Delete Historic Transmission Files

With the Delete Historic Transmission Files function, you can delete entries from the Transmission File Inquiry screen and the Transmission Journal up through a specific date. The default date is 60 days prior to the current system date. All entries that were transmitted prior and equal to the date selected will be deleted. The deletion date is based on the date the claims were transmitted (the First Trans date on the Transmission File Inquiry screen), not the date the original transmission file was created.

NOTE: After the Historic Transmission Files have been deleted, they are no longer available for re-transmission. You would have to individually refile all the claims in that journal in order to re-transmit them electronically. After the files have been deleted they cannot be restored by either you or CGM webPRACTICE.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Delete Transmission Files through Type the date you want or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10

A screen will display letting you know that the files have been deleted.