7.3.10 Service Pack Release Notes 04-15-10
List of Programming Corrections and Additions
User Desktop
- Rollodex - The 'Rollodex' has been updated to support both uppercase and lowercase searches.
- Create Delinquent Insurance File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Delinquent Insurance Menu) ***New Functionality*** A message, Create Delinquent Insurance File is currently running. Use Delinquent File Inquiry to determine completion displays if you try to start this function when it is already in progress.
- Create Insurance File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) ***New Functionality*** This function has been enhanced to display the time that the insurance file was created in the Insurance was last created through field.
- Create Insurance File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) ***New Functionality*** A message, Create Insurance File is currently running. Use Create Insurance Status to determine completion displays if you try to start this function when it is already in progress.
- Create Insurance Status (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) ***New Functionality*** An Ending Time column has been added to display the time that the insurance file is done creating.
- Move Exceptions to Paper (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - Previously, this function would require the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function if new claims existed in the electronic claims file since the last 'Move/Rebuild' was performed. But, if electronic claims had already been sent that day, you could not perform the 'Move/Rebuild' function. A change has been made so that if electronic claims have been sent that day, the 'Move/Rebuild' function will not be required for you to move the exceptions to paper.
- Move/Rebuild Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) ***New Functionality*** A message, Move/Rebuild Transmission File is currently running. Try again later displays if you try to start this function when it is already in progress.
- Move/Rebuild Transmission File (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) ***New Functionality*** This function now runs in the background. There are two new messages to proceed through this function: Rebuilding Transmission File. Notification will display when the process is complete displays when you initiate the function. You must click OK. The screen refreshes to the Billing Menu and the notification message, Rebuilding of Transmission File is complete. You should now print the Exceptions displays.
- NetVerify Usage Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Insurance Management Reports, NetVerify Reports) - This function has been moved to this new location from System, Database Maintenance Menu, NetVerify Integration, NetVerify Reports).
- Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) ***Clients using new HCFA Alignment Wizard program only*** The HCFA insurance forms will now print in font size 10 instead of font size 9.
- Print Insurance Forms (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) If the patient's telephone number was entered with parentheses, it would not format correctly on the HCFA. This has been resolved.
- Print Insurance Form on Demand (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) - ***Clients using new HCFA Alignment Wizard program only*** If you selected to Print Now directly to the printer, it was possible for nothing to print. This has been resolved.
- Refile Insurance Claims (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions) -
- ***Clients using new HCFA Alignment Wizard program only*** If you selected to Print Now directly to the printer, it was possible for nothing to print. This has been resolved.
- ***New Functionality*** If you select the Print Now check box but the claim is already in the insurance print file, the following message displays: This claim is already in your print file. You must go to Print Insurance Forms to print the claim.
- ***New Functionality*** A new Resubmission Code field has been added so you can indicate to the payer if this refiled claim is a replacement claim (type a 7) or a voided claim (type an 8). This is for electronic claims only. If you need this information to print on paper claims, you must use the new Post Claim NOTE Action to add this information to HCFA Box 19. See the History section under the Patient section of these release notes for more information.
- Populate Collection Roster (Collections, Patient Collections) - It was possible that not all accounts would populate into collections. This has been resolved. Rather than just checking to see if there is an insurance carrier in effect on the account, the function now checks to see if there is an insurance carrier in effect for the date of service of the specific line item that could still be billed. It now also determines if there is a case tied to the charge that has an effective insurance carrier that could still be billed.
- Work Accounts (Collections, Insurance Collections) ***New Functionality*** The Work Accounts detailed screen has been enhanced to include a DOB field to display the patient's date of birth next to the Patient field in the patient's demographic information at the top of the screen.
Managed Care
- Authorization Listing (Managed Care, Authorization Tracking Menu) - Previously, this list included authorizations with outstanding visits even if the termination date on the authorization was outside of the selected date range for the list. This has been changed and these authorizations will no longer print on this list.
- Maintain Authorizations (Managed Care, Authorization Tracking Menu) ***New Functionality*** If you enter a new authorization without either the Number of Visits or Termination Date this message displays: You must enter a Number of Visits or a Termination Date to be alerted of this Authorization in the Procedure Entry Function.
- Maintain Follow Ups (Managed Care, Referral Tracking Menu) ***New Functionality*** After you select an existing referral, the Add a Follow Up function has been added to the Action Column of the Maintain Follow Ups screen so you can add follow up notes to the referrals.
- Maintain Referrals (Managed Care, Referral Tracking Menu) ***New Functionality*** You can now sort the Referrals summary screen by clicking any of the column headers.
- Print Outstanding Referrals by Referral Source (Managed Care, Referral Tracking Menu) ***New Functionality*** You can now print this report in Excel format by selecting the Microsoft Excel via MyReports option from the Printers dialog box.
- Print Outstanding Referrals by Requesting Dr (Managed Care, Referral Tracking Menu) ***New Functionality*** You can now print this report in Excel format by selecting the Microsoft Excel via MyReports option from the Printers dialog box.
- Authorizations (Patient, Change Patient Data) ***New Functionality*** If more than one authorization is entered for a date of service, each multiplier (Mlt) entered on the AUTH charge in the Procedure Entry Function will subtract from the Visits Used. If an authorization should not deduct from the remaining Visits Used, type a 0 in the Mlt field on the Auth charge.
- Case Management (Patient, Change Patient Data) ***New Functionality*** In the Case Management detailed screen, when you select the drop down list in the Insurance Primary, Secondary and Tertiary fields, any terminated insurance carriers now display with the termination date in between the Insurance Carrier Name and the Insurance Carrier Code. For example, Medicare TERM=12-31-2009 (MED).
- Case Management (Patient, Change Patient Data) ***New Functionality*** The Adjuster Code and Case Manager Code fields have been added so you can select the appropriate code from the new Case Manager/Adjuster Code Table. See the Patient - List of Patients by Case Manager/Adjuster and Tables sections of these release notes for more information.
- History (Patient, Change Patient Data) -
- ***New Functionality*** When you select the Refile Action to refile a charge, a Resubmission Code field has been added so you can indicate to the payer if this refiled claim is a replacement claim (type a 7) or a voided claim (type an 8). This is for electronic claims only. If you need this information to print on paper claims, you must use the new Post Claim NOTE Action to add this information to HCFA Box 19.
- If you selected the Payments Only or Charges Only view, typed a From and Thru Date of Service, and clicked Print in the Action Column, nothing would print. This has been resolved.
- If there were multiple secondary insurance carriers on an account, and if the last secondary carrier was set up as Special Billing, and if you filed charges not tied to a case, the insurance indicator in the I column was not updating to an S to indicate that the charge was filed to the secondary carrier. This has been resolved.
- ***New Functionality*** A PLUS SIGN (+) has been added next to the CPT code. Click the PLUS SIGN (+) to view the details of the diagnosis code tied to that procedure code. Click the MINUS SIGN (-) to close the details.
- ***New Functionality*** If you select the Edit a Charge Action and you edit a date of service to a duplicate date of service already posted with the same CPT code, the duplicate charge warning message now displays. You are still able to post the duplicate charge if necessary.
- ***New Functionality*** An Insert Special Code Action has been added to the Actions drop-down list box so you can insert a special procedure code (ADM, CPO, DIS, EPO, NDC, NOTE, TIME, THRU) that was not originally entered, anywhere within a claim. Select the check box on the line item directly above where you want the special code to be inserted, select the code, type a description, and the code will insert directly below the selected procedure. This prevents you from having to reverse and repost the charges when one of these codes needs to be added.
- ***New Functionality*** The Post NOTE Action has been renamed to Post Claim NOTE since this note is submitted as a claim note in HCFA Box 19 and its electronic equivalent. If you need to attach a Note to a specific charge (to print directly above the charge in HCFA Box 24A and its electronic equivalent), select the new Insert Special Procedure action and select NOTE.
- ***New Functionality*** When you are in the Charges Only view and click Print in the Action Column, a Doctor field has been added so you can select to sort the printout by Performing Dr, Insurance Dr, or No Sort. If you select either the Performing Dr or Insurance Dr options, Begin with Doctor and End with Doctor fields display so you can print by a specific doctor or range of doctors.
- Insurance (Patient, Change Patient Data) ***New Functionality*** You can no longer select whether or not to deny open charges when you terminate an insurance carrier. A message, The open charges for this carrier will be denied displays and the open claims are denied automatically.
- Patient Name and Address Information (Patient, Change Patient Data) - If you clicked the magnifying glass icon to search the Primary Care Doctor or Referral Source fields, the Referral Type codes were included in the search. This has been resolved.
- Patient Name and Address Information (Patient, Change Patient Data) ***Clients with NetPracticePM and NetPracticeEHRweb Interface Only*** ***New Functionality*** The patient's cell phone number and e-mail address will now be sent from NetPracticePM to NetPracticeEHRweb.
- Service Scripts (Patient, Change Patient Data) - The Delete button has been removed. Since a service script can be tied to transactions it should not be deleted. You can terminate the service script by adding a date to the Termination Date field.
- Create PC-Immunize Data (Patient, PC-Immunize) ***New Functionality*** Procedure codes 90378, 90466, 90467, 90472 and 90473 have been added to the PC-Immunize file.
- List of Patients by Case Manager/Adjuster (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) ***New Functionality*** A List of Patients by Case Manager/Adjuster has been added so you can print a list of patients by the Case Manager or Adjuster tied to the case. You must first set up new codes in the new Case Manager/Adjuster Code Table and enter the codes into the patients' Case Management screen before this list will generate results. See the Patient - Case Management and Tables sections of these release notes for more information.
- Patient Listings ***New Functionality*** The Begin with... and End with... fields have been enhanced in all of the Patient Listings so you can search your existing tables from a drop-down list box.
- Adjustment Analysis Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports) ***New Functionality*** These reports can now be sorted by Insurance Dr.
- Aged Accounts Receivable for Insurance (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) ***New Functionality*** When you send these reports to MyReports and click the Q icon to access a patient's transaction history, all of the Actions are now available.
- Aged Accounts Receivable Reports ***New Functionality*** The Begin with... and End with... fields have been expanded to allow nine characters.
- Alphabetic Aged Accounts Receivable (Reports, Aged Accounts Receivable Reports) - A change has been made so if you select an Ending Date for Report that is prior to the current date and if you select the Include Insurance Balance and/or the Include Patient Balance check boxes, those balance categories do not print on the report because those figures cannot be accurately calculated for past dates.
- Denial Reports (Reports, Insurance Related Reports) - ***New Functionality*** - Several changes have been made to the Insurance Denial Reports.
- The Insurance Denial Reports menu has been renamed Denial Reports.
- The names of the sorted reports under this menu have been renamed to Denials by....
- The Reason for Denial column header on the reports has been split into two headers, Insurance Denial Reason and Practice Denial Reason.
- The Insurance Denials by Denial Reason report has been split into the Denials by Insurance Denial Reason and Denials by Practice Denial Reason reports.
- The Denials by Insurance Denial Reason report sorts by Insurance Denial Codes. The Prac Denial Reason column header was added to the report so the corresponding practice denial reason can be cross-referenced.
- On the Denials by Practice Denial Reason report, if there is also an Insurance Denial code posted, then those items are excluded from this report because they print on the Denials by Insurance Denial Reason Report. The Ins Denial Reason column is not included on this report for the same reason.
- Detailed Diagnosis Analysis (Reports, Statistical Reports) ***New Functionality*** This report can now be sorted by Referral Source.
- Numeric Aged Accounts Receivable - (Reports, Aged Accounts Receivable Reports) - A change has been made so if you select an Ending Date for Report that is prior to the current date and if you select the Include Insurance Balance and/or the Include Patient Balance check boxes, those balance categories do not print on the report because those figures cannot be accurately calculated for past dates.
- Sorted Adjustments by Billing Group (Reports, Statistical Reports, Adjustment Analysis Reports, Sorted Adjustment Analysis Reports) ***New Functionality*** This report has been added so you can double sort by billing group.
- Sorted Aged Receivables (Reports, Aged Accounts Receivable Reports) - A change has been made so if you select an Ending Date for Report that is prior to the current date and if you select the Include Insurance Balance and/or the Include Patient Balance check boxes, those balance categories do not print on the report because those figures cannot be accurately calculated for past dates.
- Sorted Payment Report by Billing Group (Reports, Statistical Reports, Payment Analysis Reports, Sorted Payment Analysis Reports) ***New Functionality*** This report has been added so you can double sort by billing group.
- Sorted Productivity Report by Billing Group (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports, Sorted Productivity Analysis Reports) ***New Functionality*** This report has been added so you can double sort by billing group.
- Summary Aged A/R (Reports, Aged Accounts Receivable Reports) - These reports will no longer include doctors who are inactive and who do not have any A/R nor any activity for the month that the report is generated for.
- Triple Sorted Productivity Reports (Reports, Statistical Reports, Productivity Analysis Reports, Sorted Productivity Analysis Reports) ***New Functionality*** The Triple Sorted Productivity Reports have been added so these reports can be triple sorted by Performing Dr, Location and Billing Group.
- Eligibility Status (Schedule, Verify Eligibility) ***NetVerify Clients Only*** The Print Action Column function on the detailed Eligibility Results screen did not function properly. A new Internet Explorer window now opens with the results so you can print them to your printer.
- Enter Patient Appointments -
- ***New Functionality*** The compressed views of the Week and Month at a glance have been returned to the format used in version 7.2 with the following changes:
- To access this view click the new [7] or [30] icon in the location header.
- If that time slot does not exist for that date/doctor/location, the slot displays in light gray.
- If the doctor is scheduled, but at a different location, the column for that date displays in a darker gray.
- If there is no schedule for that date, the icons do not display, No Sch displays in the column header, and the column for that date displays in a darker gray.
- It will display all timeslots through the earliest and latest timeslots that are on the schedule during the selected timeframe.
- If the days in the selected timeframe have schedules with different time increments, the increments from the first selected day for that location display. When any of the differing timeslots match, that slot is accessible. If they do not match, then that slot displays in light gray and you cannot access it from this view.
- If there is a Schedule Room and Database Locator on a Type of Visit, and an appointment is scheduled in the other database; if the patient's name changes, the other database's appointment is not updated and therefore will not be deleted if the appointment is deleted.
- It was possible for the Post-Op alert message to display for all procedure codes. This has been resolved so that it only displays for the Surgery Type of Service codes.
- Inquiry -
- It was possible for the Inquiry function to not update if the patient's name was changed. This has been resolved.
- ***New Functionality*** The Recalls section of the Inquiry function screen has been enhanced to include a Type column that displays the Recall Type code. The Reason column displays the Reason for Recall and the Comment column displays the Additional Comments.
- ***New Functionality*** If you select a patient from this function, and there are no appointments or recalls for that patient, a message displays: There is no activity to display for this patient.
- Select Patient - If you have selected the All option in the Display Future or All field in the Scheduling System Integration, and the patient had future appointments that did not fall within the number of days specified in the Days for Future Review field in the Scheduling System Integration, nothing would display, even though the patient may have had prior appointments that did fall within the number of days specified in the Days for Prior Review field in the Scheduling System Integration. These prior appointments now display as soon as the patient is selected.
- Wait List - If you deleted a schedule through Edit Doctor Schedules and selected to move the patients to the Wait List, the Entry Date displayed as the date of the patient's appointment instead of the date that the schedule was deleted-when the patients actually entered the Wait List. This has been resolved.
- Missing Charge Report (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - This report has been updated to skip any No Show that might have been posted to a patient's account and is showing as a missing encounter. For more information see Status Code for No Shows entry under the System section of these release notes.
- Patient Check In/Out -
- The Patient Check In/Out detailed screen displayed the patient's primary insurance policy information in the Primary Insurance, Last Verified On, Patient Deductible $, Co-Pay and Specialist Co-Pay fields even if the appointment was tied to a case which contained a different insurance carrier. This has been resolved.
- ***New Functionality*** When you click the Print Receipt Action Column function from the Patient Check/In Out details screen, a receipt will now print even if a payment has not been entered on the Patient Check In/Out screen.
- ***New Functionality*** The Co-Pay and ROA Action Column functions have been replaced by the Collect Payment Action Column function. You can enter both co-payments and ROA payments from this single function.
- ***New Functionality*** If you have a No Show code entered in the new Status Code for No Shows field (see the Patient Check In/Out Integration entry in the System section of these release notes for more information) you can enter your No Show code in the New Status/Location field so that the status throughout the appointment will show as a No Show so you do not have to change the Type of Visit code or remove the patient from the schedule.
- ***New Functionality*** The Notes function in the E-Superbill has been enhanced so you can add General Notes to display whenever this appointment is accessed in Patient Check In/Out, Unposted Procedures, and the Procedure Entry Function; Check Out Notes to display in the Patient Check In/Out function; Billing Notes to display when the E-Superbill charges are accessed through Unposted Procedures and the Procedure Entry Function; and Claim Notes, which enters the NOTE procedure code in the charges.
- ***New Functionality*** The E-Superbill has been enhanced to accommodate the new method of handling procedure codes by effective date. The charge amounts will always be based on the current effective date for the date of service and procedure code entered. If a date of service does not fall within an applicable procedure code effective date, the price for the current effective date will be used. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in the Tables section of these release notes for more information.
- ***NetPay Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** You can now credit or void collected NetPay payments. You can select an already collected payment and the Process Credit and Void Transaction options have been added.
- ***NetPay Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** You can print the receipt by clicking the printer icon in the Sta column.
- Print Appointment Schedule (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) ***New Functionality*** The Social Security Number now prints only the last four digits in this format: ***-**-1234. If you notice that the report still includes the full Social Security number, call customer service so that this can be formatted on your system.
- Print Appointment Schedule to Excel (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) ***New Functionality*** The Social Security Number now prints only the last four digits in this format: ***-**-1234. If you notice that the report still includes the full Social Security number, call customer service so that this can be formatted on your system.
- Print No Shows (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) ***New Functionality*** This report has been added so you can track your No Show patients as long as you have entered a No Show status in Patient Check In/Out and as long as you have your No Show code set up in the Patient Check In/Out Integration. For more information see the Patient Check In/Out entry in the Schedule section and the Patient Check In/Out Integration entry in the System section of these release notes.
- Column Selectable Fields (System, Database Maintenance Menu) ***New Functionality*** This menu has been added so each user can control which columns and in what order the columns should display on the Unposted Procedures screen. If you have had this screen customized in the past, those customs have been removed and you must go into this function and set up the columns to your preference.
- Image Management Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) - ***ASP Clients Only*** This menu has been added so you can select a Security Level to Delete and a Security Level to Copy images. The first three fields on this scren are unavailable.
- Insurance Claim Form Wizard (System, Form Wizards) ***Clients using new HCFA Alignment Wizard program only*** ***New Functionality*** When you select a specific HCFA profile to adjust, a Select All Action Column function has been added so you can move all fields at once. You can no longer click the form field to move the entire form.
- Merge Patient Accounts (System, File Maintenance Menu) ***New Functionality*** This function merges all data from one existing account into another existing account. Consider the main account as the account that you merge the secondary account into. To successfully merge two accounts, the following requirements must be met:
- The patients must have the same name, birth date and social security number.
- All other Patient Name and Address Information, Guarantor Information and Billing Information from the main account takes precedence over the secondary account.
- The accounts must contain the same primary, secondary and tertiary Insurance Carrier Codes. If any of the Insurance Policy Information differs, the information on the main account takes precedence over the secondary account. If no insurance exists on the secondary account, the insurance on the main account takes precedence.
- The accounts must have the same Case numbers and Descriptions. If any of the Case Management information differs, the information on the main account takes precedence over the secondary account.
- The secondary account cannot contain any unposted transactions, unprinted insurance claims, pending or outstanding electronic claims.
- There cannot be duplicate transaction dates on the two accounts. If duplicate transaction dates exist, you must reverse the duplicate transactions off of the secondary account.
After the accounts are merged, the secondary account is permanently deleted from NetPracticePM. A record is kept of when the merge occurred, what account was merged into the main account and who performed the merge.
- NetPracticePM Default Values (System, Database Maintenance Menu) -
- ***New Functionality*** A new Default Policy with SSN field has been added so you can select if you want the patient's social security number to default in the Policy Number field when adding a new insurance policy.
- ***New Functionality*** An Asterisk fill SSN field has been added so you can select if you want the patient's master screen to display with all but the last four digits of the social security number replaced with asterisks (***-**-1234). You can still access the entire number in the Patient Name and Address Information screen or the Guarantor Information screen.
- ***New Functionality*** A Create Sec/Ter on $0 Item field has been added. Select this check box if you still want to generate a secondary/tertiary claim for charges that have been paid and/or adjusted in full. See the Payment Entry Function section of these release notes for more information.
- ***New Functionality*** An Allow Canadian Provinces field has been added so you can select to include the Canadian provinces in the State Code lists throughout NetPracticePM across all databases.
- NetVerify Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) ***NetVerify Clients Only*** The following non-functional fields have been removed: Verify Eligibility on: Add Policy, Change Policy, Schedule Appt., Check In; and Follow Carrier Verification Limits.
- NetVerify Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) ***NetVerify Clients Only*** The NetVerify Usage Report has been moved from this location to the NetVerify Reports menu under (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Insurance Management Reports).
- Patient Check In/Out Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) ***New Functionality*** A Status Code for No Shows field has been added so you can better track your No Show appointments. This code must already exist in the Patient Status/Location Table (Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance). For more information see the Patient Check In/Out and Scheduling Printing Menu sections under the Schedule section of these release notes.
- Scheduling System Integration (System, Database Maintenance Menu) ***New Functionality*** A Carry Over Existing Block Time field has been added. Select this check box if you want the blocked time on an existing schedule to carry over when that schedule is being replaced by a template. This will only work if the template contains the same time increments as the existing schedule.
- User Database Restriction (System, User Management) ***New Functionality*** The Databases field has been expanded to allow 80 characters.
- ***New Functionality***All of the Tables have been updated to support both uppercase and lowercase searches.
- Case Manager/Adjuster Code Table ***New Functionality*** A Case Manager/Adjuster Code Table has been added so you can add Case Manager and Adjuster information by code to the patient's Case Management screen. See the Patient - Case Management and Patient - List of Patients by Case Manager/Adjuster sections of these release notes for more information.
- Copy the Procedure Price List (Tables, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** This menu has been added so you can copy the Procedure Code Table from one effective date to a new effective date. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in this section of these release notes for more information.
- Import Post-Op Days (Tables, Procedure Code Table) It was possible that the 2010 Post-Op Days would not import properly. This function has been re-loaded and the days are now available for import.
- Maintain Doctor Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table) ***New Functionality*** A Full-Time or Part-Time field has been added so you can indicate the employment status of a provider. This is currently for your records only and does not tie to any other functionality.
- Maintain Doctor Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table) ***New Functionality*** A Person or Entity field has been added (with the Person option selected) so you can distinguish between a provider and a group/business entity. This information is sent on electronic claims.
- Maintain Insurance Carriers (Tables, Insurance Carrier Table) ***NetVerify Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** An Eligibility Verification Frequency field has been added so you can select how often you want to run batch eligibility verification on that carrier. If you leave this field blank, 30 days is assumed. You can still run individual verifications as normal.
- Maintain Insurance Carriers (Tables, Insurance Carrier Table) ***NetVerify Clients only*** ***New Functionality*** A Verify when Payer is Secondary field has been added so you can enable eligibility to be checked for secondary policies in batches. The NetVerify results screen and report display an S next to the carrier name if the policy was a secondary policy.
- Maintain Procedure Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** Procedure Codes will now be handled differently. They are now stored by effective date. This screen has been changed to accommodate this new method. You can no longer edit procedure code amounts on this screen. All editing of amounts must be done in the new Maintain Procedure Code Amounts menu.
- Maintain Procedure Code Amounts (Tables, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** This menu has been added so you can maintain the procedure (CPT) codes by effective date. The 01-01-2010 effective date is currently loaded. You select the effective date and procedure code that you want to edit and a second screen opens where you can maintain all of the amounts for this procedure code. See the Update the Procedure Price List entry in this section of these release notes for more information. All prices displayed throughout the system will always be for the correct current effective date.
- Maintain Referral Source Codes (Tables, Referral Source Table) ***New Functionality*** A Person or Entity field has been added (with the Person option selected) so you can distinguish between a provider and a group/business entity. This information is sent on electronic claims.
- Post-Op Days Table (Tables, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** The Post-Op Days Table has been added so you can track post-op days/global periods for specific years, insurance plans, insurance carriers, types of service and procedure codes. If you have selected the surgery type of service in the Surgery Type of Service Code field in NetPracticePM Integration Options, then when you select the surgery type of service in the Type of Service field in Maintain Post-Op Days, then the Begin with Procedure Code and End with Procedure Code drop-down list boxes display only the procedure codes stored with the surgery type of service in Maintain Procedure Codes. See the Procedure Entry Function section of these release notes for more information.
- Print the Fee Schedules (Tables, Fee Schedule Table) ***New Functionality*** You can now print the Fee Schedule Table in Excel format by selecting the Microsoft Excel via MyReports option from the Printers dialog box.
- Print Procedure Price List (Procedures, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** An Effective Date field has been added to accommodate for the new method of handling procedure codes by effective date. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in this section of these release notes for more information.
- Print Procedure Profile Report (Procedures, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** A Procedure Code Effective Date has been added to accommodate for the new method of handling procedure codes by effective date. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in this section of these release notes for more information.
- Update the Price List with a Fee Schedule (Procedures, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** This menu has been added to accommodate the new method of handling the procedure codes by effective date. Even if you enter only a range of CPT codes to update, a new table for all CPT codes for that effective date will be created, but only the range of codes you select will be updated. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in this section of these release notes for more information.
- Update the Price List with RVU Values (Procedures, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** A Procedure Effective Date field has been added to accommodate the new method of handling the procedure codes by effective date. Even if you enter only a range of CPT codes to update, a new table for all CPT codes for that effective date will be created, but only the range of codes you select will be updated. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in this section of these release notes for more information.
- Update the Procedure Price List (Procedures, Procedure Code Table) ***New Functionality*** If you choose to update by Procedure, the From Effective Date and To Effective Date fields have been added so you can update your prices from the existing effective date schedule to a new effective date that you define. The original effective dates prices will remain untouched. You can also use the same effective date for the original prices and updated prices. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in this section of these release notes for more information.
- Edit a Transaction ***New Functionality*** If you edit a date of service to a duplicate date of service already posted with the same CPT code, the duplicate charge warning message now displays. You are still able to post the duplicate charge if necessary.
- Edit a Transaction ***New Functionality*** When you select to edit a charge, the Coinsurance $, Deductible $, Copay $, Other $ and Other Code fields have been added so you can edit this portion of payments made to this specific charge. Currently these fields will default with this information from the payment if the payment was posted from an electronic remittance advice only (see the Payment Entry section of these release notes for more information). But, even if you manually post payments you can still add amounts to these fields for your reference.
- NetPay Delayed Payment Capture - ***NetPay Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** You can now credit or void collected NetPay payments. After you select a payment, an Edit Payment Action Column function has been added and the Reduce Amount and Void Transaction options have been added.
- NetPay Delayed Payment Capture ***NetPay Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** After you select a payment, a Print Receipt Action Column function has been added.
- Payment Entry Function -
- Previously, issues could occur with posting payments and recoupments for carriers that had either been terminated or moved (from primary to secondary, for example) since the claim was filed to the insurance. This has been resolved.
- If after entering a payment, adjustment or denial that generated a claim to the secondary insurance you clicked Insurance in the Action Column, it was possible for a blank screen to display instead of the prompt to print the secondary claim. This has been resolved.
- If a primary payment was posted to a charge that was tied to a case and that case had a secondary insurance carrier (set up as Special Billing) tied to it and there was another secondary insurance in effect on the account (not set up as Special Billing) the claim would file to both secondary carriers, when it should only file to the secondary carrier tied to the case. This has been resolved.
- ***Clients using new HCFA Alignment Wizard program only*** If you selected to Print Now directly to the printer, it was possible for nothing to print. This has been resolved.
- ***New Functionality*** -
- If the new Create Sec/Ter on $0 Item check box is selected in NetPracticePM Default Values and if the primary insurance pays the claim in full, a claim will generate to the secondary insurance.
- If the new Create Sec/Ter on $0 Item check box is not selected and if the primary insurance pays in full with a combination of a payment and an adjustment, a claim will not file to the secondary insurance but the I column in the patient's transaction history for that charge will reflect an S for secondary claim and the detailed screen for that charge will reflect Secondary Filed - Suppressed.
- If the new Create Sec/Ter on $0 Item check box is not selected and if the primary insurance pays in full, a claim will not file to the secondary insurance and the I column in the patient's transaction history for that charge will not reflect an S for secondary claim.
- The same rules apply for secondary insurance carriers and tertiary claims.
- ***New Functionality*** This function has been enhanced for the posting of Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA's) only. Previously these payments were captured without all of the primary insurance remittance detail and therefore, secondary insurance carriers were denying claims for missing or incorrect information. Things like Deductible, Co-Insurance, Co-Payment and other patient responsibility reasons were all lumped together. This function now captures and stores all of that information separately so that the secondary claims contain the correct patient responsibility segments. For more information on editing these amounts after they've been posted, see the Edit a Transaction entry in the Transactions section of these release notes.
- ***New Functionality*** If you select the Refile Action to refile a charge, a new Resubmission Code field has been added so you can indicate to the payer if this refiled claim is a replacement claim (type a 7) or a voided claim (type an 8). This is for electronic claims only. If you need this information to print on paper claims, you must add use the new Post Claim NOTE Action to add this information to HCFA Box 19. See the History section under the Patient section of these release notes for more information.
- ***NetPay Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** On the Unposted Payments screen, you can print the receipt by clicking the printer icon next to the Credit link.
- ***NetPay Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** You can now credit or void collected NetPay payments. If there are unposted NetPay payments, click the Credit link and the Process Credit and Void Transaction options have been added.
- Pre-Treatment - When a doctor is tied to a Rate Schedule and a procedure code contains a price for that Rate Schedule, it was possible for this function to not pull the correct charge amount into the Procedure Entry Function. This has been resolved.
- Pre-Treatment - ***New Functionality*** - A Case field has been added so you can tie a case to the pre-treatment information.
- Print Archived Exceptions (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) ***New Functionality*** This function has been added so you can print/reprint old payment exception reports. The payment exception reports are immediately stored when payment posting of the remit is complete. NetPracticePM started archiving these with the release of Version 7.3.8, which was released on September 9, 2009, so your archives will go as far back as the date when Version 7.3.8 was loaded onto your system. At this point you cannot delete these archived reports.
- Procedure Entry Function -
- It was possible for the Post-Op alert message to display for all procedure codes. This has been resolved so that it only displays for the Surgery Type of Service codes.
- If there is a Service Script tied to the appointment, that service script date now defaults in the Service Script field on the charges for that appointment. Previously, the field would remain blank and you would have to click the question mark icon to select the service script.
- ***Clients using new HCFA Alignment Wizard program only*** If you selected the Insurance Action Column function after posting the procedures and then printed the claim, data would not print in Box 1A or Box 4. This has been resolved.
- ***New Functionality*** The Patient in Post-Op Care message, including the CPT and End Date, displays all global periods whether tied to a case or not. If you then select a case, the Post-Op Alert will re-display containing only the global periods tied to that case.
- ***New Functionality*** - The Post-Op Alert now displays based on the following priority order: 1) The number of days stored in the Post-Op Days Table. 2) The number of days in the Post-Op Days field in Maintain Procedure Codes. 3) The number of days in the Number of Days for Post-Op field in the NetPracticePM Integration Options. 4) If there is a Surgery Type of Service Code entered in the NetPracticePM Integration Options and nothing in the Number of Days for Post-Op field, it will default to 90 days. The alert will now also show the post-op ending date for the procedure based on the date of service for that procedure and the number of days specified for Post-Op Days.
- ***New Functionality*** The Auth Action Column function will now display in blue font color if there are any open authorizations on the account. Previously it would turn blue if there were authorizations in effect for the Accounting Date entered.
- ***New Functionality*** The Chg Amt field has been enhanced to accommodate the new method of handling procedure codes by effective date. This field will now always pull in the price based on the current effective date for the date of service and procedure code entered. If you enter a date of service for which there is no procedure code effective date, the field will populate with 0.00. See the Maintain Procedure Code Amounts entry in the Tables section of these release notes.
- Superbill Register (Transactions, Transaction Journals) - If you selected to print a specific superbill number or range of numbers, and your account numbers end with a decimal point and a number (e.g. 25555.2), it was possible for results outside of that range to print. This has been resolved.
- Transaction Journals - ***New Functionality*** - The magnifying glass icon has been added to the Batch Number field so you can search for existing batch numbers.
- Transaction Journals - ***New Functionality*** - When you select to sort by Doctor, the Begin with Doctor and End with Doctor fields have been enhanced in the Procedure Journal, Payment Journal, Adjustment Journal, Date of Service Payment Journal, Unposted Procedure Journal, Unposted Payment Journal, Check In/Out Payment Journal and the Check In/Out Tracking Journal so you can search your existing doctor code table from a drop-down list box.
- Transaction Journals To Excel (Transactions, Transaction Journals) ***New Functionality*** This menu has been added so you can print the Procedure, Payment and Adjustment Journals in Excel format. Now, only the Microsoft Excel via MyReports option exists in the Printers dialog box.
- Unposted Procedures -
- ***New Functionality*** This screen has been enhanced to use the selections you set up in the new Column Selectable Fields menu. See the Column Selectable Fields entry under the System section of these release notes for more information.
- ***New Functionality*** If charges come over from an interface for a patient that has been inactivated in NetPracticePM, a message, This patient has been inactivated displays directly below the patient's name in red, italicized font.
- ***Clients with NetPracticePM and NetPracticeEHRweb Interface Only*** ***New Functionality*** If an authorization or a case is tied to an appointment, the charges received back from NetPracticeEHRweb will also have the authorization and/or case tied to the charges.
***Did You Know?***
- Print Superbills (Schedule, Scheduling Printing Menu) - If you print Superbill Wizard documents, NetPracticePM checks to see which superbill to print based on the Type of Visit assigned to the appointment and tied to the superbill. So, if you have one Superbill tied to a Type of Visit, you must tie all of the superbills to the correct type of visit. For example, if you have one superbill for your surgery charges (tied to the Surgery Type of Visit), and a general superbill for all of your other types of visits, then you must tie all of the remaining types of visit to that general superbill, otherwise NetPracticePM is unable to tell which superbill to print and when you print a batch of superbills, the general superbills will not print. You tie the superbills to their corresponding Types of Visit in the Superbill Wizard (System, Form Wizards) menu. Select the superbill and click Assign to TOV in the Action Column and select the check boxes next to the Types of Visit that should be attached to the selected superbill.
- Load the AMA HCPCS Codes (Tables, Procedure Code Table) - This function has been updated and now includes the HCPCS 2010 Level II Data File, second quarter update.
- Procedure Entry Function - The Ref Dr (referral source) field defaults as follows:
- It initially defaults to the Referral Source stored in the Patient Name and Address Information screen.
- If you select a case and there is a referral source tied to that case, the Ref Dr field updates with that referral source.
- If there is no referral source tied to the case that you selected, the Ref Dr field changes to 0-No Referral Source.
- If you select Case 0 Not Applicable (0), the Ref Dr field defaults to the Referral Source stored in the Patient Name and Address Information screen.
- The referral source tied to the service script always takes precedence over both the referral source stored in the Patient Name and Address Information and the referral source tied to the case, because that is what is required on the claim. Therefore:
- If there is a service script tied to the charges, and if there is a referral source tied to the service script, the Ref Dr field defaults with the referral source tied to the service script.
- If there is a service script and a case tied to the charges, the Ref Dr field defaults with the referral source tied to the service script.
- If you remove the service script from the charges, the Ref Dr field defaults as described in the first four bullet points.