Print Collection Roster

With the Print Collection Roster function, you can print a report of the accounts that are currently in the collections process.

This report can be used to generate a DMS List. To activate this function add the report to the DMS Report Integration function.

Upon accessing this function, the Print Collection Roster screen displays.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Sort by Collection Status If you want the report sorted by Collection Status, select this check box. 1
From Collection Status Type the code you want to begin with, select a code from the Collection Status list, or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table. 3
Thru Collection Status Type the code you want to end with, select a code from the Collection Status list, or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table. 3
Alpha or Numeric by Patient Select the option to print the patients alphabetically by last name or numerically by account number. 1
From Patient Type the patient name or account number that you want to begin with or leave the field blank to start with the first account. If you selected the Alphabetic sorting option, this field (if entered) must be alphabetic. If you selected the Numeric sorting option, this field (if entered) must be numeric.   30
Thru Patient Type the patient name or account number that you want to end with or leave the field blank to end with the last account. If you selected the Alphabetic sorting option, this field (if entered) must be alphabetic. If you selected the Numeric sorting option, this field (if entered) must be numeric.   30
Worked or Unworked Accounts Select the option to indicate which accounts you want to include in the report.   1

Sample Report