7.3.12 Service Pack Release Notes 06-25-10
List of Programming Corrections and Additions
User Desktop
- Announcements - It was possible for the calendar icon to not function correctly when adding an announcement. This has been resolved.
- Tasks - Previously, when you created a new task, the Complete By field was required and defaulted with a date and time. This field is no longer required and it defaults as blank. If you want to set a complete by date on the task, you now have to manually enter it. Also, the Escalate To field is now unavailable unless you enter a date in the Complete By field.
- Create Delinquent Insurance File (Insurance Billing Functions, Delinquent Insurance Menu) - If you try to perform this function from one NetPracticePM session while the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function is running on another session, you can still select and save the parameters; the Create Delinquent Insurance File is running in the background. Use Delinquent File Inquiry to determine completion message still displays, but the delinquent insurance file will not create until the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function is complete.
- Create Insurance File (Insurance Billing Functions) - If you try to perform this function from one NetPracticePM session while the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function is running on another session, a message, Insurance Files are in use. Try again later displays.
- Move/Rebuild Transmission File (Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - This function has been changed so that it cannot occur at the same time from different NetPracticePM sessions. A message, Rebuilding Transmission File displays until the function is complete and then either the Completed Rebuilding or the Completed Rebuilding. You should now print the exceptions message displays. If more than one user tries to perform this function at the same time, a message, Insurance Files are in use. Try again later displays on the second session.
- Prepare/Send Transmission File (Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - If you try to perform this function on one NetPracticePM session while the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function is running on another session, a message, Insurance Files are in use. Try again later displays.
- Print Exception Report (Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - If there are new items in the insurance file since the last time the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function was performed, the Move/Rebuild function will automatically run and complete. If you click Proceed, the Printers dialog box displays so you can select where to print the exception report.
- Print Insurance Forms (Insurance Billing Functions) - ***Clients using HCFA Alignment Wizard Program only*** -
- Unless you have an existing custom, Box 32b will now be blank on the HCFA forms. Previously, Box 32b printed the service facility location legacy number, but since this box is generally used for Form Type=C (Medicare) and since Medicare no longer requires legacy numbers on the claims, this has been removed.
- The Group Taxonomy Number from Maintain Group Taxonomy Codes (Tables, Doctor Code Table, Provider Number Table, Group Taxonomy Number Table) now prints in Box 33b on the HCFA form.
- ***Washington State Clients Only*** To meet Washington State Medicaid requirements, Box 24j on the HCFA will now print the ID qualifier and the performing provider's Individual Taxonomy Code as stored in the Specialty Code field in Maintain Doctor Codes.
- ***New Functionality*** You can now print Purchased Services information on paper claims. The ability to include this information on electronic claims was released with Service Pack 7.3.9. Note that there can be only one purchased service per claim form and if you use a WU modifier on the purchased service, you must also use the PS special procedure code to include the details of the purchased service. However, you can use PS without using a WU modifier on the claim.
- Set up procedure code PS in Tables, Procedure Code Table, Maintain Procedure Codes.
- Select the Medical Care option in the Type of Service field.
- Select the Yes option in the Bill to Insurance field.
- Clear the Outside Lab check box.
- Set the price at 0.00.
- Set up the outside entities/vendors where the services are purchased from in Tables, Referral Source Table, Maintain Referral Source Codes.
- Type a valid Tax ID or NPI Number.
- When posting procedures, the Purchased Service information must go in the line directly below the CPT that is the Purchased Service.
- In the Proc field, type PS.
- In the Description field, type the Referral Source Code of the vendor where the services are purchased from, a forward slash, and the dollar amount of the services (including the cents after the decimal point). For example, if services were purchased from Allied Pathology (which is Referral Source Code AP) the Description would be AP/150.00.
- Leave the Chg Amt field at 0.00.
If the Create Insurance File function finds a PS transaction (with or without a WU modifier on the claim), the Yes check box is selected in Box 20 (Outside Lab) on the HCFA and the correct entity prints in Box 32.
If you use PS for non-Medicare claims, the No check box is selected in Box 20 (Outside Lab) on the HCFA and the correct entity prints in Box 32.
The $ CHARGES portion of Box 20 on the HCFA prints the amount listed after the forward slash (/) in the description.
- Print Patient Statements - ***Linking Billing Type only*** - It was possible for incorrect aging messages to print on statements for slave accounts. This has been resolved. If you print a statement for both the master and slave accounts, the oldest statement aging message will print. If you print a statement for the slave account only, the correct corresponding aging message for that patient's account will print.
- Print Trans History Summary (Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims, Printing Options) - It was possible for an error to occur when this report was printed to MyReports or to Microsoft Word via MyReports. This has been resolved.
- Print Transmission File (Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - If there are new items in the insurance file since the last time the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function was performed, the Move/Rebuild function will automatically run and complete. If you click Proceed, the Print Transmission File screen displays so you can select the parameters to print.
Managed Care
- Maintain Authorizations (Authorization Tracking Menu) ***New Functionality*** An Equiv Auth Number field has been added so you can enter and track multiple authorizations with the same authorization number. For example, if an authorization is extended and you do not want to edit the information on the original authorization, you would type the original auth number in the Equiv Auth Number field and a version of that number in the Authorization Number field. Then in the Procedure Entry Function, when you need to select the extended authorization, the original auth number from the Equiv Auth Number field will still go on the claim.
- DMS (Change Patient Data) ***New Functionality*** A Delete button has been added to the Custom Form Generator DMS Records that were stored as Historical forms in the Form Generator function.
- Guarantor Information (Change Patient Data) ***ScanSharp Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** The Scan Sharp Action Column function has been added to this screen so you can scan drivers licenses for the Guarantor and the address information will populate just as it does in the Patient Name and Address Information screen.
- History (Change Patient Data) - The Post AUTH Action has been removed and the AUTH code has been added to the Insert Special Code Action options. Select AUTH and click Save to either select an existing authorization or create a new one. The AUTH is inserted as the last transaction of the day. For example, if payments or adjustments have been entered and you go back and enter the AUTH, it will insert after those payment or adjustment transactions.
- Insurance (Change Patient Data) - Previously you could not delete a secondary insurance carrier with the same carrier code as the primary carrier even if a claim had not yet been filed to that secondary carrier. This has been resolved and the Delete button now displays for these carriers as long as they do not have outstanding claims filed to them.
- Insurance (Change Patient Data) - To prevent issues with claims filing to DMERC, you can no longer add the DMERC carrier code as an insurance carrier on a patient's account. A message displays: DMERC cannot be added as an insurance carrier on accounts. See DMERC Setup Process in online help.
You should complete the following:
- Review the DMERC Setup Process section of online help (Introduction, System Processes)
- Either terminate or delete existing DMERC carriers from your patient accounts
- Print the List of Patients by Ins Carrier (Patient, Patient Listings, Sorted Lists of Patients) for the DMERC insurance carrier code.
- From this list, go into each account that contains an existing DMERC carrier and if claims have not been submitted to this carrier code, you can click Delete to remove the carrier from the account. If claims have been submitted to this carrier code, the Delete button is not available, so you must enter a date in the Termination Date field. Type a date that is at least one day later than the date in the Effective Date field.
- Patient Look-Up Function (Change Patient Data) - If you accessed an account from Work Accounts in Insurance Collections it would not display in the Accessed Today list from the Action Column. This has been resolved.
- Patient Registration - If you attached a patient, guarantor or insurance card image to an account with either the Acquire Image or ScanSharp Action Column functions, the images saved but were not viewable until you accessed the account through Change Patient Data. This has been resolved and now those images are viewable within Patient Registration too.
- Aged Accounts Receivable Reports - When you print these reports to Microsoft Excel via MyReports, the guarantor's name and patient's name now print in two separate columns.
- Aged A/R to Excel-Extended Aging by Pat or Ins Balance ***New Functionality*** These menus have been added with Excel formatting that is different from the Aged Accounts Receivable Reports sent to Microsoft Excel via MyReports. The new menus generate the same report data as the standard Aged Accounts Receivable Reports with the following exceptions:
- You cannot select to Print Detail of Guarantor, Include Address Information or Print Transaction Detail
- You must choose to print by Insurance balance, Patient balance or Total balance. This format no longer includes the breakdown of the patient and insurance balance and total, but you can now better manipulate the data and sum the columns
- If you select 15 day Aging Increments, the aging categories extend out to 180 days
- If you select 30 day Aging Increments, the aging categories extend out to 360 days
- Detailed Procedure Analysis (Statistical Reports) - It was possible for excluded procedure codes to print on these reports. This has been resolved.
- Insurance Payment Analysis Reports (Insurance Related Reports, Insurance Statistical Reports) - Several formatting improvements were made to these reports when printed to Microsoft Excel via MyReports.
- Insurance Procedure Analysis Reports (Insurance Related Reports, Insurance Statistical Reports) - Several formatting improvements were made to these reports when printed to Microsoft Excel via MyReports.
- Sorted Payments by Location and Sorted Payments by Performing Dr (Statistical Reports, Payment Analysis Reports, Sorted Payment Analysis Reports) - It was possible for an error to occur if you tried to send any of these reports to Microsoft Excel via MyReports. This has been resolved.
- Check In/Out Payment Journal (Scheduling Printing Menu) - It was possible for payments voided through Patient Check In/Out to print with the date that the void was posted rather than the date of the original payment. This has been resolved.
- Enter Patient Appointments ***New Functionality*** The New Patient option will now default correctly based on whether or not the New Patient check box is selected for the selected Type of Visit in the Type of Visit Table. See the Maintain Type of Visit Codes section of these release notes for more information.
- Enter Patient Appointments - The forward ( > ) and back ( < ) arrows at the bottom of the calendar now skip any dates that have no doctors scheduled, based on the current doctors/resources currently selected or in the filter.
- Maintain Type of Visit Codes (Scheduling Table Maintenance, Type of Visit Table) ***New Functionality*** - A New Patient check box has been added so you can specify certain types of visits as new patient visits. When you select this Type of Visit when scheduling an appointment, the Yes option will automatically be selected in the New Patient field. If you change the Type of Visit in the appointment to one that is not marked as New Patient, the New Patient option in the appointment changes to No. (On an existing appointment, it changes after you click Save.)
- Missing Charge Report (Scheduling Printing Menu) - It was possible for this report to not include appointments if the patient had two appointments within 30 days and the first appointment was posted as a No Show, then the second appointment would not be included on the report when no charges were posted for it. This has been resolved.
- Post No-Show Appointments - Previously, when you posted a No-Show for a past date, it was posting with the appointment date as the accounting date. This has been changed so that the No Show posts with the current system date as the accounting date and the appointment date as the date of service.
- Merge Patient Accounts (File Maintenance Menu) ***New Functionality*** This function has been enhanced to include DMS records. It will also merge images as follows:
- It will merge Patient and Guarantor images (such as drivers licenses and insurance card images) as long as there are no existing Patient and Guarantor images on the "merge to" account
- It will merge all eDOCS images into the "merge to" account
- It will merge any other images (Scanned images, Acquired images) to the "merge to" account as long as there are no other existing images on the "merge to" account
- NetPay Integration (Database Maintenance Menu) - ***NetPay Clients Only*** The NetPay integrations and full NetPay functionality have been copied to the existing databases' corresponding Collection database.
- NetReminder Integration (Database Maintenance Menu) - ***NetReminder Clients Only*** ***New Functionality*** Send Time and Receive Time fields have been added so you can choose when the file is sent to and received from CallPointe. These fields default with the time that was previously configured in the background. If times were never configured, the Send Time field defaults to 5:30A and the Receive Time field defaults to 6:00A. The last send and receive time display to the right of these fields.
- Import Fee Schedules (Fee Schedule Table) - The Medicare Fee Schedules were updated in this function as of June 21, 2010.
- Maintain Co-Payment Codes (Co-Payment Code Table) ***New Functionality*** A Type of Service field has been added so that you can assign a type of service to the co-payment codes. This field is required and with this service pack, the field is set to the type of service code that most closely matches the co-payment description. For example, co-payment code LAB will be set with type of service code 5-Lab. If a match cannot be made, the Type of Service field will default to 1-Medical Care. You should double check this table to ensure that the correct Type of Service codes are selected.
- Maintain Doctor Codes (Doctor Code Table) ***New Functionality*** The corresponding Taxonomy codes were added to the existing Specialty Code drop down list descriptions.
- Maintain Fee Schedule Amounts (Fee Schedule Table) - The Normal Rate field in the Procedure Table column now pulls the amount from Maintain Procedure Code Amounts for that code for that effective date. Previously, it was pulling the normal amount from the Procedure Code Table.
- Maintain Insurance Carriers (Insurance Carrier Table) ***New Functionality*** A Typology Code field has been added so you can select payment typology information for the SPARCS report. Currently this is a New York State requirement only.
- Maintain Post-Op Days (Procedure Code Table, Post-Op Days Table) - Previously, the Post-Op Days field remained blank when entering parameters for an existing post-op days entry. This has been resolved and now the correct value defaults in the field based on the existing entry.
- Maintain Procedure Codes - Purchased Services - Service Pack 7.3.9 instructed that you must select the Outside Lab check box. This is not correct. You must clear the Outside Lab check box to correctly bill purchased services.
- NetPay Delayed Payment Capture - ***NetPay Clients Only*** ***New Functionality***-
- If you click Pend to pend a delayed payment, a window displays so you can add a Pend Date and Reason.
- After you pend a payment, the Pend Reason, Pend Date and Pended by information displays in the top section of the delayed payment detail screen.
- On the Delayed Payments - Pended summary screen, the Pend Date and Pend Reason display directly below the account information.
- When a pend date passes, the payments are automatically un-pended.
- Payment Entry Function
- If you attempt to post a negative charge to a charge that has been filed to the insurance company, a message, There is an outstanding claim for this charge. You cannot post a negative charge to an open line item. You must deny the claim before posting the negative charge displays.
- You can no longer post a negative charge to a charge line item without the two having the same procedure code; negative/positive charge amount; performing doctor; primary diagnosis; date of service; location; account number or referring doctor. A message, You cannot post a negative charge to this line item, there are differences between the negative charge and this line item displays.
- It was possible for incorrect amounts to populate in the Allow field based on the performing provider on the claim. This has been resolved. If the claim was sent with different performing and insurance doctors, the Allow field now pulls the correct amount for the performing provider, if that provider has a provider number set up for that carrier in Maintain Dr Provider Numbers. If the performing doctor does not have a provider number for that carrier, the allowed amount for the insurance doctor on the claim will populate.
- It was possible for a claim to generate to the tertiary insurance when the secondary paid the claim balance in full even if the Create Ins for Paid Chgs check box was not selected in NetPracticePM Default Values. This has been resolved.
- If you clicked Link Image and entered an incorrect date on the Link EOB Image screen, all of the scanned EOBs would display, potentially causing a time-out error. This has been resolved.
- ***NetPay Clients Only*** - It was possible for an error to occur if there were incomplete NetPay payments tied to appointments that were rescheduled. This has been resolved.
- Payment Journal (Transaction Journals) - If you reverse an adjustment that was tied to a payment, the payment will now go into the Unallocated Breakdowns section of this report rather than in the Unapplied Amount column.
- Post ERA File (Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - If adjustments contained multiple reason codes, it was possible for these adjustments to not post. This has been resolved. If there is a case where multiple adjustments need to be posted, the adjustment totals will be combined and one entry will be made on the account.
- Procedure Entry Function - If a negative charge is applied to a charge transaction, which zeroes it out, a claim will not file to insurance even if the Create Ins on Paid Charges check box is selected in NetPracticePM Default Values.
- Procedure Entry Function - It was possible for the duplicate procedure message to display if you selected a procedure to post from Unposted Procedures, even if there was no duplicate procedure. This has been resolved.
- Transaction Journals - It was possible to receive the Enter a valid batch number message if you tried to print the transaction journals for locked batches. This has been resolved.
- Unposted Procedures ***New Functionality*** When you select procedures to 'auto-post' (select the check box next to the procedures and click Post), any co-payments made in association with the appointment will also post. And, if the type of visit on the appointment matches the type of service assigned to the co-payment code used when collecting a co-pay, then the co-pay will apply to the procedure that contains the same type of service that is assigned to that co-payment code.
- ***NetMobile Clients Only*** It was possible for an error to occur when entering charges. This has been resolved.