Admit/Discharge Attachment (ADM & DIS)

If you are posting inpatient hospital charges, an admission date is required for all electronic claims. The Admit/Discharge Attachment will be triggered if you enter a Location Code that has an equivalent Place of Service Code of 21, 31, 51 or 61.



Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Admit Date Type the date you want or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Discharge Date Type the date you want or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10

The admission date is the only date that is required for electronic claims. If you do not have access to the admission date at this point, you may Cancel out and enter the admission date later in the patient's ADM DMS Record. If you don't enter this information, the claim will be placed on the exception report when creating the electronic claim file.