Print No Shows

With the Print No Shows report, you can print a report to track your No Show patients. For the appointments to be included on the report, they must have a No Show Status entered from the Patient Check In/Out function and the No Show code must be entered in the Patient Check In/Out Integration function in the Status Code for No Shows field.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
From Date Type the appointment date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Through Date Type the appointment date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
From Type of Visit In the From Type of Visit text box, type the code you want or select from the Type of Visit list or leave the field blank to include all codes.   3
Through Type of Visit In the Through Type of Visit text box, type the code you want or select from the Type of Visit list or leave the field blank to include all codes.   3

Sample Report
The report will include the appointment date, doctor code, type of visit code, patient account number and name, location code, appointment time and the patient's primary insurance carrier. The total number of patient appointments and the total number of no shows for the date range selected will print, along with statistical scheduling data for each doctor.