Insurance Never Filed

With the Insurance Never Filed function, you can print a report that provides a detailed listing, sorted by patient, of every procedure that has never been filed to insurance for a specified date range. You can use this report to ensure that all claims for patients that have active insurance are properly billed.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
From Accounting Date Type the date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Thru Accounting Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Include Patients with No Insurance If you want the report to include charges for accounts without insurance policies, select this check box. It would then include accounts that contain another sort of insurance indicator such as a payment posted with an insurance payment code. 1

You can print this report to Word by selecting the Microsoft Word via MyReports option in the Printers dialog box and then retrieve the report from MyReports. For additional information about the available printing options, see Printing in CGM webPRACTICE.

Sample Report
The information contained in this report includes: the patient's account number and name; billing group code and description; the primary insurance carrier code, description and effective date; termination date (if applicable). The Spl (Special Billing) and Bill (Bill this Carrier) columns show the responses stored for each of these fields in the patient's Insurance Policy Information screen. Below that is the breakdown of the procedures that were never filed, including: case code (if applicable); the accounting date; procedure code; the transaction location code; the charge amount; and the remaining balance. The Batch column indicates whether or not the batch has been locked for the procedures. If there was a Claim Hold date entered on the transaction, that also prints.

Transactions can appear on this report for a variety of reasons, for example: