Home > Release Notes > 7.2 Release Notes > 7.2.18 Service Pack Release Notes 04-30-07
7.2.18 Service Pack Release Notes 04-30-07
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
User Desktop
- Help - ***New Functionality*** - The Mammography Certificate Number Setup Process has been added to NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes.
- Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - A problem was corrected that would occur when printing the NPI Insurance form. The program would only print top 1/2 of form.
- Patient Summary Screen (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The secondary insurance was not displaying if the Bill this Carrier field in the patient's insurance policy information was set to 'E'.
- Install Update or Service Pack (System, Maintain Software Updates) - A problem was corrected that prevented the loading of service packs from within NetPracticePM.