Primary Insurance Denial Rate Report

With the Primary Insurance Denial Rate Report function, you can print a report that provides the denial rate percentage for primary insurance carriers for a specified date range. You can use this report to identify if the denial rate is within an acceptable limit or not.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Insurance Carrier Type the code you want to start with or leave the text box blank to start with the first code in the table.  


End with Insurance Carrier Type the code you want to end with or leave the text box blank to end with the last code in the table.  


Print By If you want the report to include charges for accounts without insurance policies, select this check box. It would then include accounts that contain another sort of insurance indicator such as a payment posted with an insurance payment code. 1
Print from Date Type the date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date or leave the field blank to print every open item up through the selected 'Through Date'.   10
Print through Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10

You can also print this report to Excel by selecting the Microsoft Excel via MyReports in the Printers dialog box and then retrieve the report from MyReports. For additional information about the available printing options, see Printing in CGM webPRACTICE and MyReports.

Sample Report
The information contained in this report includes:  the total amounts filed and denied and the calculated denial rate percentage for each primary carrier and totals for each column when the report is printed for multiple insurance carriers.