Maintain Group Taxonomy Numbers

With the Maintain Group Taxonomy Numbers function you can review, add, edit, or delete Group Taxonomy numbers by Insurance Form type, Insurance Carrier, Doctor and Location, when you have Group Taxonomy numbers that are different for each location.

Upon accessing this function, the Maintain Group Taxonomy Numbers screen displays containing blank data fields.

NOTE: After you select an existing Insurance Form and Insurance Carrier code, press the TAB key to navigate through this screen and view the Taxonomy Code. If you press the ENTER key, the screen will save and refresh with only the Insurance Form code displaying. This is due to an internal programming requirement and cannot be changed.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Insurance Form Type the code you want or select from the Insurance Form list. 2
Insurance Carrier Type the code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table.   5
Doctor Code Type the code you want or select from the Doctor Code list.   10
Location Code Type the code you want or select from the Location Code list.   20
Taxonomy Code Type the code you want or select from the Taxonomy Code list. 20
Paper, Electronic or Both Select the option to indicate if this taxonomy code should be sent on paper claims, electronic claims or both. 1

When you create insurance claims, CGM webPRACTICE will determine which Taxonomy number to report based on the highest level of data (number of fields) entered. The samples provided below are just a few of a wide variety of scenarios that could occur at each level. The general guideline that CGM webPRACTICE uses to determine the level of data is 'the quantity of fields that have been completed in addition to the Taxonomy Number field.'

Level 1: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location:

Level 2: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with any Blue Cross insurance:

Level 3: If all the doctors in the practice are considered a group when they practice at a specific location for patients with Medicaid insurance:

Level 4: If Medicaid has issued a specific Group Taxonomy when any of 3 specific doctors practice at a specific location (out of the 7 total doctors in the practice):

Deleting a Taxonomy Number
To delete a Taxonomy number, select the Insurance Form type, Insurance Carrier, Doctor and Location code first. When the Taxonomy Number displays, confirm it is the one you want to delete and click Delete in the lower-right corner. The message 'This provider number has been deleted' will display.

For information about printing this table, see Print the Group Taxonomy Number Table.