7.3.4 Service Pack Release Notes 12-04-08
List of Programming Corrections
User Desktop
- ONLINE SUPPORT CENTER - ***New Functionality*** - An updated list of the electronic claims exceptions has been added to the KnowledgeTree in .pdf format. After you log on to the Online Support Center, click KnowledgeTree - View KnowledgeTree - Products - NetPracticePM - Insurance Claims - Electronic Claims Exceptions. This list can still be found in the Print Exception Report Help section.
- Print Exception Report (Billing, Insurance Billing Functions, Electronic Claims) - An exception for Patient Address contains more than 55 characters has been added. If both Address Line One and Two contain more than 55 characters, you will receive this exception.
- Populate Collection Roster (Collections, Insurance Collections) - You will now receive a message informing you when the Populate Collection Roster is complete.
- Review for Turn Over Report (Collections, Patient Collections, Turn Over Functions) - ***New Functionality*** - This report has been enhanced to print to Excel via MyReports.
- Third Party Turn Over Report (Collections, Patient Collections, Turn Over Functions) - ***New Functionality*** - This report has been enhanced to print to Excel via MyReports.
Managed Care
- Maintain Authorizations (Managed Care, Authorization Tracking Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - Six additional Comment fields have been added.
- Allergy DMS Record (Patient, Change Patient Data) - ***New Functionality*** - The Allergy Record has been added to the DMS records to keep track of patients' allergies and work in conjunction with the Allergy Table. Previously, this record was an 'additional' DMS record; now it is a 'standard' DMS record.
- Maintain Patient Recalls (Patient, Patient Recall Menu) - ***New Functionality*** - A 'Recall already exists for this date' message will display if you enter a recall with a duplicate recall date. Previously, the original recall would be overwritten with the new recall information. You must edit the existing recall or change the date on the new recall.
- Insurance Policy Information (Patient, Change Patient Data) - ***New Functionality*** - A Cov Last Ver thru NetVerify field has been added. If your practice subscribes to NetVerify and you verify the policy using the Verify Eligibility function, these fields will populate with the date the coverage was verified on and the User who verified the coverage. The Coverage Last Verified on fields still exist and the date field can be manually edited for carriers not listed with NetVerify and for practices that do not subscribe to NetVerify.
- Patient Name and Address Information (Patient, Change Patient Data) - ***New Functionality*** - A Country Code field and a County code field have been added to the Patient Name and Address Information screen in Patient Registration, Change Patient Data, and Review Patient Information. You can now select a country from the Country Code list and a county from the County Code Table from within these functions. For additional information on the County Code Table, see the Tables section of these release notes.
- Patient Registration - ***New Functionality*** - The Account Number field has been increased from eight to ten digits.
- Print Recall Cards/Letters (Patient, Patient Recall Menu) - It was possible for the Rich Text recall letters to not format properly when printed. This has been resolved.
- Edit Doctor Schedules (Schedule, Doctor Schedule Maintenance) - It was possible that not all available templates would display in the Template list box. This has been resolved.
- Eligibility Status (Schedule, Verify Eligibility) - ***NetVerify Users Only*** - ***New Functionality*** A Print button has been added to the Action Column on the detailed Eligibility Status screen.
- Patient Check In/Out - An alert message, 'Patient has a ROA payment already posted for this date', will display if you click Select Patient and choose a patient, not on the schedule, where an ROA has already been posted on that account that day. You can still proceed with entering another ROA payment.
- Patient Check In/Out - You can now edit or void payments not tied to an appointment. Previously, only payments tied to appointments would display in the payment listing. Also, a Payment Date column has been added to the payment listing at the bottom of the Check In/Out patient detail screen.
- Patient Check In/Out - ***New Functionality*** - The Check Number field has been enhanced to store the information entered for any Payment Type selected. Previously, the data in the Check Number field was only stored if the Check payment type option was selected.
- County Code Table - A new County Code Table has been added so you can add a county to the Patient Name and Address Information screen. For additional information, see the County Code Table Help section.
- Import ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - ***New Functionality*** - You can select which Insurance Form Number you want to see on the list of available remits. For example, if you select C for Medicare, only the Medicare remit files will display.
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - ***New Functionality*** - You can select which Insurance Form Number you want to see on the list of available remits. For example, if you select C for Medicare, only the Medicare remit files will display.
- Post ERA File (Transactions, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)) - ***New Functionality*** - Negative payments will no longer be posted automatically. If a remit contains a negative payment, a 'Payment is a negative payment, must post manually' exception will generate so you can determine whether additional billing or adjustments need to occur.
- Unposted Procedures - If you click More in the Action Column after posting an unposted procedure, the accounting date will stay the same as the procedures just posted.
- Unposted Procedures - If a procedure code exists in the CPT/DX Cross Linking Table and the Primary Diagnosis (Diag 1) field on that procedure in the Procedure Entry Function is not linked to that procedure code, a 'Diagnosis/CPT cross-linking table error...' message will display in the Unposted Procedures summary screen.