Procedure Journal

With the Procedure Journal function, you can print a report of all the procedures entered into CGM webPRACTICE during a specified range of dates.

This report can be used to generate a DMS List. To activate this function you will need to add the report to the DMS Report Integration function located on the System, Database Maintenance Menu. This report can also be printed from the Reports, Transaction Journals menu.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Print in Date Order If you want to print the report in date order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Procedure Order If you want to print the report in procedure order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Doctor Order If you want to print the report in performing doctor order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Ins Doctor Order If you want to print the report in insurance doctor order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Location Order If you want to print the report in user order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in User Code Order If you want to print the report in user order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print from date Type the date you want to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Print Through Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Assignment Charges Only If you only want to include charges that Assignment was accepted for, select this check box. 1
Summary Only If you only want to print a summary, select this check box. 1
Batch Number Type a batch number to print only the transactions within that batch, type '0' to print all non-batched transactions or leave blank to print all transactions.   17
Print from List If you want to print this report based only on the patients contained in a previously defined DMS List, select the list you want to use. For example, if you want a report only for Medicare patients, you first create a list of all your Medicare patients, then print the Procedure Journal and select the Medicare patient list you just created for 'Print from List'.   20

Sample Report
If summary only is not selected, the information included on this report is: the patient number and name, guarantor name (if different from patient), accounting date, date of service, procedure code, performing doctor (P) and insurance doctor (I) codes will print under the P/I DR column, location code (LC CD) , diagnosis code(s), multiplier, and the amount charged for each procedure. Any Report Comments contained in the patient's billing information record will be printed beneath the guarantor's name followed by the referral source code and name (if different from default referral source).

If summary only is selected, the report will print totals for the sort option selected.

The Hash Total will print below the Grand Total. The hash total is calculated by adding the digits of every cpt code. It will also take into consideration the unit value of a procedure. If the unit value is greater than one, it will multiply the hash number for the procedure by the number of units. Note: to accommodate situations when the procedure codes begin with a letter (J or V codes), the hash total is calculated based on the last four digits of the CPT, not all five digits. When a procedure code consists of letters only then 'zero' will be added to the total.