The entry of an anesthesia procedure code that has a Type of Service of '7-Anesthesia' stored in the Procedure Code Table will trigger the Anesthesia Attachment.
Data Field Information
Prompt | Response | Req | Len |
Start Time | Enter the start time. The time must be entered precisely as HH:MM followed by an 'A' for A.M. or a 'P' for P.M. | 6 |
End Time | Enter the end time. The time must be entered precisely as HH:MM followed by an 'A' for A.M. or a 'P' for P.M. | 6 | |
Total Minutes | Enter the total minutes. | 4 | |
Modifier | Optional - Type the modifier. | 8 | |
Surgery Code | Optional - Enter Type the surgery code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table. If you enter a surgery code, it will be sent on the claim as a 'Note'. | 1 |