Unposted Procedures Integration

With the Unposted Procedure Integration function, you can select functionality that is used when posting unposted procedures. We recommend you modify/select these various settings according to the individual needs of your practice every time a new database is created. This information must be set up for each database and entered from within that database.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Post Button - Auto-post Co-pays If you want to have co-payments automatically posted when you use the Post button, select this check box.   1
Manual Posting - Auto-post Co-pays If you want to have co-payments automatically posted when you manually post unposted procedures, select this check box.   1
Check for Duplicate Transactions if you want to receive a warning message to prevent auto-posting duplicate charges, when a charge matches the procedure code, date of service, and location of a previously posted charge, select this check box.   1
Display DMS Hospital Note If you want to display the Hospital Note from the Hospitalization DMS Record , select this check box.   1