New Patient/Follow-Up Report Sorted by Date

With the New Patient/Follow-Up Report Sorted by Date function, you can generate a report sorted by date of either new patients or return patients that have had activity on their account during the time frame specified.

The new patient report will generate a list of all the new patients added to the practice during the time frame selected. The follow-up report will generate a list of patients that returned for follow-up care during the time frame selected.

A summary page will be printed at the end of the report showing the total number of patients, total charges and total payments per date.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
New or Follow Up Select the sorting option you want. New will generate a list of all new patients added to CGM webPRACTICE during the time frame selected. Follow-up will generate a list of patients returning for follow up care during the time frame selected.   1
Beginning Date Type the date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Ending Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10

Sample Report