Delinquent File Inquiry
With the Delinquent File Inquiry function you can check the status
of the Create
Delinquent Insurance File function.
Upon accessing this function the screen displays each billing group code
and its description, the date the insurance was last created for that
billing group, the aging increment used in the last creation for that
billing group, the name of the user who created the delinquent file and
what cycle number was chosen.
If the delinquent insurance file is always created for all billing groups
there will only be one line of information displayed on the inquiry screen
since the information displayed will apply to all billing groups. If you
hover over an entry, you can see the Carrier, Doctor, Location and Procedure
codes selected to create that particular delinquent insurance file.
If the words Creating Print File are displayed under the Date Created
column it is an indication that the create function is not complete. If
the print file creation is still in progress, it is necessary to click
Refresh on the Action Column for a date to be placed in the Date
Created column. Do not begin printing your delinquent insurance forms
until the create process has finished.