Print the Group Code Table

With the Print the Group Code Table function, you can print the contents of the table (see sample report) in either long or short format and for a specific sort parameter.

Entering Beginning and Ending Sort Data
After you select a sort parameter for the report, you may also select the beginning and ending parameters for the selected sort parameter. If you type data in the Begin with Sort or the End with Sort text boxes, the data must correlate to the sort parameter selected. The following example is copied from the function for printing the Adjustment Code table but the same principle applies throughout all the Tables in CGM webPRACTICE. For example, if you want to print a report for all your BCBS adjustment codes and you know the codes are not stored in a consecutive code range, you could select the adjustment description for the sort parameter. You could enter 'BC' in the Begin with Sort text box and 'BCZZZ' in the End with Sort text box. A report would be printed for any adjustment code containing a description that starts with 'BC'. The reason you need to type 'BCZZZ' in the End with Sort text box is to make sure the program sorts through the entire range of codes that have descriptions starting with 'BC'. If you do not include 'ZZZ', the program will stop after it finds all the code descriptions starting with 'BC' only - you would not get codes for descriptions starting with 'BC of' or 'BCBS' and so on. For additional information about entering sorting data for reports, see Selecting Ranges for Reports.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Long or Short Format Select the format you want for the report. The Long format includes all the information contained in the table for each code. The Short format only includes the code, the code description, and the data for the sort parameter selected. 10
Sort Parameter Type the sort parameter code you want or select from the Parameter list. 10
Begin with Sort Type the code or text pertaining to the sort parameter selected that you want to start with, or leave the text box blank to start with the first item in the table.   10
End with Sort Type the code or text pertaining to the sort parameter selected that you want to end with, or leave the text box blank to end with the last item in the table.   10

Sample Report

To view which doctors are assigned to a specific group, see Maintain Doctor Groups.