7.2.25 Service Pack Release Notes 09-25-07
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
- Print Exception Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - If a policy holder's date of birth is not entered, but the policy holder's relationship to the patient is the same, no exception will be generated if there is a valid date of birth entered for the patient.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - Two new exceptions for Policy Holder Date of Birth and Policy Holder Sex Required have been added. The information is pulled directly from the data stored in the insurance policy information for the carrier and if it is missing you will receive one of these exception errors.
- Print Exception Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - *** Institutional Claims (UB) Only *** - A new exception reason for 'Invalid insurance Equivalent code for location (code)' has been created to ensure the UB Equivalent code in the Location Code Table contains 2 digits.
- Print Payment Plan Report - This report would only print in numeric order. This has been corrected.
- Work Accounts - The DMS Patient Alert window will now only display one time when you select the patient account. Previously the alert would display when you selected the patient account and again each time the collection status was changed.
- Change Patient Data - ***New Functionality*** - The Policy Holder's Name and the Policy Holder's Employer have been added to the Insurance Policy quadrants on the Patient Summary Screen.
- Patient Registration - If a previously registered patient was selected from Patient Look-up while in the Patient Registration function, no insurance policy information would be displayed on the Patient Summary screen. This problem has been corrected.
- Review Patient Information - Transaction History Screen - An error would occur when you clicked on the Superbill image icon for certain types of superbill documents. This has been corrected.
- Detailed Procedure Analysis (Reports, Statistical Reports) - *** Family Billing only *** - When Print Detail of Patients is selected for printing these reports, the Patient Name field will be moved to the left 10 spaces to provide better alignment.
Rx Management
- Maintain Patient Prescriptions - An error would occur if a Doctor was not entered for a Prescription, so the Doctor Code field has been changed and is now required when you add a prescription.
- Patient Check In/Out - If a user code was not setup with a Scheduling Default Location in the Maintain Users function on the System, User Management menu, an error could occur when accessing the Patient Check In/Out function. This problem has been corrected.
- Reset Statistical Files (System, File Maintenance Menu) - The program failed to pick up the type of visit statistics for a debit adjustment when it was applied to a charge. This has been corrected.
- Change Database Parameters (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - The Name of System field has been expanded to allow up to 35 characters.
- Payment Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - If the payment journal report was run sorted by performing doctor and a range of doctors was entered, it was possible for incorrect unapplied payments to appear on the report. This problem has been corrected.
- Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) - *** Oklahoma Medicaid remits only *** - These remit files are missing critical information for secondary claims, which prevents NetPracticePM from being able to import the remit. The import program and the posting programs were modified to accommodate these incomplete secondary claims and will now force them to the payment exception report with the exception reason 'Missing details on Secondary payer.'
- Print Payment Exceptions (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - ***New Functionality*** - The text for the 'UHC Secondary payer' exception reason has been changed to state 'Missing details on Secondary payer' instead. As new remit files are received from insurance carriers it has been found that a non carrier-specific exception reason was necessary.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - ***New Functionality*** - This program has been corrected to include the 'descriptions' for the 'N' codes if applicable.