Insurance Filing Report

With the Insurance Filing Report function, you can print a detailed report of every transaction currently contained in the insurance print file. You can print this report at any time after the Create Insurance File function has been completed, but at a minimum you should print it after you have finished printing your insurance forms.

Upon accessing this function, the Insurance Filing Report screen displays containing blank data fields.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Insurance Carrier Type the code you want to begin with, click the magnifying glass to search the table or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table.   5
End with Insurance Carrier Type the code you want to end with, click the magnifying glass to search the table or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table.   5
Begin with Doctor Type the code you want to begin with, click the magnifying glass to search the table or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table.   5
End with Doctor Type the code you want to end with, click the magnifying glass to search the table or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table.   5
Forms Printed If you want the report to include the insurance forms that have already been printed, select this check box.   1
Forms Not Printed If you want the report to include the insurance forms that have not been printed, select this check box.   1
Begin with Location Type the code you want to begin with, click the magnifying glass to search the table or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table.   6
End with Location Type the code you want to end with, click the magnifying glass to search the table or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table.   6
Summary Only If you only want to print a summary, select this check box.   1
Print for which type of Claim Select which type of claims to print, Legacy or PDF or Both. 1

Sample Report
This report prints in insurance carrier code order and generates separate pages and totals for the forms printed as well as the forms not printed, if you select to include both options. The information included in this report for each transaction is: insurance carrier code, insurance form number, a code to reflect how the procedure was placed in the print file, a 'p', 's' or 't' to indicate if it's a primary, secondary or tertiary claim, patient account number and name, accounting date, service date, performing doctor, location, superbill number, procedure code, the date the transactions were created, diagnosis code, assignment indicator and case number, multiplier, and the transaction amount. Totals for each insurance carrier print showing the total number of claims and amount billed.

If summary only is selected, the report prints totals for the sort option selected.
The codes used to reflect which function within CGM webPRACTICE was used to place the procedure in the print file are:
This report can be printed at any time prior to deleting the insurance print file. You can choose to delete the current print file in the Create Insurance File function.