Print Chart List

With the Print Chart List function, you can print a report that will list every patient scheduled for a specific day or range of days to use when pulling patient charts.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Date Type the date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
End with Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Morning Appointments If you want to print the morning appointments, select this check box.   1
Afternoon Appointments If you want to print the afternoon appointments, select this check box.   1
Sort by Doctor If you want to sort the list by doctor first, select this check box. 1
Alpha or Numeric For the Alpha or Numeric option, select the option you want. 1
Number of Copies Type the number of copies of the report you want to print. 2
From Location In the From Location text box, type the location you want or select from the Location list.   3
Through Location In the Through Location text box, type the location you want or select from the Location list.   3

Sample Report
If you select to Sort by Doctor, the list will print in doctor code order, otherwise it will print by date and then location order. The report will include the schedule date, location, doctor, patient account number and name, (R) will print in front of the patient name if it is a pre-registered patient, phone number, reason for visit, ** NEW ** if it is a new patient appointment and the total number of new patients.