7.2.20 Service Pack Release Notes 06-27-07
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
System Conventions
- Rich Text Editor - ***New Functionality*** - A Page Break icon has been added to the formatting toolbar due to a problem that could be encountered when printing multi-page documents. You can now use the new icon to insert page breaks into every multi-page document to eliminate this issue.
- Authorization Data Element - The Authorization VisitsRemaining data element was not functioning properly. It would print 'TERMED' prior to the actual termination date for the authorization and it would print the total number of visits 'allowed' instead of the number of visits 'remaining'. These problems have been corrected.
User Desktop
- Help - ***New Functionality*** - The NDC Number Setup and Posting Process has been added to NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes.
- Help - ***New Functionality*** - The EPO Procedure Setup and Posting Process has been added to NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes. This information is provided for practices that are affected by UnitedHealthcare's new EPO drug policy effective April 2, 2007.
- Help - ***New Functionality*** - The text for the Practice Vitals Dashboard section has been enhanced. Text has been added for each of the various categories to explain how the data is calculated and compiled.
- Create Insurance File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - When using a PP modifier to force a claim to paper, it was possible for other modifiers attached to the claim get corrupted.
- Create Insurance File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - If the E-Secondary field was selected for an insurance carrier in the insurance carrier table, the program would always create an electronic claim for the secondary insurance, even when the Bill this Carrier field in the insurance policy information on the patient account had E selected (to indicate that the policy is a Medigap or Crossover plan). This problem has been corrected and electronic claims will no longer generate for secondary carriers when 'E' is selected for the Bill this Carrier field.
- Send Statements to CGM - If statements were created alphabetically and the patient name differed from the guarantor, the program would sometimes display the incorrect amount on the screen.
- Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - The description for a NOTE procedure will now print in Box 24 above the Procedure Code it is tied to, on the NPI Insurance form.
- Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - ***New Functionality*** - The following types of Supplemental Information will now print in Box 24 on the NPI Insurance form, above the Procedure Code they are tied to. More than one supplemental item can be reported at a time:
- Anesthesia duration in hours and/or minutes with start and end times
- Narrative description of unspecified codes
- National Drug Codes (NDC) for drugs
- Erythropoietin Drug Policy (EPO)
The following qualifiers are required when reporting these services. They will print in Box 24 in front of the supplemental information they correspond to:
- 7 - Anesthesia information
- ZZ - Narrative description
- N4 - National Drug Codes (NDC)
- Erythropoietin Drug Policy (EPO) does not have a qualifier so 2 blank spaces will print
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - *** Only affects clients that are participating in the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) for Medicare. *** This change will allow the zero charge 'F' codes to be included in the file as valid procedures. If you are testing the PQRS, it will also let the zero dollar 'G' codes be included.
- Print Payment Plan Report - The Collection Payment Plan report was corrected to include patient accounts that have Non-Delinquent Payment Plans.
- Non-Delinquent Payment Plan - The Next Payment field has been corrected. It will automatically default the date based on the 'Start Date of Plan' and 'Payment Days' entered.
- Print Payment Plan Report - ***New Functionality*** - This report was enhanced so you can use it to generate a DMS list by adding it to the DMS Report Integration function.
- Work Accounts - A problem was corrected that prevented any DMS Alert records from displaying when a patient account was accessed.
Managed Care
- Create Pre-Capitated Write-offs and Create Capitated Write-offs (Managed Care, Capitation Functions) - A problem was addressed that prevented amounts from being included if the Date of Service for the charge happened to match the date entered in the Write off Charges through Date field when performing the functions.
- Patient Registration - If you selected a Patient Referral (pre-registered patient) that contained insurance policy information, the insurance policy fields were not automatically populating during the registration process. This has been addressed.
- Patient Registration - ***New Functionality*** - The program has been enhanced to provide additional data verification for the insurance policy information. Two new warning messages have been added to notify you if either of the following situations occur:
- If 'Same' is selected for the Rel to Guarantor field but the policyholder name differs from the patient name.
- If the Policy Holder is Employer check box is selected but 'Same' was selected for the Rel to Guarantor field.
- Letter Function (Patient, Change Patient Data) - ***New Functionality*** - If the program could not find the data requested for any data element inserted in a data fill letter, it would print **ERROR** instead. The program has been modified and will not print anything for the data element if the required data is missing.
- Change Patient Data - If a procedure was refiled from the Transaction History screen using the Refile Action, the 'Refile Date' would be saved as the accounting date of the procedure being refiled, and not the date the refile was actually performed. This also caused the Review Transaction History function in Cache Text to display the Refile date in an invalid format. These problems have been corrected.
- Change Patient Data - It was possible for incorrect insurance card images to display on the primary or secondary policy quadrants of the patient summary screen. This problem has been corrected.
- List of Patients by Transaction Referral (Patient, Patient Listings) - ***New Functionality*** - A new report sorting option has been added that will generate a list of patients sorted by the referral source stored for posted transactions. The program will search through the charges in transaction history and locate the first referral source posted for a patient based on the accounting date entered in the Patients Referred Since field. The new reports are located on the Sorted Lists of Patients menu and the Double Sorted Lists of Patients menu on both the Patient and Reports Menus. This new report sorting option is different than the standard Referral Source option that is based off of the referral source stored in the Patient Name and Address screen.
- Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Balances Greater than field has been added so you can specify if you want the report to only include patient accounts if they have the minimum insurance balance indicated.
- Comparative Summary Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Report) - ***New Functionality*** - Four new sorting options have been added. They are: Insurance Doctor, Patient Class, Type of Service and Referral Source.
- Comparative Analysis by Performing Dr (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Report, Comparative Summary Analysis Reports) - A problem was resolved that prevented this report from actually getting sent to MyReports when you selected to print it there.
- Corporate Daily Register (Reports, Corporate Reports) - An error could occur when printing this report on systems that share tables. This problem has been corrected.
- Insurance Payment Analysis Reports (Reports, Insurance Related Reports, Insurance Statistical Reports) - ***New Functionality*** - These reports have been enhanced to include all types of payments, including non-insurance payments. All the non-insurance payments will print under insurance carrier code zero (0).
- DMS Letter Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - ***New Functionality*** - If the program could not find the data requested for any data element inserted in a data fill letter, it would print **ERROR** instead. The program has been modified and will not print anything for the data element if the required data is missing.
- List Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - ***New Functionality*** - The List Name field in the DMS List Processor has been increased to allow up to 20 characters.
- Patient Check In/Out - The program was modified so the Check In/Out Time will print on any Receipt printed from within this function.
- E-Superbill (Schedule, Patient Check In/Out) - ***New Functionality*** - If a superbill contains a Fee Column, it will display the price for every procedure selected. If additional Units are entered for any procedure, the program will automatically calculate the new price and display it. This new function will only work if the Show Fee Column check box is selected in the Superbill Wizard under Options for the Procedures section.
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - An issue with assigning Superbill numbers was found when printing Superbills that were created using the Superbill Wizard that had been assigned to specific Types of Visits. This has been addressed.
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - If the program could not find the data requested for any data element inserted in a data fill superbill, it would print **ERROR** instead. The program has been modified and will not print anything for the data element if the required data is missing.
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - When Printing or Reprinting Superbills created with the Superbill Wizard, the following changes have been made:
- Any superbill assigned as the 'default' using the Make Default function in the Superbill Wizard, will no longer affect which superbill is printed. The 'default' setting only controls E-Superbills.
- If NO Type of Visit was stored for an appointment, the superbill selected in the Document to Print field will print.
- If a Type of Visit was stored for an appointment but none of the Superbill Wizard documents were assigned to any Type of Visits, the superbill selected in the Document to Print field will print.
- If a Type of Visit was stored for an appointment AND there are Superbill Wizard documents assigned to Type of Visits but not for this Type of Visit, then a superbill will NOT print.
- If a Type of Visit was stored for an appointment AND there are Superbill Wizard documents assigned to Type of Visits AND there is one assigned to this Type of Visit, then the program will verify the superbill document matches the superbill selected in the Document to Print field and print it. If it does not match, a superbill will NOT print.
- Check In/Out Payment Journal (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - A problem that prevented this journal from printing to MyReports has been corrected.
- Maintain Diagnosis Codes (Tables, Diagnosis Code Table) - ***New Functionality*** - *** Only affects clients that are participating in the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) for Medicare. *** A new PQRS Diagnosis Check field has been added to the diagnosis code table. If you select this check box, then anytime the diagnosis code is used in procedure entry and you fail to enter an 'F' procedure code, you will receive a warning.
- Electronic Claims Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Suppress Legacy Numbers check box has been added. A legacy number is a provider number, group number, or in some cases, a license number. If an insurance carrier notifies you they no longer want to receive legacy numbers in your electronic claims file, you can select the Suppress Legacy Numbers check box for the applicable Electronic Form Type and NetPracticePM will no longer include them. Note: When you start submitting claims to a payer that has the legacy numbers suppressed, you must monitor your confirmation reports to verify the claims were received and processed successfully. Failure to do so may interrupt your cash flow.
- Printer Maintenance (System, System Operations Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - Four new fields have been added so you can define page margins for any active Windows printer.
- Procedure Entry Function - If a debit adjustment was entered from the summary screen after Procedure Entry, the Patient Look-up screen was appearing. This has been corrected so that after a debit adjustment is entered, the summary screen will re-display.
- Procedure Entry Function - If a procedure grouping was selected in Procedure Entry for an account with a Fee Schedule assigned, an error could occur. This problem has been corrected.
- Procedure Entry Function - An error could occur under certain circumstances when using the keyboard shortcut ALT-S. This has been corrected.
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - An issue posting remits containing UnitedHealthcare secondary claims has been encountered. They will not post per line item. NetPracticePM cannot make a determination of what amount they are paying for each line item based on the information provided - only the total amount paid for the claim. Therefore, NetPracticePM has no option but to put these items on the Payment Exception report so you can post them manually.
- Edit a Transaction - An error would occur when removing a Check Number from a Payment transaction - this has been addressed.
- Edit a Transaction - The program has been modified to allow Dental procedures to display. You can now change the Tooth Number, Tooth Surface, and Oral Cavity.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - The program was corrected so the MOA reason codes will only print on Medicare remits.
- NetVerify - Improvements have been made to prevent verification failures for Florida Medicare and CoreSource of Little Rock.