7.2.6 Service Pack Release Notes 11-21-06
List of Updates and Enhancements
NetPracticePM and Text Systems
System Conventions
- Printing to a Label Printer - ***New Functionality*** - Windows Based Label Printers are now supported under NetPracticePM if you have installed the Enhanced Printer Support add-on. The Enhanced Printer Support functionality was released in version 7.2.0. For detailed information see the entry for Enhanced Printing Functionality under the System Conventions section in the 7.2.0 Release Notes. For instructions on setting up a Windows based label printer, see the entry for Printer Maintenance under the System section of these release notes.
User Desktop
- Rollodex - The Previous button would not work correctly after performing a Search. This has been resolved.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - The Office Location (2310D Loop) is now sent on all claims except for home visits. Traditionally, the only time the office location needed to be sent was when it was a location other than the office. The number of insurance carriers requiring this information is continually increasing so we have now included it for all claims.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - ***New Functionality*** - An enhancement has been made for any secondary claims sent electronically. When the payment for the primary insurance carrier is posted through payment entry, if the allowed amount is not entered or is bypassed and entered with the same amount as the billed amount, the program will automatically calculate the allowed amount to be included on the secondary claim. This change should prevent the secondary insurance carrier from overpaying the claim and compensate for when the allowed amount is not entered correctly.
- Populate Collection Roster - If you performed the Populate Collection Roster function manually, the message informing you when the populate process was complete was not displaying.
- Transaction History (Patient, Review Patient Information, History) - If you used the Refile Action function in Transaction History, it would randomly place multiple copies of the charge(s) in the insurance print file. The program has been corrected.
- RVS Productivity Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports) - ***New Functionality*** - Three new reports are available. You can now print the RVS Productivity Report sorted by; Billing Group, Type of Service, and Location in addition to the existing Performing Dr sort. A new Unit Value column has also been added to each report, which will print the unit value of each procedure code.
- RVS Productivity Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports) - The report totals were not printing the last digit of the amount. The programs have been corrected.
- CPT Summary Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports) - If you printed any of the reports to Excel, the columns were not lining up properly.
- Summary Analysis Report by Modifier (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Reports) - This report has been deleted from NetPracticePM. It was determined this report was not needed since modifiers are always going to be CPT specific and the CPT Summary Analysis Report by Modifier can provide the necessary information.
- Procedure Analysis by Date of Service (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis) - The Procedures List list box was not populating if you selected the Exclusions check box. This issue has been resolved.
- Add or Change a Letter (Reports, Data Management System, DMS Letter Processor) - The AlertNotes, INotes, and SNotes data elements have been removed. All of these records are stored by date and the Letter Processor does not allow you to select a specific date.
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - If you had the S:FUT (Plain Text) or ApptFuture (RTE)datafill element inserted in a superbill document and the patient did not have any future appointments scheduled, the text immediately prior to the datafill element would be repeated. For example, if your superbill document contained Next appt: S:FUT or ApptFuture, then it would print - Next appt: Next appt.
- Edit Cancellation Journal (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - If you changed the Resched/Delete Reason field for a patient appointment, the Resched/Delete Reason was not getting updated correctly in Inquiry.
- Enter Patient Appointments - If you deleted a patient appointment from within this function, the Delete/Reschedule Comment was displaying Deceased instead of Deleted in Inquiry. The program was also modified for the other two possible methods of deleting appointments. If the appointment is deleted by deleting or blocking time through Doctor Schedule Maintenance the Delete/Reschedule Comment will display Deleted through Edit Doctor Schedule. If you change the Patient Status field to Deceased through Change Patient Data the Delete/Reschedule Comment will display Deceased.
- Wait List (Schedule, Enter Patient Appointments) - ***New Functionality*** - Two new functions have been added to the Action Column for the Wait List. The Add/Edit Filter allows you to apply a filter and limit the quantity of patients listed to one date, a specific doctor, one location, or any combination of the three. The heading on the Wait List Summary screen will indicate if a filter has been applied. The Remove Filter function will remove any filter applied and re-display all the patients contained in the Wait List.
- Printer Maintenance (System, System Operations Menu) - A new Windows-based Label Printer field has been added, which you can use to indicate that a NetPracticePM Windows defined Printer is a Windows-based Label Printer (for example, a DYMO printer). Upon accessing this function, you will first need to select the Windows printer from the Printer Summary list. When the Printer Maintenance settings are displayed, select the Windows-based Label Printer check box and click Save.
- Model User Menus (System, User Management) - Under certain circumstances it was not possible to de-select a top-level menu from a user code even though no other sub menus were selected. This problem has been corrected.
- Doctor Code Table - ***New Functionality*** - The Doctor Code field has been expanded to allow four characters instead of three.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - Due to the increased variety of the types of provider adjustments received from various insurance carriers, the list of possible provider adjustments has been expanded.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - If you imported a remit and did not have a fee schedule attached for the insurance carrier an error could occur. The program was changed to make sure there was a valid fee schedule before comparing the allowed amount that was held in the fee schedule and the allowed amount on the remit.
- Edit a Transaction - ***New Functionality*** - The Allowed Amount field for a procedure can now be changed. If you entered an incorrect allowed amount when you posted a payment, you can now edit it. In the past, the only way to edit this field was to void the payment and re-enter it correctly.
- Adjustment Entry Function - A problem was corrected that caused the posting of a debit adjustment to fail, if the billing group for the patient did not match the billing group for the line item selected.
- Unposted Payment Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - ***New Functionality*** - A new Print in Resp Doctor Order field has been added, which allows you to sort and print the report by Responsible Doctor. A column has also been added to the report to print the responsible doctor for each unposted payment.
- Reverse a Transaction - This function has been updated and will no longer allow you to reverse charges for the same date the billing period was closed through.