Maintain Cue Cards

With the Maintain Cue Cards function you can create and maintain cue cards. The data contained within cue cards is entirely under your control and specific to your practice. For more information, see Cue Cards Desktop Tool.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Cue Card Type Select a cue card type from the Cue Card Type list. 2

A list of every cue card under the selected category displays. Only one cue card can be created for each individual Insurance Carrier, Insurance Group and Billing Group, while multiple cue cards for the Other category may be created. The Insurance Carrier and Billing Group cue cards are stored under the actual insurance carrier and billing group codes. The Insurance Group cue cards are stored by the Group Number field, which pulls from the group number entered on the patient's Insurance Policy Information screen. The Other cue cards are assigned free text names and may be accessed through any patient's record. They are used for generic information specific to the practice and are not necessarily specific to a patient.

If you hover over an entry, the entire Cue Card Detail text displays.

Print Cue Cards
To print a cue card, click Print in the Action Column. Different search ranges display depending on the selected category. Leave the fields blank to print all cue cards in the category.

Whenever the Insurance Carrier, Billing Group or Other cue card types are selected, select the codes with which to start and end the report, or leave the fields blank to include all cue cards within that type. When the Insurance Group cue card type is selected, select the Insurance Carrier and the Insurance Group. If any insurance carriers have cue cards defined, a list displays for you to select from the list.

The report includes the cue card name, description and any text entered.

Add Cue Cards
To add a new cue card, click Add in the Action Column.

Billing Group:
A new cue card with blank fields displays.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Cue Card Type This field is informational only and reflects the selected Cue Card Type.   15
Billing Group Type the code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table. 15
Associated File Click Attach File to browse documents to attach to this cue card. After you attach the file, the name and file path display, but will be unavailable from this field. You must view the actual cue card to open the file.   1
Associated Web site Type the website address that you want to be able to access from this cue card. The address must begin with either http:// or https://. Click Verify website to ensure that the address leads to the website.   1
Cue Card Detail Type any free text information pertaining to this Cue Card.   70*11

Insurance Carrier:
A new cue card with blank fields displays.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Cue Card Type This field is informational only and reflects the selected Cue Card Type.   15
Carrier Code Type the code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table. 15
Associated File Click Attach File to browse documents to attach to this cue card. After you attach the file, the name and file path display, but will be unavailable from this field. You must view the actual cue card to open the file.   1
Associated Web site Type a website address that you want to be able to access from this cue card. The address must begin with either http:// or https://. Click Verify Web site to ensure that the address leads to the website.   1
Cue Card Detail Type any free text information pertaining to this Cue Card.   70*11

Insurance Group
A new cue card with blank fields displays.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Cue Card Type This field is informational only and reflects the selected Cue Card Type.   15
Carrier Code Type the code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table. 15
Insurance Group Type the group number for this specific group. This number must match the number in the Group Number field on the patient's Insurance Policy Information screen or CGM webPRACTICE will be unable to locate the patient accounts for this insurance group and cue card. 15
Group Description Type a description of the group, which is generally an employer or association. 15
Associated File Click Attach File to browse documents to attach to this cue card. After you attach the file, the name and file path display, but will be unavailable from this field. You must view the actual cue card to open the file.   1
Associated Web site Type a website address that you want to be able to access from this cue card. The address must begin with either http:// or https://. Click Verify Web site to ensure that the address leads to the website.   1
Cue Card Detail Type any free text information pertaining to this Cue Card.   70*11

A new cue card with blank fields displays.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Cue Card Type This field is informational only and reflects the selected Cue Card Type.   15
Cue Card Name Type a brief name for the cue card.   15
Brief Description Type a brief description of the cue card.   50
Associated File Click Attach File to browse documents to attach to this cue card. After you attach the file, the name and file path display, but will be unavailable from this field. You must view the actual cue card to open the file.   1
Associated Web site Type a website address that you want to be able to access from this cue card. The address must begin with either http:// or https://. Click 'Verify Web site' to ensure that the address leads to the website.   1
Cue Card Detail Type any free text information pertaining to this Cue Card.   70*11

Associated File and Associated Web Site
When you add an Associated File or an Associated Web site to a cue card, Open Associated File and/or Open Associated Web site options display in the lower portion of the cue card. When you click Open Associated File, the file automatically opens. When you click Open Associated Web site, a new Internet Explorer window opens and goes directly to the website.

Delete a Cue Card
Click Delete in the lower right corner of the screen to automatically delete a cue card.