7.2.28 Service Pack Release Notes 12-13-07
List of Programming Corrections
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
System Conventions
- Patient Look-up - When searching for a patient by check number it was possible for Internet Explorer to time-out before displaying the search results. This problem has been corrected.
- Prepare/Send Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - The Electronic Paper claims have been changed to print on the new CMS (HCFA) format which includes the NPI number.
Managed Care
- Delete Historical Authorizations (Managed Care, Authorization Tracking Menu) - The Delete Historical Authorizations thru Date field has been corrected to only allow date changes that are older than the default date, which is six months prior to the current date.
- Change Patient Data - Letters - When attempting to print a Rich Text letter directly to a printer, nothing would print. This problem has been corrected.
- Statistical Reports - If you selected Print with Codes for either the Payment Analysis by Modifier or Adjustment Analysis by Modifier reports, the codes were not printing. This has been corrected but will only be effective for dates that fall after the installation of this service pack.
- Add or Change Labels (Reports, Data Management System, DMS Label Processor) - After copying a DMS label to another database from this function, the original label could become corrupted. Subsequent use of the label would result in an error. This problem has been corrected.
- Delinquent Accounts Receivable Reports - If you printed this report to MyReports and it did not happen to contain any data, the report would not print to MyReports and no warning message would display. This has been corrected so that even if a report does not contain any data, it will still display in MyReports.
- UDS Reports - ***New Functionality*** - The reports for the 2007 reporting period have been released. In addition to the changes required for Report 3B, Report 4, Report 5, and Report 7, sorting options by Patient Class and Billing group have been added. Two of the biggest changes for the 2007 reporting period are the way Latinos are classified and a new classification type of 'More than 1 Race'. The Race table in NetPracticePM has been updated to include a category for 'More than 1 Race'. All reports can still be run for reporting period 2006 with the 2006 content intact. NetPracticePM will decide which report to produce (2006 or 2007) depending on the ending date selected for the report.
- Collection Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports) - These reports now suppress zero dollar charges.
- MyReports - An error would occur when attempting to forward a report to 'Everyone'. This problem has been corrected.
- Enter Patient Appointments - An error would occur when accessing an appointment that was scheduled using a resource panel. This problem has been corrected.
- Edit Doctor Schedules (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - If you enter quantities in the Max AM and Max PM fields for a doctor schedule in the detailed scheduling edit screen and then use the Save as Template function, those values will now be saved in the template.
- Patient Check In/Out - "Microsoft Word" was missing from the printer options when printing a superbill. This problem has been corrected.
- Enter Patient Appointments - Under certain circumstances, some or all of the Type of Visit codes and descriptions would be blank in the list box when adding or modifying an appointment. This problem has been corrected.
- Print Schedule Labels (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - The DMS Post-op days data elements did not print correctly from this function. This problem has been corrected.
- Enter Patient Appointments - The Address Line field has been increased to allow up to 35 characters in the Quick-Registration screen.
- Update the Price List with RVU Values (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - ***New Functionality*** - This function has been modified so you can choose between facility or non-facility RVU unit values. Prior to this release, non-facility was always used.
- Group Taxonomy Number Table (Tables, Doctor Code Table, Provider Number Table) - ***New Functionality*** - This new table has been added so you can store Group Taxonomy Numbers for a specific Insurance Form type and Insurance Carrier. When you create insurance claims, NetPracticePM will determine which Taxonomy # to report based on the highest level of data (number of fields) entered. The samples provided below are just a few of a wide variety of scenarios that could occur at each level. The general guideline that NetPracticePM uses to determine the level of data is 'the quantity of fields that have been completed in addition to the Taxonomy Number field.'
Level 1: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location: - (1 field in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = 0 not applicable
- Insurance Carrier = leave blank
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned to the location for all the doctors
Level 2: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with any Blue Cross insurance: - (2 fields in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = G - Blue Cross
- Insurance Carrier = leave blank
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned by Blue Cross to the location for all the doctors
Level 3: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with Medicaid insurance: - (3 fields in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = D - Medicaid
- Insurance Carrier = applicable insurance carrier code
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned by Medicaid to the location for all the doctors
Level 4: If Medicaid has issued a specific Group Taxonomy when any of 3 specific doctors practice at a specific location (out of the 7 total doctors in the practice): - (4 fields in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = D - Medicaid
- Insurance Carrier = applicable insurance carrier code
- Doctor Code = applicable doctor code (repeat this process for each applicable doctor code)
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned by Medicaid to the location for the doctor