Resource Assignment

With the Resource Assignment function you can tie a specific Doctor to a specific Resource in the schedule, for a specific Location. This helps ensure the resource will be available for that doctor and he will be scheduled for the resource that he prefers to use.

This function enhances the functionality of Resource Panel Scheduling. By using Resource Assignment, you can let CGM webPRACTICE automatically schedule the doctor for the appropriate resource and not have to continually remember which resource to use. For example, when you schedule a patient appointment and select the resource panel code, CGM webPRACTICE will look at the resource the doctor is tied to first, to see if any time slots are available. If none are available for that resource, only then will it continue to look at the remaining resources in that group.

Note: CGM webPRACTICE has an automatic 24 hour rule built into Resource Assignment. 24 hours prior to the actual appointment date, if any time slots are not scheduled for a resource that is tied to a specific doctor, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically un-tie and release that resource so that it can be used for other doctors. This helps prevent the resource from sitting idle and not getting used by others that need it.

Prior to using this function, the location you select must have a schedule created for the doctor you want to tie to a resource.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Location In the Location text box, type the location you want or select from the Location list. 3

After you have selected the Location, the Resource Assignment Calendar will display. The doctor, resource, and location currently selected will display at the top of the calendar. You can use the Action Column functions to change the doctor and resource or change the date range displayed. To tie or untie the doctor to this resource you can use the Edit and Obtain functions within the calendar.

Each day within the schedule is color-coded allowing you to easily identify its status.

- A schedule exists but no patient appointments have been scheduled yet.

- A schedule exists and already contains some patient appointments so use caution when assigning resources.

- A schedule has not been created for the day so you cannot assign any resources.

Action Column Functions

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
From Date Type the date you want to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Through Date Type the date you want to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10

With the Edit function, you can tie or untie Doctors and Resources for one day. Click Edit within the date you want and then select the appointment times you want to tie this doctor to. You can also clear any previously stored appointment times tied to the resource using the Clear check box.

With the Obtain function, you can tie or untie Doctors and Resources for a date range or for a single date. Click Obtain within any of the dates listed to access the function.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Tie or Untie For the Tie or Untie options, select the option you want. 1
Doctor In the Doctor text box, type the doctor you want or select from the Doctor list. 8
Location In the Location text box, type the location you want or select from the Location list. 8
From Date Type the date you want to begin tying/untying to the resource or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Thru Date Type the date you want to stop tying/untying to the resource or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
From Time Type the time you want to start tying/untying to the resource. 6
Thru Time Type the time you want to stop tying/untying to the resource. 6
Specific Day In the Specific Day list, click the day you want or select Not Day Specific day to apply to all days. 2

After you have tied or untied the doctor to the resource, the Resource Assignment Calendar will be updated and display the doctor code within each date they have been tied to the resource.