Move/Rebuild Transmission File
With the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function you can create
the actual electronic files to send to the insurance carriers. Claims
enter the electronic file through either the Create
Insurance File function, the Refile
Insurance Claims function or the Deny
Insurance Claims function.
Each time you perform the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function,
CGM webPRACTICE recreates the file and checks each claim for errors in
the data. If it finds invalid or inaccurate data, the claim is moved to
the Exception
Report. It also picks up any modified information from charges that
were edited using the Edit
Transmission File or the Edit
a Transaction functions. If these modified charges were in the exception
file, and they now pass the edit checks, they will be removed from the
exception file. If new charges have been recently added to the electronic
file, these charges will be included in your file totals. You can run
the Move and Rebuild function as many times as necessary. Although, after
claims have been sent, you cannot perform this function again until the
following day.
Upon accessing this function, the transmission file is automatically moved
and rebuilt. A screen displays indicating that the function is in process.
When CGM webPRACTICE has finished recompiling the transmission and exception
files, a screen displays indicating that the function is complete.
If you have already sent claims for the day, a message will display stating
that the function cannot be performed.
After the Move/Rebuild Transmission File function has been completed,
Print the Exception
Report, if indicated, to correct any further exceptions or Print
the Transmission File.