Type of Visit Report

With the Type of Visit Report function, you can print a report that will provide statistics on the types of appointments scheduled.

This report can be used to generate a DMS List. To activate this function you will need to add the report to the DMS Report Integration function located on the System, Database Maintenance Menu.

This report may also be printed to Microsoft Excel providing enhanced reporting capabilities.

You may also print this report from the Transactions, Transaction Journals and Reports, Transaction Journals menus.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
From Date Type the date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Through Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
From Type of Visit Type the Type of Visit code you want to start with, select from the Type of Visit list, or leave the text box blank to start with the first code in the table.   3
Through Type of Visit Type the Type of Visit code you want to end with, select from the Type of Visit list, or leave the text box blank to end with the last code in the table.   3
Combine Doctors If you want the doctors combined, select this check box. 1
Combine Locations If you want the locations combined, select this check box. 1
Include Comments If you want to include any comments, select this check box. 1
Sort by Doctor or Location Click the Sort by option you want to use when printing the report. 1
Summary Only If you want to print a summary only, select this check box. 1

Sample Report
Any appointments that have been rescheduled will not be counted twice and any appointments that have been deleted through either the Enter Patient Appointments or Doctor Schedule Maintenance functions will not be included on this report.

If a patient is scheduled for an appointment that is also tied to a room or a resource, the appointment will only be counted one time for this report.

If you print this report for a range of dates, the program will only count a patient once for each unique Type of Visit code for the date range selected. For example, if you select the last month for the date range and a patient had four appointments but they were all scheduled using the 'Follow-Up' Type of Visit code, the patient will only be counted ONE time.