Review/Send Electronic Statements

With the Review/Send Electronic Statements function, you can prepare your electronic statement file to be transferred to CGM US.

The Review/Send Electronic Statements function provides the following functions/sections:

Statement Summary Screen
Upon accessing this function, the current statement loads and the Review/Send Electronic Statements summary screen displays the statistics for the currently loaded statement file. It includes: the file name; file status, account number of the last patient viewed, the date the file was created; the total number of statements (pages and 1st page) contained in the file; total additional pages and the total statement file balance.

If there is not a current statement file to display, the Statement Summary Screen will be blank. You can click History in the Action Column to access previously transferred statement files.

The statements included in the file are listed below the statistics section. It displays the credit card (payment method) status; account number; patient name; guarantor name; responsible doctor code, billing group code, patient balance, last statment date, last patient payment date, last patient payment amount and the last date of service. If a statement file contains any zero balance statements, you will receive a warning message when you first access this function after creating the file. This notifies you there may be a problem with the statement file.

You can view and edit the statements prior to approving and transferring them, or you can elect to approve the file immediately without viewing or editing any statements.

View and Edit Statements

Next/Prev Statement
Click Next Statement or Prev Statement in the Action Column to scroll through the statements in the file.

Add/Chg Notes
Click Add/Chg Notes in the Action Column to add individualized notes or edit the existing notes on the statement. After you select this option, a dialog box displays with any aging messages or other notes generated by the statement program. You can edit or delete the existing notes or add new notes. If the patient has a multi-page statement, you must be on the final page to enter notes.

Click Print in the Action Column to print the current statement. NOTE: The statement prints in the standard paper statement format and not in the electronic format as they do when they are printed at CGM.

Click Discard in the Action Column to delete an individual statement from the statement file. When the file is approved and transferred to CGM, any discarded statements will not be forwarded to CGM. If you use the function to post a 'Statement Sent' adjustment code to the patient's account each time a statement is sent (see CGM webPRACTICE Default Values), this is automatically reversed off the account, if you discard before the file is approved. If you discover that you need to discard a statement but have already approved the file (but not transferred it yet), you can Unapprove the file, discard the statement, and the adjustment is still reversed off the account. The patient's name is also deleted from the Statement Register. When you discard a statement from the electronic statement file, the last statement date on the patient's account is changed back to reflect the last date a statement was generated.

After you are done viewing or entering notes and you are ready to send the statements, click Approve in the Action Column. When the message, "This statement file has been approved for transfer." displays, click OK. The File Status field in the Statistics section is updated to Approved and the Approve button in the Action Column toggles to Unapprove. You can change the status of a file as many times as needed prior to transferring the file. Files must be approved before they can be transferred to CGM.

If you are creating statements for multiple databases and want to send them all to CGM within one 'transfer', do not click Transfer until you have created and approved the statement file for each applicable database. After approving the file in one database, you should exit the statement function and switch to the next database to be created. Only proceed with transferring your statement files when you are in the last database you need to create statements for and have approved the last file.

After you have approved your statement file(s), click Transfer in the Action Column. This function prepares and automatically sends the statement file(s) to CGM.

Click History in the Action Column to display a summary list of every electronic statement file that has been created and/or transferred in CGM webPRACTICE including the file name and date it was transferred. You can re-transfer a file or view the individual statements in a file by selecting the file. To select a file, click anywhere in the row containing the file information.

After you have selected a file, you can only re-transfer, view, or print statements. The Add/Chg Notes and Discard functions are unavailable.

You should use this function when you need to re-send a file to CGM that has previously been sent. Select a file from the History summary list and then click Re-Transfer to send the file to CGM. The file is sent immediately.

NOTE: If you send statements electronically for multiple databases within one 'transfer' or on the same date: