Move Schedule Doctor

With the Move Schedule Doctor function, you can move a doctor's schedule for a specific location and all the appointments it contains from one doctor to another. Prior to performing this function, you will need to verify the schedule for the doctor code where you would like to move the appointments, does not contain any appointments. This function will only work if the schedule you moving the appointments into is completely empty.

Note: this function is only designed to copy the appointments from one doctor to another. It will not copy any Reserves, Blocked Times, or any other scheduling features.

If you are using Resources, this function cannot move the resources since it could result in rooms being overbooked and a message will display notifying you the schedule you have selected contains resources. You will have to manually move the resource appointments first to ensure all the resources are available.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Doctor Code Type the Doctor code for the schedule you want to move or select from the Doctor list. 5
Location Code Type the Location code for the existing schedule you want to move or select from the Location list. 5
Date Type the date you want or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Move to Doctor Type the Doctor code you want to move the schedule to or select from the Doctor list. 4
Include AM Appointments If you want to include the morning appointments, select this check box. 1
Include PM Appointments If you want to include the afternoon appointments, select this check box. 1