7.3.0 Update Release Notes 04-03-08
Steps to be Performed Prior to Installing the Update- You will need to confirm that Cache 2007.1 is installed on the server.
- You will need to confirm that your NetPracticePM server has the latest Service Pack (Version 7.2.29) installed.
List of Updates and Enhancements
User Desktop- Rollodex - The NPI Number is now included in the Rollodex for Referring Doctors.
- Help - An Active Report Listing and an Excel Report Listing have been added to NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, Printing in NetPracticePM. The lists will always contain a current listing of every function that has been configured to print as an Active Report to MyReports or as an Excel report. They are automatically updated by NetPracticePM each time a service pack or update is installed.
Billing- Automatic Balance Write-Off (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Delinquent Insurance Menu) - This function has been split into two separate functions so you can select to perform write-offs for select Billing Groups or Performing Doctors.
- Create Delinquent Insurance File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Delinquent Insurance Menu) - New fields have been added so you can choose to perform this function for specific Doctor, Location, and Procedure codes.
- Delinquent File Inquiry (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Delinquent Insurance Menu) - When you hover over an entry, you can see the Carrier, Doctor, Location and Procedure codes selected to create that particular delinquent insurance file.
- Insurance Collections Module (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - This module has been created so you can manage payment collections from insurance carriers. For additional information, see Insurance Collections Setup and Processing Steps in NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes.
- Insurance Filing Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - This report has been changed to print a p, s, or t in the # column (next to the insurance form number and the code that reflects how the procedure was placed in the print file) to indicate if the claim is for a primary, secondary, or tertiary insurance policy.
- Insurance Never Filed (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Insurance Management Reports) - This report has been enhanced to print the Claim Delay date if one was typed in the Procedure Entry Function.
- Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Insurance Management Reports) - A Tertiary Carriers check box has been added to all the available sorting options for this type of report so you can choose whether or not to include claims filed for Tertiary Carriers.
- Prepare/Send Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - If you refile an insurance claim, this function has been updated to submit the ICN number, if one was entered on the original payment in Payment Entry.
Collections- Third Party Turn Over Report (Collections, Turn Over Functions) - You can select to print only the delinquent balances or the whole account balances using the new Delinquent Balances Only check box.
Managed Care- Maintain Authorizations (Managed Care, Authorization Tracking Menu)
- The Maintain Authorizations screen can be sorted by 'Case' and 'Maximum Dollar Amount'.
- When the amounts typed in the new Maximum Dollar $, Threshold Dollar $ and Threshold Visits fields are reached or exceeded, a message will alert you from Enter Patient Appointments, Patient Check In/Out and the Procedure Entry Function.
- You can also select a case to assign to the authorization by using the new Case field.
- Service Script Tracking Menu - These new functions interact with the Procedure Entry Function and the Schedule to track prescriptions related to visits such as physical therapy. You can assign service scripts to appointments and procedures.
- Referral Tracking Menu - You can select the Include Patient Address check box to print the patients address on the report.
- Capitation Functions - The Pre-Capitated Write-offs and Capitated Write-offs programs have been updated to process any tertiary insurance carriers.
- Case Management (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The Insurance Tertiary list box has been updated to only display tertiary insurance policies stored on the patient's account.
- Service Scripts (Patient, Change Patient Data) - You can add and maintain service scripts on a patients account by using the new Service Scripts function in the Action Column. For additional details, see the Service Script Tracking Menu entry under the Managed Care section.
- Insurance (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The Insurance Policy Summary screen has a new Type column and will reflect (P) if the carrier is Primary, (S) if the carrier is Secondary, or (T) if the carrier is Tertiary.
- History (Patient, Change Patient Data)
- The Billing Group Action has been removed since you can now change the Billing Group for each transaction using the Edit a Transaction function.
- When a claim is filed to a tertiary insurance carrier, a Tertiary Filed entry will be stored in the patients insurance ledger.
- You can add an authorization or DMS note to any transaction using the new Auth or Note Action function. You can select a transaction and then select either function from the Action list.
- The Service Script and Date of Ill/Inj data have been added to appear on the Transaction History Detail beneath the diagnosis code information. For additional details, see the Procedure Entry Function entry under the Transactions section.
- The Insurance Reason and the Practice Reason code will reflect in the Insurance Ledger when a denial is posted in Payment Entry.
- When you hover over a transaction you can see any INOTES that are stored for that Date ofService.
- Insurance Policy Information (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The Primary Carrier field was changed to Carrier Type to accommodate the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary options.
- INOTES DMS Record (Patient, Change Patient Data) - INOTES (Insurance Notes) has been added as a standard DMS Record.
- INOTES DMS Record (Patient, Change Patient Data) - You can use the new Date of Service field when adding a new INOTES record.
- Patient Summary Screen (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The Secondary Insurance Carrier section displays (T) next to the secondary insurance carrier name if a tertiary carrier exists on the account.
- Employers (Patient, Change Patient Data) - A new Employers function has been added to the Action Column so you can keep a history of the patients employment information.
- Billing Screen (Patient, Change Patient Data) - When a patient account is assigned to a billing group code that is not set to suppress accounts from entering the collections process, you can use the Suppress Collections check box without changing the patient's assigned billing group.
- Double Sorted Lists of Patients (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) - A Patient Class sorting option has been added to the List of Patients by Responsible Doctor and List of Patients by Location.
- List of Patients by Case (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) - This report has been added to the available sorting options. All patients will be included on the list for the selected Case Type as long as the case has not been terminated.
- New Patient/Follow-Up Report Sorted by Patient Class (Patient, Patient Listings, New Patient/Follow-Up Reports) - This report has been added to the available sorting options.
- Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports)
- You can print all of the available sorting options to MyReports as Active Reports.
- Additional reports have been added to provide sorting options for Performing Doctor, Responsible Doctor, Location, Billing Group and Corporation.
- An Include INotes field has been added to all the available sorting options for this type of report. Section headings have also been added in the report when you select to include Notes or INotes to help differentiate between the two.
- A Tertiary Carriers check box has been added to all the available sorting options for this type of report so you can choose whether or not to include claims filed for Tertiary Carriers.
- Aged Accounts Receivable Reports - The Alphabetical Aged Accounts Receivable Report and the Numeric Aged Accounts Receivable Report have been enhanced to print the total number of accounts with balances on the Summary page.
- Billing Productivity (Reports, Transaction Journals) - This new report reflects by user, the total number and dollar amount of charges, payments and adjustments posted during the date range specified. This report may also be printed from the Transactions Journals menu located on the Transactions menu.
- Print Edited Transaction Journal (Reports, Transaction Journals) - This report has been enhanced to include the date the transaction was edited. The Guarantor name column has also been updated and will now print the Patient name instead.
- CPT Summary Analysis by Corporation (Reports, Statistical Reports, CPT Summary Analysis Reports) - This new sorting option has been added.
- Category Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Report) - This report can be sorted by Location, Performing Doctor, Type of Service, Referral Source and Billing Group. The report calculates totals for charges, payments, adjustments, and patients seen for the current month and year-to-date. A Year-to-Date A/R total is also calculated.
- Procedure Analysis by Type of Service (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis) - This new sorting option has been added.
- Profile Analysis Report (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Report) - Reports have been added providing sorting options for Location, Performing Doctor, Insurance Dr or Billing Group. The report calculates charges, payments, and adjustments for each month up to the ending date selected. It also calculates net, year-to-date net, and month-to-date and year-to-date percentage collected.
- Sorted Collection Analysis by Location - (Reports, Statistical Reports, Collection Analysis Reports, Sorted Collection Analysis Reports) - A new 'Ins Carrier' sorting option has been added.
- Sorted Collection Analysis by Performing Dr - (Reports, Statistical Reports, Collection Analysis Reports, Sorted Collection Analysis Reports) - A new 'Ins Carrier' sorting option has been added.
- Sorted Diagnosis Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Diagnosis Analysis) - New menu functions have been added for printing double-sorted Diagnosis Analysis Reports. They can be sorted first by either performing doctor or location, then by various secondary sorting criteria.
- Sorted Procedure Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis) - A new Type of Service sorting option has been added.
- Statistical Reports - The following statistical reports have been enhanced to be exported to Excel:
- Sorted Summary Analysis Reports
- CPT Summary Analysis Reports
- RVS Productivity Reports
- Comparative Adjustment Analysis Reports
- Comparative Payment Analysis Reports
- Comparative Productivity Reports
- Transaction Report (Reports, Statistical Reports) - This report calculates charges, payments, and adjustments for the specified date range. You can select multiple doctors, locations, billing groups, and types of visits using the multiple selection list boxes. If a transaction matches all the criteria selected it will be included on the report. This report does not contain patient detail.
- Add or Change a Letter (Reports, Data Management System, DMS Letter Processor) - Patient Collection Letter and Insurance Collection Letter prompts have been added so you can differentiate between the two types of collection letters.
- MyReports - The Active reports have been enhanced and a 'MyReports QuikLink' icon has been activated. This new icon is essentially a limited version of a standard QuikLink because it will open a separate session of NetPracticePM that directly accesses the patient's Transaction History screen under the Review Patient Information function. Currently this new icon is only available for the various Insurance Aged Receivable reports.
Schedule- Enter Patient Appointments - Appointment Details You have the option to view the details of an appointment from the Main Scheduling Window without accessing the appointment. You can expand and collapse the details of the appointment by clicking the PLUS SIGN (+) next to the patient's name to expand it or the MINUS SIGN (-) to collapse it. For additional information on selecting the appointment data you want to view, see the Appointment Display Integration entry under the System section.
- Enter Patient Appointments - A Delete all future appointments check box has been added to the delete an appointment option. If you select this check box all future appointments will be deleted in addition to the current appointment.
- Enter Patient Appointments - You can use the new Filter function in the Action Column on the Main Scheduling Window to add or remove doctors or locations from the various schedule views.
- Patient Check In/Out - Authorization and Service Script fields have been added. If the Authorization and/or Service Scripts were not originally assigned to the appointment, you can enter the information here. You can access the Recalls function directly from the Action Column to quickly add recalls after a patient is checked-in.
- Patient Check In/Out - The Co-pay and ROA functions have been moved to the Action Column so you can enter multiple payments on each patient appointment.
- Print Appointment Schedule to Excel (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This report provides a 'standard' printout of the Appointment Schedule which has been enhanced to print to MS Excel. This report may not print in the same format as your practice's 'Print Appointment Schedule' report if you have had any customizations or changes made to it. Any Notes stored for the schedule or On Call entries will print at the bottom of the report if you print the report to Excel.
- Print a Document (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - You can use the new Begin with Type of Visit and End with Type of Visit fields to print documents for select type of visit codes.
- Scheduling Co-pay Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This new report provides detailed co-payment information for every patient appointment contained in a schedule. It will print any amount stored in the Co-Payment Amount field for the patient's primary insurance policy in the Expected Co-pay column. It will also print the payment amount and type of payment if any was entered for the patient appointment in the Patient Check In/Out function.
- Scheduling Printing Menu - All of the functions have been placed in alphabetical order so you can quickly locate the function you want.
- Type of Visit Table (Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance) - A new DMS Letter to Print field has been added so you can link a DMS letter to a type of visit code. When you save an appointment with a type of visit that has a letter linked to it, you will be prompted to print that letter.
System- Appointment Display Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - You can select which appointment data fields you want to display when you expand the details of the appointment by clicking the PLUS SIGN (+) next to the patient's name from the Main Scheduling Window. With the Minimum Column Width field you can control the width of each providers column on the scheduling screens.
- Insurance Collections Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - This menu has been added to work with the new Insurance Collections Module. For additional information, see Insurance Collections Setup and Processing Steps in NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes.
- Demographic Look-up (System, File Maintenance Menu, Look-Up Functions) - A new Collection Status field on the Billing Information screen reflects any changes made to the collection status on the account.
Tables- Insurance Denial Code Table - The former Insurance Denial Code Table now functions the same way under the new name of Practice Denial Code Table. The new Insurance Denial Code Table has been added to work in conjunction with the new Insurance Collections Module.
- Maintain Insurance Carriers (Tables, Insurance Carrier Table) - Three new fields have been added to work in conjunction with the Insurance Collections Module:
- Expected Pmt Days Type the number of days you expect to receive payment from this insurance carrier.
- Timely Filing Limit Type the number of days that this insurance carrier considers as timely filing.
- Follow Up Letter Type the number of days since the insurance claim was filed for a follow up letter to be sent to the insurance carrier.
- Import Post-Op Days (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - You can automatically import the number of post-op days for each procedure code by using this new function. These numbers are provided annually by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as part of the Medicare Fee Schedules.
- Maintain Procedure Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - A new Post-Op Days field has been added so they can be specific to a procedure code rather than to a Type of Service.
Transactions- Procedure Entry Function - A Claim Delay field has been added for you to specify when you want to delay the filing of a claim until a future date. If you select a date, the Create Insurance File function will automatically file the claim on that date or anytime after that date has passed, depending on how often you create insurance.
- Procedure Entry Function - Date of Ill/Inj and Service Script fields have been added. The fields are located directly below the Referring Dr field in the right column of the top section.
- Date of Ill/Inj - This field is used to store the date of illness or injury when the insurance carrier only requires a date be provided on the insurance claim. In the past you were required to create a case for the patient, store the date in the case and then tie that case to the transaction(s) to have it included on the insurance claim. Now, by using the Date of Ill/Inj field in procedure entry, you can eliminate using a case for those situations when the insurance carrier only requires a date and not the additional case information fields.
- Service Script - This field stores the date last seen. For detailed information on service scripts, see the Service Scripts entry under the Managed Care Section.
- Procedure Entry Function - If you select a case and click Auth in the Action Column, only the authorizations assigned to that case will display. If you leave the Case field blank and click Auth in the Action Column, only the authorizations not assigned to a case will display.
- Procedure Entry Function - You can now use decimal points in the Multiplier field.
- Payment Entry Function - A new ICN Number field has been added. Some insurance carriers may require this information to process secondary claims. The number will also print if you print the EOB Image when reviewing a patient's transaction history.
- Payment Entry Function - Tertiary Carrier information has been added to display directly below the Secondary Carrier in the Payment Entry Lead-in screen.
- Payment Entry Function - When you select to post an unposted payment, the Check Number field defaults with what was entered in the Co-payment Remark or Payment Remark fields in Patient Check In/Out when the Pmt Type Check option is selected.
- ERA Integration Setup (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - You can use the new Suppress Allowed Amount doesn't match exception check box to eliminate this exception on every payment for carriers (based on Insurance Form type) whose fee schedules aren't stored within NetPracticePM.
- ERA Activity Log (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - This function has been added so you can monitor the import and delete activity of your electronic remit files. This log will also show the date, time and user associated with the activity.
- Edit a Transaction
- The Claim Delay date field has been added to this function.
- The Billing Group, Date of Ill/Inj, and Service Script fields have been added to this function.
- You can edit the ICN Number when editing a payment.
Steps to be Performed After Installing the Update- Perform the setup steps necessary if you plan on using the Insurance Collections Module. See the Insurance Collections Setup and Processing Steps in NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes.
New Functionality from Previous Service PacksSystem Conventions- 7.2.20 - Rich Text Editor - A Page Break icon has been added to the formatting toolbar due to a problem that could be encountered when printing multi-page documents. You can now use the new icon to insert page breaks into every multi-page document to eliminate this issue.
User Desktop- Practice Vitals Dashboard
- 7.2.17 - The Days in A/R and Current A/R totals will now automatically be calculated by NetPracticePM each evening. This will speed up the population of the Dashboard for slower systems. The Days in A/R field has been enhanced so it will now populate for All Doctors, a specific Doctor, All Locations, or a specific Location instead of just the practice total.
- 7.2.23 - The calculation for the Patients in Off field has been modified and will now represent the total number of patient accounts that have had their appointment status set to Checked-In but have not been set to Checked-Out yet. Since some practices have separate appointment status codes for each department as the patient migrates through the office, this figure will now calculate every patient that has been 'Checked-In'. In the past, this figure would only calculate the total number of patient accounts that had their appointment status currently equal Checked-In and would ignore any other accounts.
- 7.2.23 - The Appointments and Patients New categories have been enhanced to include figures for the Year-to-Date (YTD) column.
- Help
- 7.2.15 - A new section for the NPI Setup Process has been added under Introduction, System Processes.
- 7.2.18 - The Mammography Certificate Number Setup Process has been added to NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes.
- 7.2.20 - The NDC Number Setup and Posting Process added to NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes.
- 7.2.20 - The EPO Procedure Setup and Posting Process added to NetPracticePM Help under Introduction, System Processes. This information is provided for practices that are affected by United Healthcare's new EPO drug policy effective April 2, 2007.
- 7.2.20 - The text for the Practice Vitals Dashboard section has been enhanced. Text has been added for each of the various categories to explain how the data is calculated and compiled.
Billing- 7.2.20 - Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - The following types of Supplemental Information will now print in Box 24 on the NPI Insurance form, above the Procedure Code they are tied to. More than one supplemental item can be reported at a time:
- Anesthesia duration in hours and/or minutes with start and end times
- Narrative description of unspecified codes
- National Drug Codes (NDC) for drugs
- Erythropoietin Drug Policy (EPO)
The following qualifiers are required when reporting these services. They will print in Box 24 in front of the supplemental information they correspond to:- 7 - Anesthesia information
- ZZ - Narrative description
- N4 - National Drug Codes (NDC)
- Erythropoietin Drug Policy (EPO) does not have a qualifier so 2 blank spaces will print
- Print Exception Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims)
- 7.2.25 - If a policy holder's date of birth is not entered, but the policy holder's relationship to the patient is the same, no exception will be generated if there is a valid date of birth entered for the patient.
- 7.2.25 - *** Institutional Claims (UB) Only *** - A new exception reason for 'Invalid insurance Equivalent code for location (code)' has been created to ensure the UB Equivalent code in the Location Code Table contains 2 digits.
- 7.2.27 - ***Electronic Insurance Paper Claims Only*** - It has always been a policy that you should not submit any electronic paper claims to the CGM Clearing House for any government payers. In preparation of converting to the new paper CMS Insurance form a restriction has now been placed in the programs for electronic claims to only allow claims that are for Commercial Carriers - Insurance Form Type 'F'. If you have any carriers setup to be sent as electronic paper that are NOT for Form Type 'F', any claims for them will be placed on the Electronic Claims Exception Report containing the message, 'Can only send commercial carriers on electronic paper'.
- Move/Re-Build Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims)
- 7.2.6 - The Office Location (2310D Loop) is now sent on all claims except for home visits. Traditionally, the only time the office location needed to be sent was when it was a location other than the office. The number of insurance carriers requiring this information is continually increasing so we have now included it for all claims.
- 7.2.6 - An enhancement has been made for any secondary claims sent electronically. When the payment for the primary insurance carrier is posted through payment entry, if the allowed amount is not entered or is bypassed and entered with the same amount as the billed amount, the program will automatically calculate the allowed amount to be included on the secondary claim. This change should prevent the secondary insurance carrier from overpaying the claim and compensate for when the allowed amount is not entered correctly.
- 7.2.14 - A new electronic claims exception error for No payment from Primary Carrier has been added. A problem would occur when charges were filed on Demand or Refiled for a Secondary carrier prior to receiving and posting a payment for the primary carrier. If the secondary claim did not contain a 'date of primary payment or denial,' the entire electronic claim file was rejected.
- 7.2.24 - This program has been enhanced to automatically create the necessary segments required for EPSDT claims and submit them when a claim contains procedure codes with the EP modifier attached.
- 7.2.24 - This program has been updated to validate all NPI numbers. An NPI number must be 10 digits in length and the 10th digit must calculate out as a correct check-digit. Any transactions that have NPI numbers that do not pass will be placed on the Exception Report.
- 7.2.24 - The edit check to validate the patient's address for electronic claims has been updated to also include validation on the patient's secondary address if they do not have the Primary Address check box selected.
- 7.2.25 - Two new exceptions for Policy Holder Date of Birth and Policy Holder Sex Required have been added. The information is pulled directly from the data stored in the insurance policy information for the carrier and if it is missing you will receive one of these exception errors.
- 7.2.26 - Health Net of Arizona has been rejecting electronic insurance claims that contain more than four diagnosis codes. Even though the ANSI standard specifically states that up to eight diagnosis codes can be submitted per claim, Health Net of Arizona will reject them. This program has been changed for this insurance carrier to split an insurance claim into multiple claims if it encounters more than four diagnosis codes to prevent this rejection.
- 7.2.29 - ***Electronic Workers' Compensation Claims Only*** - If you type a number in the new Claim Number field within the Case Management record on a patient account, this claim number will override the Policy Number entered in the Insurance Policy Information for the corresponding carrier. This change is to accommodate patients that have multiple workers' compensation cases occurring simultaneously. This will allow you to only have one insurance policy listed on the account instead of duplicating the carrier for each case with a different claim number. If you need this enhancement for your paper claims, contact a NetPracticePM customer service representative.
- 7.2.29 - ***Medicare claims only*** - If you have the Suppress Legacy Numbers check box selected in the Electronic Claims Integration for your Medicare carrier, this program has been updated to no longer send the UPIN number on the claims.
- 7.2.29 - Print Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - A Grand Total dollar amount has been added to the bottom of the report.
- 7.2.17 - Prepare/Send Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - A 'Claim Sent' note will be entered in the patient's insurance ledger on the date that you actually send the claim file. Since each practice operates differently and some do not necessarily send the claim file on the same date the file was created, this additional notation should provide a more accurate record indicating when the claim was actually sent electronically.
- 7.2.17 - Print Confirmation Reports (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Printing Options) - Emdeon carriers only - a 'Claim Acknowledged by Payer' note will be entered in the patient's insurance ledger on the date that you download the confirmation report. The date posted on the note is the date you downloaded the report and does not necessarily mean that is the date the carrier received the claim. This note indicates the carrier received the claim but it does not eliminate the step of checking the confirmation report for rejections.
Collections- 7.2.13 - Work Accounts - The Add a Note function has been enhanced to track the User, Date, and Time the Note was added. This information can be viewed under the Modified column when you review DMS NOTES for a patient. This enhancement will only be effective for notes that are added after installing the 7.2.13 Service Pack.
- 7.2.29 - Maintain Collection Status Codes (Collections, Collection Tables, Collection Status Table) - To provide the capability to store separate passwords, the Lock-out Appointments field has been changed to include these options:
- Level 1 You will not be allowed to enter an appointment for a patient in this collection status without typing the Level 1 password stored in the Scheduling System Integration.
- Level 2 You will not be allowed to enter an appointment for a patient in this collection status without typing the Level 2 password stored in Scheduling System Integration.
- No You will be able to schedule appointments for patients in this collection status.
- Warn You will receive the standard message to inform you the patient is in a collection status that has been 'Locked-out', unless you enter custom text in the Lock out comment field. You will not be required to type in a password to continue entering the appointment.
- 7.2.20 - Print Payment Plan Report - This report was enhanced so you can use it to generate a DMS list by adding it to the DMS Report Integration function.
- 7.2.15 - Patient Collection Inquiry - You can view the various collection statuses for each individual step a patient's account has been processed through since they were added to collections.
Managed Care- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - Create Capitated Write-offs (Managed Care, Capitation Functions) - This function was enhanced to use Batch numbers.
Patient- 7.2.20 - Patient Registration - The program has been enhanced to provide additional data verification for the insurance policy information. Two new warning messages have been added to notify you if either of the following situations occur:
- If 'Same' is selected for the Rel to Guarantor field but the policyholder name differs from the patient name.
- If the Policy Holder is Employer check box is selected but 'Same' was selected for the Rel to Guarantor field.
- Case Management Information (Patient, Change Patient Data)
- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - Converted the Accident Type fields held in each Case Record from check boxes to option buttons for Job, Auto and Other.
- 7.2.12 - Two new fields for Doctor and Therapist have been added to this function.
- 7.2.29 - The following new fields have been added:
- Date Unable to Work
- Start Light Duty
- End Light Duty
- Permanent Restrictions
- Claim Number
- Adjuster Name
- Adjuster Phone
- Adjuster Fax
- Case Manager
- Case Manager Phone
- Case Manager Fax
- 7.2.29 - You can use the new Billing Group field to assign a billing group to the case management record. Then, when you enter charges in Procedure Entry, the billing group for the selected case will automatically be stored on each of the charges. For additional information, see the Maintain Case Codes entry under the Tables section.
- 7.2.25 - Change Patient Data - The Policy Holder's Name and the Policy Holder's Employer have been added to the Insurance Policy quadrants on the Patient Summary Screen.
- 7.2.13 - Insurance Policy Information - A new Policy Holder is Employer field has been added to the insurance policy information. If you select this check box the policy holder's employer will be sent in the electronic insurance claim file instead of the policy holder's name. For example, if the claim is for a workmen's compensation case, the employer is actually the policy holder and needs to be sent in the claim.
- 7.2.14 - Patient Transaction History - The EOB image that appears in the patient's transaction history has been expanded to include an ICN number, if the payment was posted from an electronic remit.
- 7.2.26 - Change Patient Information - A new Refile to Paper check box has been added to the Refile dialog box when you select the 'Refile Action' for a transaction in the patient's transaction history screen.
- 7.2.29 - DMS (Patient, Change Patient Data) - A Veteran check box has been added to the Family Income Data record to accommodate requirements for the 2008 UDS reports.
- 7.2.22 - Perinatal DMS Record (PERI) (Patient, Change Patient Data, DMS) - The following three new fields have been added: Blood Type, GBS, and Other.
- 7.2.20 - Letter Function (Patient, Change Patient Data) - If the program could not find the data requested for any data element inserted in a data fill letter, it would print **ERROR** instead. The program has been modified and will not print anything for the data element if the required data is missing.
- 7.2.27 - Review Patient Information - Transaction History - An EOB image will now appear for primary payments that are tied to a case. Prior to this update, the EOB image would only appear for non-case payments.
- 7.2.20 - List of Patients by Transaction Referral (Patient, Patient Listings) - A new report sorting option has been added that will generate a list of patients sorted by the referral source stored for posted transactions. The program will search through the charges in transaction history and locate the first referral source posted for a patient based on the accounting date entered in the Patients Referred Since field. The new reports are located on the Sorted Lists of Patients menu and the Double Sorted Lists of Patients menu on both the Patient and Reports Menus. This new report sorting option is different than the standard Referral Source option that is based off of the referral source stored in the Patient Name and Address screen.
- 7.2.13 - Print Recall Cards/Letters (Patient, Patient Recall Menu) - The RecallType data element used in DMS letters specifically for recall letters has been changed to print the description of the Recall type instead of the code.
Reports- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - Insurance Denial Reports (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - This report will no longer print items that have been paid in full or if there has been any activity posted for the insurance carrier after the denial - whether it be a payment, adjustment, claim filed, or refiled.
- 7.2.22 - Insurance Pend Reports (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - The various Insurance Pend reports can now be used to generate DMS Lists. To activate this function you will need to add the report to the DMS Report Integration function located on the System, Database Maintenance Menu.
- 7.2.17 - Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - You can print this report to Excel now, if you select the Summary Only or Recap option.
- 7.2.20 - Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - A new Balances Greater than field has been added so you can specify if you want the report to only include patient accounts if they have the minimum insurance balance indicated.
- 7.2.20 - Insurance Payment Analysis Reports (Reports, Insurance Related Reports, Insurance Statistical Reports) - These reports have been enhanced to include all types of payments, including non-insurance payments. All the non-insurance payments will print under insurance carrier code zero (0).
- 7.2.24 - Double Sorted Lists of Patients (Reports, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) - Most of the double sorted reports have been enhanced and can now be printed to Excel via MyReports. The updated reports are first sorted by Responsible Doctor or Location and then by: Billing Group, Default Diagnosis, Referral Source, Zip Code, Responsible Doctor, and Default Location. You can also print these reports from the Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients, Double Sorted Lists of Patients menu.
- 7.2.17 - Print Edited Transaction Journal (Reports, Transaction Journals) - If you use the Billing Group Action function in the Transaction History summary screen to change the billing group for a transaction, this type of change will now be recorded and display on this report.
- 7.2.17 - Statistical Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Detailed Procedure Analysis and Detailed Diagnosis Analysis) - New functions have been added to sort by Corporation, which prints a report containing data for the entire database.
- 7.2.6 - RVS Productivity Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports) - Three new reports are available. You can now print the RVS Productivity Report sorted by; Billing Group, Type of Service, and Location in addition to the existing Performing Dr sort. A new Unit Value column has also been added to each report, which will print the unit value of each procedure code.
- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - Adjustment Analysis by Modifier - This new report allows you to print the Adjustment Analysis Report sorted by Modifier. The report will only print adjustments that were applied to procedures that had modifiers attached to them.
- 7.2.12 - Sorted Adjustments Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Adjustment Analysis Reports) - A new Modifier sorting option has been added to the Sorted Adjustment Analysis Reports menus. The report will only print adjustments that were applied to procedures that had modifiers attached to them.
- 7.2.26 - Summary Analysis by Corporation (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Report) - A new report has been added that will combine the totals for every database and provide the total charges, payments and adjustments for the entire corporation.
- 7.2.20 - Comparative Summary Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Summary Analysis Report) - Four new sorting options have been added. They are: Insurance Doctor, Patient Class, Type of Service and Referral Source.
- 7.2.15 - CPT Summary Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports) - Two new reports were added to print the CPT Summary Analysis sorted by Case and by Department. Note: You should not use these reports for balancing or comparing to other reports, since not every transaction is tied to either a case or a department.
- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - DMS List Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - The DMS List Processor will now allow a null value when using the Equals operator.
- 7.2.20 - List Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - The List Name field in the DMS List Processor has been increased to allow up to 20 characters.
- 7.2.11 - Add or Change a Letter (Reports, Data Management System) - New Authorization fields have been added that can be used when generating DMS letters. These fields will pull the authorization information for the most current authorization record stored on the patient's account. For Plain Text, the new fields are Authorizations:AuthNumber, Authorizations:VisitsRemaining, and Authorizations:VisitsUsed. For Rich Text these new fields are located in the Authorizations folder and are: AuthNumber, VisitsRemaining, and VisitsUsed.
DMS Letter Processor (Reports, Data Management System) - If the program could not find the data requested for any data element inserted in a data fill letter, it would print **ERROR** instead. The program has been modified and will not print anything for the data element if the required data is missing.
- 7.2.29 - Corporate Daily Register (Reports, Corporate Reports) - This report can now be sorted by Billing Group.
- 7.2.28 - UDS Reports - The reports for the 2007 reporting period have been released. In addition to the changes required for Report 3B, Report 4, Report 5, and Report 7, sorting options by Patient Class and Billing group have been added. Two of the biggest changes for the 2007 reporting period are the way Latinos are classified and a new classification type of 'More than 1 Race'. The Race table in NetPracticePM has been updated to include a category for 'More than 1 Race'. All reports can still be run for reporting period 2006 with the 2006 content intact. NetPracticePM will decide which report to produce (2006 or 2007) depending on the ending date selected for the report.
Schedule- Enter Patient Appointments
- 7.2.10 - If you schedule an appointment in a time slot that contains multiple Reserves, the program has been enhanced to store the appointment in the correct time slot that matches the Reserve.
- 7.2.17 - If your practice subscribes to NetReminder, the appointment confirmation status can automatically be updated based on the call results provided in the NetReminder confirmation file. To take advantage of this new feature you will need to update the NetReminder Integration function. See the NetReminder entry in the System section below for more details.
- 7.2.29 - If your practice has elected to use the Quick Registration function when entering a new patient appointment in the schedule, a new insurance carrier Group Number field has been added.
- 7.2.29 - The Lock-out Appointment warning message has been modified to correspond with the changes made to the Lock-out Appointment option changes. If you select a patient account that is currently in a billing group or collection status that has Level 1 or Level 2 selected, you will need to type the corresponding password to override the lockout and continue scheduling the appointment. For additional information, see the Maintain Collection Status Codes and the Maintain Billing Group Codes entries under the Tables section or the Scheduling System Integration entry under the System section.
- 7.2.6 - Wait List - Two new functions have been added to the Action Column for the Wait List. The Add/Edit Filter allows you to apply a filter and limit the quantity of patients listed to one date, a specific doctor, one location, or any combination of the three. The heading on the Wait List Summary screen will indicate if a filter has been applied. The Remove Filter function will remove any filter applied and re-display all the patients contained in the Wait List.
- 7.2.13 - Wait List - If a patient is entered in the Wait List and their account is inactivated, NetPracticePM will automatically move that patient to the deleted Wait List file.
- 7.2.29 - Wait List - When you add a registered patient to the Wait List, the Phone field will default the phone number stored in the Patient Name and Address screen or if none is entered, the phone number stored in the appointment will default.
- 7.2.12 - Patient Appointment Screen Print - The Print function in the Action Column on the Patient Appointment screen that prints the 'next' appointment reminder, has been enhanced. A new Future Appointments section has been added to print any additional appointments the patient may have scheduled in the future.
- 7.2.12 - Patient Check In/Out Summary Screen - The Procedures column has been enhanced to display a checkmark if any patients have procedures already posted for the selected date in addition to patients that have Unposted Procedures.
- 7.2.11 - Patient Check In/Out - If a patient is scheduled for multiple appointments on the same date, separate payments can now be stored within Patient Check In/Out for each appointment.
- 7.2.20 - E-Superbill (Schedule, Patient Check In/Out) - If a superbill contains a Fee Column, it will display the price for every procedure selected. If additional Units are entered for any procedure, the program will automatically calculate the new price and display it. This new function will only work if the Show Fee Column check box is selected in the Superbill Wizard under Options for the Procedures section.
- 7.2.29 - E-Superbill (Schedule, Patient Check In/Out) - The program has been modified so you can use the Modify Linking function to select more that four diagnosis codes.
- 7.2.20 - Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - If the program could not find the data requested for any data element inserted in a data fill superbill, it would print **ERROR** instead. The program has been modified and will not print anything for the data element if the required data is missing.
- 7.2.27 - Missing Superbill Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This report can now be sorted by Type of Visit.
- 7.2.17 - Missing Charge Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This report has been enhanced so you can print it for specific types of visits. A column has also been added to display the type of visit on the report, if applicable.
- 7.2.29 - Missing Charge Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This report has been enhanced to also track missing charges for the doctor code selected in the new Missing Charge Doctor field in the Maintain Doctor Code Integration function. For additional information, see the Maintain Doctor Code Integration entry in this section.
- 7.2.10 - Check In/Out Payment Journal (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - You can now select to sort this journal by Responsible Doctor. Additional enhancements were also made to the journal:
- The 'Posted' column will now display the date the payment was actually posted to the account otherwise it will remain blank if the payment has not been posted.
- A Batch Number will print if it was used when the payment was posted.
- If a different amount was posted than what was originally entered for the unposted payment, the text 'DIFFERENT AMOUNT POSTED' will print along with the amount.
- 7.2.11 - Check In/Out Payment Journal (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - An enhancement was made to the journal so the 'Posted' column will now display Voided next to the actual payment line item that was voided in addition to the 'void' transaction line item. This new functionality will only be effective for any 'voids' posted after this service pack has been installed.
- 7.2.22 - List Appointments by Patient - This function has been changed so you can select the patient account you want using the Patient Look-up function instead of typing the patient's last name in the From Patient Name and Through Patient Name fields.
- 7.2.19 - Detailed Scheduling Edit Screen (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance, Edit Doctor Schedules) - You can now enter a reserve or remove reserves for multiple contiguous time slots more efficiently, prior to applying them to a schedule. Instead of clicking on each individual time slot after you have selected the type of reserve you want to enter, you can now press and hold down the CTRL key and click on the first time slot and then click on the last time slot in the range. The reserve will be entered in every time slot within the range you selected. This new functionality will enter a new reserve into each time slot and will not replace any existing reserves. You can also remove reserves in the same manner prior to applying them to a schedule. After you have entered all the Reserves you will still need to click Apply Reserves to apply all the reserves to the schedule.
- 7.2.17 - Move Schedule Location (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - This function has been enhanced so you can now select the exact appointment time range you want to move to another schedule instead of just selecting all the appointments for the AM and/or PM. The From Time and Thru Time fields have replaced the Include AM Appointments and Include PM Appointments fields.
- 7.2.29 - Maintain Doctor Integration Codes (Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Doctor Code Integration Table) - A Missing Charge Doctor field has been added for you to link two different doctor codes for the same doctor. If you use one doctor code for scheduling and a different doctor code for posting charges, you can link the two codes here and the Missing Charge Report will include both codes.
- 7.2.26 - Maintain Status/Locations (Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Patient Status/Location Table) - A new Check In/Out Status Code field has been added to this table. This field is used when calculating the Patients in Off total listed in the Practice Vitals Dashboard. This field should be selected for every status code that you use when patients are processed through the Patient Check In/Out function, as they migrate through your office. Note: During the installation of this service pack, this new check box was automatically selected for every existing status code in your table. You should review all the codes in your table and clear the check boxes for any codes that are not used when patients are processed through the Patient Check In/Out function.
System- 7.2.22 - Collection Integration Options (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - A new Suppress Billing Groups by field has been added. If the Suppress Collections field has been selected for a Billing Group in the Billing Group Table, you can now select how you want NetPracticePM to suppress those accounts from the collection process. They can be suppressed by 'Account' or by 'Transaction'. With the Account option, the entire account will be suppressed based on the Billing Group stored in the Billing Information screen. With the Transaction option, accounts will be suppressed based on the Billing Group stored for each individual transaction when it was posted to the account. Selecting to suppress accounts by Transaction is useful in situations when you change a patient's billing group and the new billing group is set to 'suppress collections', but there are old transactions on the patient's account for the previous billing group that should still be allowed to enter the collection process, if necessary.
- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - NetReminder Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - A new Include No Shows field has been added which allows you to indicate if you want patients that have missed their appointments to be called. You must use the Post No-Show Appointments function located on the Schedule menu for this new field to work properly and gather the required patient data. ***Prior to using this new field, you will need to:
- Create the 'message script' you want to use when these patients are called.
- Contact your Customer Service Team and provide them with the 'message script'.
- Wait to receive notification from your Customer Service Team the new message script has been activated.
- 7.2.17 - NetReminder Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - Two enhancements for NetReminder have been released:
- New Confirmation result fields have been added. NetReminder now has the ability to automatically update the appointment confirmation status based on the call results provided in the NetReminder confirmation file. To integrate the call results into NetPracticePM you will first need to add each possible call result listed in the NetReminder Integration screen to the Patient Status/Location Table located on the Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance menu. Next, you will need to update the NetReminder Integration screen and select the applicable Patient Status code for each confirmation result.
- A new Spanish Code field has been added. NetReminder can deliver patient phone calls in Spanish when indicated. To activate this function, you will need to complete the Spanish Code field in the Integration screen and then each patient appointment that has that same language code selected for the Language field in the Patient Name and Address screen, will automatically receive their phone call in Spanish.
- 7.2.13 - Scheduling System Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - The Days for Future Review, Days for Prior Review, and Days for Account Review fields have all been expanded to allow up to four digits.
- 7.2.29 - Scheduling System Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - The Lock-out Password field has been replaced by new Level 1 Password and Level 2 Password fields. If the Billing Group or Collection Status for a patient has Level 1 or Level 2 selected for the Lock-out Appointment option, you must type the corresponding password to override the lockout and continue scheduling the appointment. For additional information, see the Maintain Collection Status Codes and the Maintain Billing Group Codes entries under the Tables section.
- 7.2.20 - Printer Maintenance (System, System Operations Menu) - Four new fields have been added so you can define page margins for any active Windows printer.
Tables- 7.2.29 - Maintain Billing Group Codes (Tables, Billing Group Table) - To provide the capability to store separate passwords, the Lock-out Appointments field has been changed to include these options:
- Level 1 You will not be allowed to enter an appointment for a patient in this billing group without typing in the Level 1 password stored in the Scheduling System Integration.
- Level 2 You will not be allowed to enter an appointment for a patient in this billing group without typing in the Level 2 password stored in Scheduling System Integration.
- No You will be able to schedule appointments for patients in this billing group.
- Warn You will receive the standard message to inform you the patient is in a billing group that has been 'Locked-out', unless you enter custom text in the Lock out comment field. You will not be required to type in a password to continue entering the appointment.
- 7.2.29 - Maintain Case Codes (Tables, Case Management Table) - A Billing Group Default field has been added to this table. For additional details, see the Case Management Record entry under the Patient section.
- 7.2.20 - Maintain Diagnosis Codes (Tables, Diagnosis Code Table) - *** Only affects clients that are participating in the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) for Medicare. *** A new PQRS Diagnosis Check field has been added to the diagnosis code table. If you select this check box, then anytime the diagnosis code is used in procedure entry and you fail to enter an 'F' procedure code, you will receive a warning.
- 7.2.29 - Maintain Diagnosis Codes (Tables, Diagnosis Code Table) - ***Medicare requirement for colonoscopy diagnosis codes only*** A GI Screening DX check box has been added to adhere to Medicares colonoscopy diagnosis requirements. If you perform a colonoscopy as a screening, but a polyp is found and removed, Medicare requires the screening (V) code to be submitted as the first diagnosis code and the polyp code to be submitted as the secondary diagnosis, but the diagnosis pointer needs to point to the secondary diagnosis. If you select the GI Screening DX check box for the polyp codes, the claims will be sent correctly. For additional information, see Procedure Entry under the Transactions section.
- 7.2.29 - Load the AMA ICD-9-CM Codes (Tables, Diagnosis Code Table) - This function has been enhanced so it is no longer necessary to download the code set file from the Online Support Center (OSC) when you purchase it from CGM. The file will be activated for installation within 24 hours of receiving the signed Code Set Addendum. NetPracticePM will provide a list of the activated code sets that are available to be loaded. For detailed instructions, see the 'Load the AMA ICD-9-CM Codes' function in NetPracticePM Help.
- 7.2.6 - Doctor Code Table - The Doctor Code field has been expanded to allow four characters instead of three.
- 7.2.29 - Maintain Doctor Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table) - A new Individual check box has been added to this table in preparation for a future update. This field is not currently tied to any other functions in NetPracticePM. A full explanation will be provided in upcoming release notes.
- 7.2.14 - Maintain Group NPI Numbers (Tables, Doctor Code Table, Provider Number Table, Group NPI Number Table) - This new function allows you to store Group NPI numbers by Doctor and Location, when you have Group NPI numbers that are different for each location.
- 7.2.27 - Group NPI Number Table (Tables, Doctor Code Table, Provider Number Table) - Two new fields have been added so you can store Group NPI Numbers for a specific Insurance Form type and Insurance Carrier. When you create insurance claims, NetPracticePM will determine which NPI # to report based on the highest level of data (number of fields) entered. The samples provided below are just a few of a wide variety of scenarios that could occur at each level. The general guideline that NetPracticePM uses to determine the level of data is 'the quantity of fields that have been completed in addition to the NPI Number field.'
- Level 1: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location:(1 field in addition to the NPI#)
- Insurance Form = 0 not applicable
- Insurance Carrier = leave blank
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- NPI Number = number assigned to the location for all the doctors
- Level 2: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with any Blue Cross insurance:(2 fields in addition to the NPI#)
- Insurance Form = G - Blue Cross
- Insurance Carrier = leave blank
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- NPI Number = number assigned by Blue Cross to the location for all the doctors
- Level 3: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with Medicaid insurance:(3 fields in addition to the NPI#)
- Insurance Form = D - Medicaid
- Insurance Carrier = applicable insurance carrier code
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- NPI Number = number assigned by Medicaid to the location for all the doctors
- Level 4: If Medicaid has issued a specific Group NPI when any of 3 specific doctors practice at a specific location (out of the 7 total doctors in the practice):(4 fields in addition to the NPI#)
- Insurance Form = D - Medicaid
- Insurance Carrier = applicable insurance carrier code
- Doctor Code = applicable doctor code (repeat this process for each applicable doctor code)
- Location Code = applicable location code
- NPI Number = number assigned by Medicaid to the location for the doctor
- 7.2.15 - Print the NPI Number Table (Tables, Doctor Code Table, Provider Number Table, Group NPI Number Table) - This function has been added so you can print the contents of the Group NPI Number table. The report will list Doctor's code and name, the location, and the NPI number stored.
- 7.2.28 - Group Taxonomy Number Table (Tables, Doctor Code Table, Provider Number Table) - This new table has been added so you can store Group Taxonomy Numbers for a specific Insurance Form type and Insurance Carrier. When you create insurance claims, NetPracticePM will determine which Taxonomy # to report based on the highest level of data (number of fields) entered. The samples provided below are just a few of a wide variety of scenarios that could occur at each level. The general guideline that NetPracticePM uses to determine the level of data is 'the quantity of fields that have been completed in addition to the Taxonomy Number field.'
- Level 1: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location: (1 field in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = 0 not applicable
- Insurance Carrier = leave blank
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned to the location for all the doctors
- Level 2: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with any Blue Cross insurance: (2 fields in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = G - Blue Cross
- Insurance Carrier = leave blank
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned by Blue Cross to the location for all the doctors
- Level 3: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with Medicaid insurance:(3 fields in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = D - Medicaid
- Insurance Carrier = applicable insurance carrier code
- Doctor Code = leave blank
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned by Medicaid to the location for all the doctors
- Level 4: If Medicaid has issued a specific Group Taxonomy when any of 3 specific doctors practice at a specific location (out of the 7 total doctors in the practice):(4 fields in addition to the Taxonomy#)
- Insurance Form = D - Medicaid
- Insurance Carrier = applicable insurance carrier code
- Doctor Code = applicable doctor code (repeat this process for each applicable doctor code)
- Location Code = applicable location code
- Taxonomy Number = number assigned by Medicaid to the location for the doctor
- 7.2.29 - Maintain Employer Codes (Tables, Employer Code Table) - A new Insurance Carrier field has been added to this table in preparation for the 7.3 Update. This field is not currently tied to any other functions in NetPracticePM. A full explanation will be provided in the 7.3 Update release notes.
- 7.2.13 - Import Fee Schedules (Tables, Fee Schedule Table) - This function replaces the Import Downloaded Fee Schedules because you are no longer required to download the Fee Schedule files from the Support Web site. Every Fee Schedule file that is currently available can be imported directly through NetPracticePM now. You are not restricted anymore to performing this function only on the NetPracticePM server and it has been standardized to work for all system types; self-hosting and subscription (ASP) clients. For detailed information on importing Fee Schedules, see the 'Import Fee Schedules' section in NetPracticePM Help.
- 7.2.22 - Print the Insurance Carrier Table (Tables, Insurance Carrier Table) - When you select to print using the 'Short Format', the Fax Number for the insurance carrier has been added to this report.
- 7.2.29 - Maintain Insurance Carriers (Tables, Insurance Carrier Table) - You can use the new Policy # Format field to store the correct number format that staff members should use, when completing the Policy Number field in the Insurance Policy Information. You will need to type the following characters to indicate the correct format: A = Alphabetical N = Numeric E = Any type of character P = Punctuation Whenever you type a number in the Policy Number field, it will be compared to the format stored in the Policy # Format field to make sure it is correct. For example, if the policy number should be in the format of NNAAEEPA, then a policy number of 12AB3D-A would be accepted.
- 7.2.14 - Maintain Location Codes (Tables, Location Code Table) - A new Location NPI Number field has been added.
- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - Print Procedure Profile Report (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - A new Facility Amounts field has been added, which allows you to select whether you want Facility or Non-Facility Amounts to print.
- 7.2.28 - Update the Price List with RVU Values (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - This function has been modified so you can choose between facility or non-facility RVU unit values. Prior to this release, non-facility was always used.
- 7.2.29 - Load the AMA CPT Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - This function has been enhanced so it is no longer necessary to download the code set file from the Online Support Center (OSC) when you purchase it from CGM. The file will be activated for installation within 24 hours of receiving the signed Code Set Addendum. NetPracticePM will provide a list of the activated code sets that are available to be loaded. Additionally, you can now select to load short or medium procedure code descriptions. For detailed instructions, see the 'Load the AMA CPT Codes' function in NetPracticePM Help.
- 7.2.17 - Load the AMA HCPCS Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - You can now load the AMA HCPCS Codes from a file directly into NetPracticePM. The current AMA HCPCS code file is available on the Online Support Center provided by CGM. For information about purchasing, downloading, or installing the file, contact your customer service team at CGM.
- 7.2.29 - Load the AMA HCPCS Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - This function has been enhanced so it is no longer necessary to download the code set file from the Online Support Center (OSC) when you purchase it from CGM. The file will be activated for installation within 24 hours of receiving the signed Code Set Addendum. NetPracticePM will provide a list of the activated code sets that are available to be loaded. For detailed instructions, see the Load the 'AMA HCPCS Codes' function in NetPracticePM Help.
- 7.2.9 - Maintain Referral Source Codes (Tables, Referral Source Table) - A new NPI Number field has been added to allow entry of the referral source's NPI number if applicable.
- 7.2.22 - Print the Referral Source Table (Tables, Referral Source Table) - When you select to print using the 'Short Format', the Fax Number for the insurance carrier has been added to this report.
- 7.2.12 - Import RVU Unit Values (Tables, Relative Value Schedule Table) - This function replaces the Import Downloaded RVS Unit Values because you are no longer required to download the RVU file from the Support Web site. All of the necessary RVU files are pre-loaded into NetPracticePM and this function will automatically calculate the RVU Unit Values and import them into the RVS Schedule you select. For detailed information on importing RVU Unit Values, see the section in NetPracticePM Help for 'Import RVU Unit Values'.
Transactions- Procedure Entry Function
- 7.2.24 - The EMG modifier has been replaced by the EM modifier. **You do NOT need to edit any previously posted transactions that have the EMG modifier, but from this point forward the EM modifier must be used instead of EMG.**
- 7.2.29 - Since some insurance carriers require an authorization to be counted more than one time (depending on the circumstances of the patients visit) you can now type the appropriate number in the Multiplier field when you enter the authorization transaction. The authorization tracking programs will also be updated accordingly.
- 7.2.29 - ***Medicare requirement for colonoscopy diagnosis codes only*** Medicare requires that if you perform a colonoscopy as a screening, but a polyp is found and removed, the screening (V) code should be submitted as the primary diagnosis and the polyp code should be submitted as the secondary diagnosis, but the diagnosis pointer should point to the secondary diagnosis code. To do this, select a V code for the first diagnosis code field and select a polyp code for the secondary diagnosis code field. If you have selected the new GI Screening DX check box for the polyp diagnosis codes in the Maintain Diagnosis Codes function, the claims will be sent correctly. For additional information, see the Maintain Diagnosis Codes entry under the Tables section.
- 7.2.12 - Unposted Procedures Journal (Transactions, Unposted Procedures) - The report heading has been enhanced to print the date range you select in the Print From Date and Print Through Date fields when generating the report.
- 7.2.15 - Unposted Procedures - The Automatic Posting check box will be unavailable if the patient's Billing Group is set to 'CNV - Conversion Billing Group'. This should help prevent the charges from being stored with the conversion billing group since you will have to change patient's billing group to the correct code before you will be allowed to automatically post the charges.
- 7.2.11 - Payment Entry Function - If you select an Unposted Payment when posting payments, the Payment Date will now automatically default to the date the unposted payment was originally stored, instead of the current date.
- 7.2.10 - Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) - The programs have been enhanced so that if the Electronic Remittance file contains 'withholds' they will now print on the EOB. A withhold is similar to a contractual adjustment but is reported differently in the Electronic Remittance file.
- 7.2.1 Through 7.2.5 - Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - If a Copay is expected for a patient, it will now print on the EOB.
- 7.2.25 - Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - This program has been corrected to include the 'descriptions' for the 'N' codes if applicable.
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)
- 7.2.14 - This function has been enhanced and will now post secondary insurance payments as well as primary payments. Prior to this enhancement, all secondary payments would always be placed on the payment exceptions report. No adjustments are posted when posting a secondary insurance payment.
- 7.2.21 - A new exception reason has been added to the program. If an entire claim is denied for payment, the claim will be moved to the exception report with a reason of 'Entire claim denied, cannot identify if primary or secondary' and you will need to post it manually.
- 7.2.29 - ***Blue Cross of Alabama electronic remits only*** The carrier made a format change that could cause adjustments to post incorrectly. Programs have been revised to be compatible with the new format.
- 7.2.25 - Print Payment Exceptions (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - The text for the 'UHC Secondary payer' exception reason has been changed to state 'Missing details on Secondary payer' instead. As new remit files are received from insurance carriers it has been found that a non carrier-specific exception reason was necessary.
- 7.2.15 - Adjustment Entry Function - Posting debit adjustments has been enhanced to store 'CPT 'statistics when you apply a debit adjustment to a charge line item. Prior to this update, only credit adjustments were capturing CPT statistics.
- 7.2.15 - Adjustment Entry Function - A new Billing Group field has been added to the debit adjustment entry screen. When you apply a debit adjustment to a line item, the billing group must match that line item. Since the patient's billing group is stored with each individual transaction, this enhancement makes it easier to change the billing group for a single debit adjustment when needed. It will default the billing group the patient is currently assigned to but can be changed.
- 7.2.6 - Edit a Transaction - The Allowed Amount field for a procedure can now be changed. If you entered an incorrect allowed amount when you posted a payment, you can now edit it. In the past, the only way to edit this field was to void the payment and re-enter it correctly.
- 7.2.23 - Daily Register (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - The report has been enhanced and will now print insurance doctor code for the transaction if you select to print with patient and transaction detail. The Performing Doctor (P) and Insurance Doctor (I) codes will print under the P/I column.
- 7.2.6 - Unposted Payment Journal (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - A new Print in Resp Doctor Order field has been added, which allows you to sort and print the report by Responsible Doctor. A column has also been added to the report to print the responsible doctor for each unposted payment.