Cue Cards Desktop Tool

With the Cue Cards Desktop Tool you can create 'note cards' to store and access important information to ensure proper billing or other procedures are followed. You can create cue cards for Billing Groups, Insurance Carriers and Insurance Groups. You can also create cue cards for the 'Other' category, which are generic in nature, but specific to your practice. For example, 'Other' Cue Cards could contain a specific doctor's scheduling guidelines, lists of provider ids, or an internal practice policy or procedure.

Cue Cards can be accessed from every menu, function, and page by clicking Cue Cards in the Action Column. You can also select to display the Cue Cards functionality on the User Desktop. For more information, see Desktop Configuration. Click Select Patient to select a patient account. Click the Cue Card you want to view.

The types of cue cards displayed depend on the information stored on a patient's account. Any cue cards related to the selected patient's billing group, insurance carrier, and any insurance group the carrier belongs to, are listed. Every cue card in the generic 'Other' category is also listed.

For information on creating cue cards, see Maintain Cue Cards under Managed Care Menu, Cue Card Management Functions.