Updates or Service Pack Installation Steps
Prior to installing any updates or service packs, it is imperative that
you have a current 'tested' backup of your system just in case your system
is damaged during the installation process and needs to be restored. (For
example, the power could go out in the middle of the installation.) For
information about backing up your system, see Backup
Policy under the Introduction, System Processes section of
If you choose to install the service packs manually, you should install
them during CGM webPRACTICE's regular customer service hours, so that
someone will be available to assist you if need be. You should always
install any updates during regular customer service hours as well.
Steps for Installing an Update
- Have every workstation log off of CGM webPRACTICE.
- Install the update using the Install
Update or Service Pack function, located on the System, Maintain
Software Updates menu.
- Verify that the CGM webPRACTICE Version number has been updated
using the Display
Version Number function, located on the System, Maintain Software
Updates menu. If it does not contain the latest Version number,
the installation was not fully successful and you should contact CGM
webPRACTICE customer service.
- After the update installs, the latest service packs will update
automatically. This takes approximately ten minutes.
- Verify the CGM webPRACTICE Version number has been updated using
the Display Version
Number function, located on the System, Maintain Software Updates
menu. If it does not contain the Version number listed in the file
name that was downloaded, the installation was not fully successful
and you should contact CGM webPRACTICE customer service.
- Inform every workstation they can log back on to CGM webPRACTICE.
The installation process is complete.
- Complete the Update Notification Form and return it to your
Account Manager.
Steps for Installing a Service Pack
- Have every workstation log off of CGM webPRACTICE.
- On your CGM webPRACTICE server, install the service pack file using
the Install
Update or Service Pack function, located on the System, Maintain
Software Updates menu.
- Verify the CGM webPRACTICE Version number has been updated using
the Display Version
Number function, located on the System, Maintain Software Updates
menu. If it does not contain the version number listed in the file
name that was downloaded, the installation was not fully successful
and you should contact CGM webPRACTICE customer service.
- Inform every workstation they can log back on to CGM webPRACTICE.
The installation process is complete.