent verification on top.
- Batch verification was verifying policy attached to a Case if the appointment had a case attached.
- Batch Status now shows last 14 days instead of 10.
- Added No Primary Policy and Connection Error statuses to Batch Status screen.
- Batch verification will correctly show statuses for all registered patients. Previously only showed statuses for patients with valid policies.
- Batch Status screen is now sorted with most recent run-date on top.
- Batch status function now only has 2 listing screens. The middle listing was removed.
- Batch Results Listing screen has a Refresh function added to the Action Column.
- Table Search Function - If you clicked the magnifying glass icon to search the Referring Doctor Table and then clicked Add Item, the NPI Number field was missing. This has been corrected.
User Desktop
- Tasks - A problem was resolved that could cause an error to occur when reviewing a task.
- Practice Vitals Dashboard - ***New Functionality*** - The Days in A/R and Current A/R totals will now automatically be calculated by NetPracticePM each evening. This will speed up the population of the Dashboard for slower systems. The Days in A/R field has been enhanced so it will now populate for All Doctors, a specific Doctor, All Locations, or a specific Location instead of just the practice total.
- Electronic Claims (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - A problem was corrected that was causing some Potomac Group claims to reject for the following reason: 'INV: MUST BE ENTERED SEQUENTIALLY DX CD PNTR3'. Potomac claims are now split by Date of Service.
- Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - The format of the date printed in Box 24A on the insurance form has been changed to MM DD YY.
- Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - An error could occur when printing insurance claims if the location code for the claims was 'UB'. This has been resolved.
- Prepare/Send Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims)- ***New Functionality*** - A 'Claim Sent' note will be entered in the patient's insurance ledger on the date that you actually send the claim file. Since each practice operates differently and some do not necessarily send the claim file on the same date the file was created, this additional notation should provide a more accurate record indicating when the claim was actually sent electronically.
- Print Confirmation Reports (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Printing Options) - ***New Functionality*** - Emdeon carriers only - a 'Claim Acknowledged by Payer' note will be entered in the patient's insurance ledger on the date that you download the confirmation report. The date posted on the note is the date you downloaded the report and does not necessarily mean that is the date the carrier received the claim. This note indicates the carrier received the claim but it does not eliminate the step of checking the confirmation report for rejections.
- Work Accounts - A problem was corrected that prevented the printing of a patient statement from Work Accounts.
- Patient Registration - If you had selected a pre-registered patient, it was possible for a different patient account to display if you accessed the QuikLink function. This problem has been corrected.
- Case Management (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The following fields have been removed from the Patient Case Management screen: Claim Number, Adjuster Name, Adjuster Phone, Adjuster Fax, Employer. These fields were inadvertently added in the last service pack and won't be available until NetPracticePM 7.3 is released.
- Transaction History Actions (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The Action check boxes on the Transaction History screen are now only active when you access the History function directly within the Change Patient Data function. To use these actions from different functions, such as Procedure Entry or Scheduling, you must now use the QuikLink function.
- Transaction History (Patient, Review Patient Information - An error would occur intermittently when printing transaction history in the ledger format. This has been corrected.
- Transaction History (Patient, Review Patient Information - The Total Payments field now displays correctly on the bottom of the screen when you select the 'Payments Only' view. Previously, 'Total Charges: 0.00' would always display.
- UB DMS Records (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS) - The UB records will no longer require the date to be entered with dashes.
- Procedure Analysis by Referral Source (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis) - The Procedure Analysis by Referral Source report and the Sorted Procedure Analysis by Referral Source reports have been modified to generate the data based on the Referral Source tied to the individual line items (procedures) instead of the Referral Source stored in the patient's Name and Address screen.
- Statistical Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis and Detailed Diagnosis Analysis) - ***New Functionality*** - New functions have been added to sort by Corporation, which prints a report containing data for the entire database.
- Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - ***New Functionality*** - You can print this report to Excel now, if you select the Summary Only or Recap option.
- Print Edited Transaction Journal (Reports, Transaction Journals) - ***New Functionality*** - If you use the Billing Group Action function in the Transaction History summary screen to change the billing group for a transaction, this type of change will now be recorded and display on this report.
- Print a Mass Mailing (Reports, Data Management System, DMS Letter Processor) - A problem was corrected that prevented the printing of Income (INC) data elements in DMS documents.
- Wait List (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - After selecting a patient in the Wait List, an error could occur when clicking Cancel or the Schedule Appt function in the Action Column. This problem has been corrected.
- Patient Check In/Out - A problem was corrected that caused payment remarks to not be saved if you clicked Print Receipt prior to clicking Save.
- Enter Patient Appointments - ***New Functionality*** - If your practice subscribes to NetReminder, the appointment confirmation status can automatically be updated based on the call results provided in the NetReminder confirmation file. To take advantage of this new feature you will need to update the NetReminder Integration function. See the NetReminder entry in the System section below for more details.
- Move Schedule Location (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - ***New Functionality*** - This function has been enhanced so you can now select the exact appointment time range you want to move to another schedule instead of just selecting all the appointments for the AM and/or PM. The From Time and Thru Time fields have replaced the Include AM Appointments and Include PM Appointments fields.
- Maintain Templates (Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Template Maintenance) - A problem was corrected that was preventing all of the reserves from displaying if there were 4 reserves entered on a time slot.
- Missing Charge Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - This report has been enhanced so you can print it for specific types of visits. A column has also been added to display the type of visit on the report, if applicable.
- Utilization Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This report was modified so that Blocked time slots will be included in the total for the Appt Slots Open. Prior to this modification the program was incorrectly adding the Blocked time slots to the total for the 'Appt Slots Used'.
- Electronic Claims Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Include NPI numbers in Claims field has been added. The NPI numbers will automatically be included in the electronic claims when you select this check box. Prior to selecting this check box you must:
- Register the NPI numbers for your practice with the applicable insurance carriers. You will need to contact EVERY payer you submit claims to that has issued you a provider number and register your NPI numbers if they require it. If the insurance carrier requires it, the NPI registration is REQUIRED PRIOR to the NPI switchover which occurs on May 23, 2007.
- Complete the NPI Number Setup Process in NetPracticePM. For instructions on entering the NPI numbers, see the NPI Number Setup Process section in NetPracticePM Help (Introduction, System Processes).
After performing the two steps listed above, you will need to update the Electronic Claims Integration function for each electronic form type submitted by your practice. The NPI numbers will not be included in the electronic claims for an insurance carrier until you select the Include NPI numbers in Claims check box in the Electronic Claims Integration for each electronic form type. Note: when you start submitting claims to a payer that include your NPI numbers you must monitor your confirmation reports to verify the claims were received and processed successfully. Failure to do so may interrupt your cash flow.
- Free Space/Disk Analyzer - Text Users only - This function is obsolete and has been removed.
- NetReminder Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - Two enhancements for NetReminder have been released:
- New Confirmation result fields have been added. NetReminder now has the ability to automatically update the appointment confirmation status based on the call results provided in the NetReminder confirmation file. To integrate the call results into NetPracticePM you will first need to add each possible call result listed in the NetReminder Integration screen to the Patient Status/Location Table located on the Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance menu. Next, you will need to update the NetReminder Integration screen and select the applicable Patient Status code for each confirmation result.
- A new Spanish Code field has been added. NetReminder can deliver patient phone calls in Spanish when indicated. To activate this function, you will need to complete the Spanish Code field in the Integration screen and then each patient appointment that has that same language code selected for the Language field in the Patient Name and Address screen, will automatically receive their phone call in Spanish.
- Import RVU Unit Values (Tables, Relative Value Schedule Table) - This function was modified so you can now select the National GPCI Locality and import the National Medicare RVU values without applying the CMS calculation or the GPCI Locality calculations for a specific state.
- Maintain Procedure Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - The NDC Code field has been expanded to 20 characters.
- Load the AMA HCPCS Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - ***New Functionality*** - You can now load the AMA HCPCS Codes from a file directly into NetPracticePM. The current AMA HCPCS code file is available on the Online Support Center provided by CGM. For information about purchasing, downloading, or installing the file, contact your customer service team at CGM.
- Payment Entry Function - If a Case is entered in Payment Entry and a primary insurance carrier is attached to the case, the insurance carrier for the case will now default on the Payment Entry Screen.
- Procedure Entry Function - Special Procedure Codes must be entered with $0.00 for the amount, otherwise electronic claims could get rejected. Procedure entry now prevents non-zero amounts from being entered for special procedure codes. Examples of special procedure codes: AUTH, TIME, NOTE, CPO, ADM, DIS, PS, DATES, DLS, THRU, NDC, GBHC, DOI.
- Unposted Payment Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - If you selected to print this report with patient details for a single date, the report would not generate any data. This has been corrected.
- NetMobile - It was possible in NetMobile to add Procedure, Diagnosis, or Referral Source codes with leading or trailing spaces. This would cause errors during the Sync process and has been corrected.