Anesthesia Time Attachment (TIME)

The entry of an anesthesia procedure code that has a Type of Service of '7-Anesthesia' stored in the Procedure Code Table will trigger the Anesthesia Attachment.



Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Start Time Enter the start time. The time must be entered precisely as HH:MM followed by an 'A' for A.M. or a 'P' for P.M.  


End Time Enter the end time. The time must be entered precisely as HH:MM followed by an 'A' for A.M. or a 'P' for P.M.   6
Total Minutes Enter the total minutes.   4
Modifier Optional - Type the modifier.   8
Surgery Code Optional - Enter Type the surgery code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table. If you enter a surgery code, it will be sent on the claim as a 'Note'.   1