Desktop Configuration

You can change the appearance and functionality of the User Desktop for each user.

-Click the Desktop Configuration icon in the upper-right corner of any quadrant to select which Desktop Tools display in the four sections of the User Desktop.

The CGM webPRACTICE Desktop Configuration dialog box contains four fields for selecting the desktop tools, schedule, or dashboard. The quadrant icon next to each Show field represents one of the four available sections on the User Desktop. The position of the cream-colored square in the quadrant icon indicates which quadrant is controlled by that option. Select which tool you want to display in that quadrant from the drop-down list. You can indicate how often (in seconds) the information should be 'refreshed' using the Refresh field for the Dashboard, Task List, Inbox, and Schedule tools.
To include the Announcements section at the bottom of the User Desktop, select the Show Announcements check box.

The available desktop tools are:  
* Access to the Practice Vitals Dashboard is provided if the Allow Practice Vitals check box has been selected in Maintain Users under System, User Management.