Print Transmission File

With the Print Transmission File function, you can print a report of the claims held in the transmission file so you can see what is ready to be transmitted.

NOTE: The difference between this report and the Transmission Journal is that the Transmission Journal contains claim information for the file that has been sent. After claims are sent, they are moved from the Transmission File into the Transmission Journal and stored by the date they were created. If the Move/Re-Build Transmission File function is performed, the file is still stored with the original date that the file was created.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
From Electronic Form Select the form type you want to begin with or leave the field blank to start with the first form type in the file.   2
Through Electronic Form Select the form type you want to end with or leave the field blank to end with the last form type in the file.   2
Alpha or Numeric Select the option to indicate how you want the report sorted. 1
Page Between Carrier If you want a blank page to print between each carrier, select this check box.   1
Print Patient Total If you want a total to print for each patient, select this check box.   1

Sample Report

This report includes the patient name and number, the referring doctor code, date of service, the procedure code, any modifiers used, the type of service, the performing doctor code/insurance doctor code, the location, the diagnosis codes used, the accept assignment indicator, the multiplier, the Medigap number (if applicable) and the amount. It gives you the insurance doctor's provider and group numbers. It gives you subtotals by doctor and by carrier, as well as a grand total dollar amount.